German Police tweets in Arabic


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nothing weird about it

Can't wait until every German is a somali


So progressive :')

Makes sense, since that’s the language of the criminals in Germany.

t. 56% IQ89 manlet


all answers (yesterday)

So the general consensus was negative? Looks like it based on the pics and emojis

just just google translate plugin
very usefull!

Its the great sand nigger invasion.

What a shitty thing to say. Neck yourself.

Didnt know german twitter users are this red pilled

a lot of pol users there

Whatever it says, it's sort of an apology to the muzzies because everybody knows the police were there for muzzies. Probably Merkel's idea, no big deal.

based. germany will try to kill kikes, again



> Polizei NRW
ah, that's why.

>in america theyd lose their job for insinuating that shitskins are the main problem

actually i'm chink. thanks for taking one for the team europe-stan!

Maybe it's a good idea to learn Arabic at this point. Chinese too

>Arabs are swarming my country and raping my women that means more anti Semitism fucking based!!!1!

You fucking stormniggers are the biggest cucks on the planet


yeah, but we have our muslims on lockdown. relatively. meanwhile you're going to give them nukes. the entire continent of europe's nukes are going to be pointed at israel, lmao

i appreciate your contribution towards solving the JQ

Indifferent. Arabic is the de facto language of Germany afterall.

How long til pure blood germans are put onto reservations?

>Can't wait until every German is a somali

I've also noticed that whenever there are worldwide Muslim happenings like the Jerusalem thing, Germany's always mentioned in a long list of Arabic countries. Kek the headlines were all "Protests erupt across Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Niger and Germany in response to Trump's Jerusalem statement"

it is germany's destiny to solve the JQ

New-Germany maybe

lmao. hitler's wish will finally be fulfilled, with or without ethnic germans

No, he is right. The German people chose this. They will never learn until they suffer the consequences of their actions

The irish are estimated to be a minority in their country by 2050.
Explain yourself.

>Scrolling through the responses
>Antifa flags, soyboys, nu-males

>All these comments about German still being the language of Germany/NRW.
There might still be hope.

we never loose hope

non-whites won't be so kind as to put us on reservations.

can you send a few nukes israel's way while you're at it?

we gave our submarines to israel as a "gift"

ooo, i like ^^

Germany was a mistake.

Germany has no native culture and no native language.

it hurts right in my wursttaco

to battle germany was a mistake

>Makes Race Science Virtually Impossible
>Makes Nationalism a fringe belief
>Makes White Nationalism a Taboo belief
>Destroys any hope of Europe becoming a Superpower again due to exhaustion
>Turns Germany into a cucked state
>Turns Europe into the Middle East
>Divides Christianity
>Sacks Rome
>Hosts the worst jews like (((KARL MARX)))
Fuck off kraut the world is better without Germany.

reveal your flag, hanshammad

educate yourself

>educate yourself
Notice how you did not refute my arguments.

yes, to lazy to tell you the history of the last 75 years.

Good. The more authorites tries to push their agenda on the population, the stronger the backlash will be.

Merkel is literally summoning Hitler.

It's just a list of towns and saying nice new year to the people in those towns. I just can't figure out what Walifrakuzn is supposed to be.

Never mind, the Germans didn't space the Arabic properly. Leverkusen is the town. I transliterated it as Lifrakuzn.

>Division of State
>Fucks up Europe
>Goes back to division
I like how you krauts enter this cycle autistically throughout history.