What is your ideal tax-plan?
What is your ideal tax-plan?
100% jew tax
flat tax with a standard deduction, if your income is less than the standard deduction you get tax credits at some rate less than 100%, that way every additional dollar of income rewards you all the way up so there's no point at which it makes more sense to not do productive work.
Invade other nations, force them to pay us tribute.
Zero tax for my citizens.
not paying for illegals and niggers on welfare.
5-10% sales tax collected at a county and state level. That's absolutely ALL.
flat is justice
Flat tax, with no deductions.
No taxes. Taxation is theft
>finance current budget year via 5% return single year T-bonds only available to individual taxpayers and states
>Pay off last year's T-bonds by apportioning costs to states
This system is the best possible. It ensures a balanced budget every damn year. If the Federal government goes crazy on spending the states feel the pain instantly and act to curb that spending. States will act as laboratories for taxation, each one choosing how they meet their apportioned responsibility. IRS is completely dissolved as there is no longer a direct tax on citizens by the Federal government.
Followed by a 0% goy tax
How are you going to fund the military?
Is that 100% of annual income or net-worth? Or something completely different?
Income is voluntary and comes with privileges like voting. Depending on how crypto currencies develop sales tax might not make much since anymore.
Do what Calvin Coolidge did. And flatline federal spending.
6 Pints of Aryan blood per aryan
Repeal the 16th and outlaw direct federal taxes.
Believe it or not, we haven't always had taxes. I would be just fine with the "primitive" close knit communities in which we used to live. The problem with the modern system is the enormous unknown gap between source and spending. There's nothing wrong with helping your neighbours, there is something wrong with this very impersonal and inhuman system of resource extortion which probably won't even be spend in your area.
>What is your ideal tax-plan?
no tax! all negro and feminists die off in a month with no food stamps or section 8 housing in winter! All white America re-elects Trump dynasty for 1000 elections
fake news
My five taxes program:
1.- SemiFlat tax between 18-24%(24 is 33% more than 18)
2.- Tariffs on imports
3.- An anti- oligopoly/monopoly tax according to market share and other parameters for corporations.
4.- A tax on consumption of goods/services(or corporations that produced them) that poor people should not spend their money on and then whining about how little money for food and housing they have: tv, phones, computers, cars, films, videogames, sport events, expensive clothes, non-science books, etc
5.- A 35%(min wage)-75%(96k) arithmetically progressive tax on people that support wealth redistribution
All taxes (except for sin taxes) should be replaced by a single sales tax (or VAT). Completely eliminate the income tax, corporate tax, social security tax, etc. The sales tax rate should be automatically raised/lowered to cover the amount spent in the previous year, with an allowance for surplus/deficit depending on the state of the economy. Everyone pays sales taxes at an equal rate (as opposed to something like an income tax), so the burden of any additional spending is distributed equally.
0% tax for everything and everyone.
Any tax system is good as long as the taxes go where they should. Taxes should be collected to serve common good, not for personal enrichments.
The problem with tax is mainly one thing: that people don't store the money of collected taxes publicly. If you want to make tax system perfect you would additionally also allow people to vote-set the height of certain taxes.
No matter what tax system you create if you don't control the money reserves, don't even know the sum of money being collected and don't set the tax, then every tax system can be exploited no matter how perfect.
Whichever tax policy Aragorn is using
If I was in charge we would only have vice taxes and environmental taxes. We should stop taxing the stuff that we want more of like income and sales and start taxing the stuff that we want less of, like degeneracy and pollution.