Kike LARPing as a muslim.
whats california's wahabbist catch-phrase for 'part and parcel'
>San Francisco
Good. Commies getting killed. Starting 2018 off right.
OH NO Not San Francisco!
They said it was a minority. So yes.
based. fuck commies
die sodomites
That's what I said when my gf was giving birth. Baby was half Asian.
God Damn it, Jo Sul, how could you do that to me?
Only 7 injured. None dead. This will not make the news.
fake. this kind of thing doesnt happen in 2018
7 injured. Will the religion of peace strike again?
Old Black Deliver Driver who screwed up his insulin dosage and DFO'd.
SF? probably a dark white male
>current year is the current year for less than 24 hours
>already the first happening
This year is gonna be great
Happy New Year
I'm not sure if I should be happy that commies died or happy that their pets killed them. Either way 2018 is starting off great.
These happenings are getting kinda boring, aren't they? Not even the Vegas shooting felt like that big a deal.
I need like a nuclear launch or an invasion to get proper HAPPENING hyped at this point.
Last year 40 people got killed in the night club attack in turkey
Was it a white family?
vegas happening was fun while it was going on
>Old Black Deliver Driver who screwed up his insulin dosage and DFO'd.
most likely scenario. A day after drinking, the diabetus is working hard...
Everything after the Trump election has been okay to good at best, for me at least.
>Can't get high on normal happening
>Needs greater and greater amounts of carnage to be satisfied
>Dreams of nuclear Armageddon
You need happening rehab
>people dying in a third world country
big if true
>dark white male
Kek’d thank you user
>people in turkey
CA wishes it was nice enough to be considered third world
Wow, its nothing.
"High rent and taxes are a small price to pay for adversity"
B-but I thought this only happened to Euros and Brits?
W-why didn't they use their guns?
>Last year 40 people got killed in the night club attack in turkey
Why should i care? Sandpeople killing sandpeople hardly is a happening
Probably cuz it's San Francisco, you fucking moron.
San Franciscans don't have guns.
>San Francisco
Constantinople is european
>ITS LE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
South Park was right, San Francisco is more like a European city
>"into pedestrians"
>still interprets it as a terrorist attack
Sup Forums is retarded.
so what good is the constitution faggots?
But all Americans here told me they are overloaded with freedom and would just "shoot the mudslime dead lol"
So you can't shoot the mudslime terrorists dead? Why were you lying to me?
I thought you free and brave Americans would never let this happen, you know, being all heroic and all
Why didn't your super awesome military style police bust a round in this guy the moment he started acting strangely?
I guess you are all blowhards.
nice link faggots
>a fucking aqua fresh shill
Oh no, not San Francisco. Think of the innocent trans polysexual children
>Constantinople is european
Constantinople used to be european
skidded on poo?
>would just "shoot the mudslime dead lol"
they did in Texas. Here's your (you) though.
Explain your reasoning.
>pleasbewhite injures 7 commies
so are muzzies /ourguys/ or what?
Commies are useful idiots for Islam.
That's how they keep all the bix noods over the bridge in Oakland. Clever, in a kikish sort of way.
Jealous of our 2A bro?
At least they died doing what they loved, getting rammed.
You don't understand, liberals need unfettered whiteness to really focus on diversity and progressive values. They can think up plans to make the state more tolerant and improve the lives of PoC, then those concepts "trickle down" into actually diverse and impoverished areas
Half those faggots are masochists, so it only gives them a bigger boner for "inclusion" of "diversity".
Please be muslim! (Don't mean OP, the driver)
LA and SF need more attacks desu
happening is over
Use the catalog
Just like in Melbourne where it was "an unspecified medical problem"
He's an illegal and they're getting him hidden as fast as possible. Trucks don't "accidentally" hop curbs, drive down a sidewalk for a whole block, then ram a car.
Truck driver was Chinese and only spoke Cantonese according to the local news, so definitely illegal alien.
San Francisco....isn't that friendly fire?
Chuckled. Good one, leaf.
>But all Americans here told me they are overloaded with freedom and would just "shoot the mudslime dead lol"
We also constantly say just how fucking cucked California and jew york are.
California is a cancer upon this nation. There are very few guns to shoot mudshits dead with in that state.
Have a (you) anyway, you pakistani nigger.
5/10 got me to reply.
>news is reporting it now
It was just an undocumented dreamer who accidentally found the truck rolling downhill and jumped in to escape the alt-right fascists in SF.