How were people 100 years ago able to create beautiful architecture when today if we try to replicate...

How were people 100 years ago able to create beautiful architecture when today if we try to replicate, it would bankrupt you?

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>traditional architecture will bankrupt you
Where the hell did this meme come from

Traditional architecture is undeniably more expensive than modern architecture but not to the point that it's totally unaffordable. It's completely achievable within the confines of a reasonable budget.

>How were people 100 years ago able to create beautiful architecture

Fat feminists ate the beautiful architecture

The jews didnt have the FED back then and central banks to take everryones money and buy everything and ruin it like they do today with everything.

Fucking hell I walked past that last night. Some bitch threw her self off the top of that about a year ago.

Businesspeople are cheapskates now, and whine endlessly about their profit margins while raking in money hand over fist. 100 years ago they were more honest about earning wealth and wanted to show it off, instead of pretending to be poor and barely scraping by while their money all goes into investments and overseas funds.

Any architect fags got an answer to this? What the hell is going on? Every time I see something being built, I'm disappointed when it turns out to be ANOTHER rectangular strip mall

Demand side: fewer shareholders more proud of, and personally connected to, their fewer investments
Supply side: no unions to octuple the price of construction in large old, established cities

Unions haven't been relevant for 30 years. They're not particularly more expensive than non-union work, and these days it really doesn't make much difference since unions no longer care about apprenticing people into trades and retaining the best talent, nor do they care about negotiating anything with the employer.


>its yet another "architecture student whines about anything that isn't 100% covered in hand-carved flowers and costs 50 trillion dollars" episode

Aside from religious edifices, buildings are functional shelters for various activities. That's it.

labour is fucking expensive nowdays. Stone masons and solid wall plasterers worked long hours and in dangerous conditions and they were cheap enough that you could hire loads of them.

If you're going to build something that's not a fucking warehouse at least make it look aesthetically pleasing

The funny thing is that Bauhaus modernism is what killed the artisans. No wonder they charge so much now: they're an obscure breed.

I'm not saying there aren't some horrible modern art "masterpieces" out there that should be bulldozed immediately, but you have to accept that nobody wants buildings that look like an Indian grandmother's knick-knack shelf. Buildings can look cool without all that stupid shit.

Living in places that look like communist shitholes makes people want to kill themselves.
Beautiful environments are a pretty important and yet neglected aspect of life.

Yep ,not even a fucking street corner is safe anymore!
I quit.

If I had to walk around and all the buildings looked like a Victorian LARPing poofter's boudoir, I would want to kill myself.

That's cause you're more than likely a kike

I remember working retail in school and having my manager lecture me that this chain wasn't making any money which is why they couldn't afford to turn the heating on in the staff lounge (they were making billions).

Does this make you want to kill yourself?

100 years ago people still knew that beauty is to be admired and weren't ashamed to say it. Now everything is beautiful and you're a bigot if you disagree.

Fat american does not want to walk.


because bottom pic is easier to build and less costly. Both buildings serve the purpose of holding people its just that one is cheaper and better

The fuck? It's about three stories high.

The fancy ironwork railing is too much IMO. That's where shit starts going into faggot territory. The rest of it is completely fine.

>this is your brain on capitalism

>nazis destroy historic locations and museums like ISIS does
>loot all the valuables like those mudslimes do
>all of urop in ruins
>everything is now brutalist garbage

t. germany

>faggot territory
confusing proper aesthetics with faggotry

Yeah she clipped the ledge on the left and that sent her into a spin. Landed head first.

www dot

>tfw Europe was razed to the ground twice in 30 years
>tfw tens of millions of European lineages extinguished in just two wars

>in ww1 the british had a system where people from the same town would be in the same platoon
>whole towns worth of men were wiped out in a single moment

Hi, Nanaw!

Inflation (jews you idiot)

>Traditional European architecture makes me want to kill myself.

That's because you're barely even 56%.

because skilled masons and craftsman have gone extinct

there are only a small percentage of the entire worlds population that can call themselves master mason, glass blower, craftsman, welder, fitter, etc

all the kids got sucked into pencil pushing jobs and the knowledge is dying off with the old men dying alone in nursing homes

its considered Art now by the few that can do it and they charge alot

>From the same town
Sound comfy.
Too bad the men in charge threw them into the enemy like worthless garbage.

>Traditional architecture is undeniably more expensive than modern architecture

Not true. All that wierd geometry that modern archetects love is also ridiculously expensive.

Because it relied on craftsman and skills that haven't been passed down

>Comparing Cronenberg to Eli Roth

Also not true. We do still know how to make it, and still train tradesmen in how.

>Both buildings serve the purpose of holding people its just that one is cheaper and better

you could say the same about the mud hut...

concrete is not actually better to live in. it's unhealthy to you. read it up

I don't deny the tradesmen still exist, but they don't exist in sufficient numbers to make building entire new neighborhoods like that viable

fuck man looks exactly like montreal for the lower class

Post pictures of traditional architecture so this faggot will hurry up and off himself.

>I don't deny the tradesmen still exist, but they don't exist in sufficient numbers to make building entire new neighborhoods like that viable

Yes they do. Any properly trained trademen (of which there are many) has been trained in how. The techniques are not witchcraft.

beautiful aesthetic cities drain psychic powers from the jews

for the jews to be strong all the cities of the world must be ugly, plain, revolting, and interchangeable

beauty is the jews # 1 enemy because it robs them of their ethereal power

we also have better tech now so it kind of balances out.

Hello, I am a trade worker and an old mason met me know why these buildings are dead

Traditionally they have a granite water table, the rest of the building usually is a form of limestone and other decorative stones.

These are not built this way anymore because basically stone is so expensive becusse of taxes and other regulations involving stone quarries and the sale of stone and modern building regulations are so stringent that they can no longer be built this way.

I work in the electrical trade but I am very familiar with masonry in a historic sense.

The building on top is going to kill everyone inside during an earthquake

There is no reason you can't use modern materials to create traditional architecture. Building technology has improved in many ways, no one doubts that. It's aesthetics that have gone down the drain.

Cheap labor. no benefits, no health insurance, no lawsuits if your horrific conditions cost your workers their lives.

It was a libertarian wet dream.

Does this building look new? I don't know. Old architecture seems to work in modern world.

Several million kikes wasnt worth the deaths of our european brothers.

Yeah that was especially bad in WW1 especially in the battles in the middle east.

>Does this building look new?
Yes, but only because it's still got that factory fresh look.

The windows on the spire ruin it. Otherwise it is decent enough.

Well true. That church is somewhere in China. They aren't only using modernistic style there.

This too, but time will solve the problem.

Kind of disappointing that the aren't using their own traditional styles. Traditional Chinese architecture is beautiful and so much of it was lost due to communism.

The free market in action. Function has superseded form.

Not all modern architecture is hideous, pic related.

Imagine living in that. It’s like heaven.

You seem to have attached the wrong pic. That looks like shit.

Looks like modern classical to me, but I'm no expert. Basically, it means classical shapes, but less ornaments.

Its too sleek i like tgat older buildings have that texture to them

Not all traditional forms are highly ornamented.

Taxes and corruption.

My old boss owned a bank and made millions per year, more in stock options, was worse a billion, and he LOVED to pretend he was poor, complaining about little 12 dollar purchases. It that a clinical thing?

Did he grow up poor?

>owns a bank

Sounds more like a Jewish thing.

I could build a roman temple by myself.

It looks like a scaled up McMansion.

yep. it's hideous.

You don't earn a billion dollars by wasting money on unnecessary purchases.

Yes he grew up poor. Not Jewish.

KEK. fucking leafs.

kek. how do you """""""""""""""""""""""earn"""""""""""""""""""""""" a billion dollars?
I think you're retarded.

You def don’t become rich by be a miser either. Because I know plenty of poor people who freak about money.

A dollar saved is a dollar earned- it can become obsessive, seeing your net worth get as high as possible

kek. Thanks for that bit of realism bro.

Not being envious of the rich would be a good start.

12:30 - 14:15
>form following function

kek. Thanks for that bit of realism bro. Nice


> Where the hell did this meme come from

Who says old architecture has to be ridiculously ornate?

That's what happens when capitalism leads to "new money" taking over.

Agreed. They just don’t know how to be rich. We loose a lot when we push out groomed and polish families for youtube stars and other trash who have money but no sense of responsibility to ones culture.

Shut the fuck up 56%

seriously looks super cold like a fking clinic for the mentally insane

The only googd Imperialist is a dead one. Sounds like a good system to me.

Found the jew.

Relevant ID.

What the hell happened to the top image to tear down and build that retard post modern cancer?

I've been there before, extremely fucking nice
Rothenburg is overrated, you can get the same shit in Dinkelsbuhl and it's not nearly as crowded

If they made the sidewalks slightly bigger to have a space for landscaping or plants that would be really nice. In pic related, the buildings are very simple and plain, but the incorporation of trees and plants makes it much more pleasant.

still lacks personality that the original buildings had. looks like someone hit copy and paste a bunch. its a start though.

You fags dont deserve any better.

Quebec was a mistake

>nazis destroy historic locations and museums
Are you sure it wasn't the US Army Air Corps?