>The FBI has been able to view every single post you ever made on /pol and knows your identity.
>They come knocking on your door.
>"Sir, we need you to come out with your hands on your back with all guns unloaded".
>"We are afraid that hate speech can't go unpunished".
What do you do?
How would Sup Forums save themselves?
>you feeling lucky?
Comply the call a lawyer and sue the fuck out of them for violating my first amendment rights.
Detonate mines, deploy gas and open fire. It's all hooked up to panic levers around my property.
I'm literally never more than 5 seconds from combat ready.
Just shoot me fast fuckers.
Persuade the agents to defect to /ourside/
please tell me you are memeing.
wew she's cute
Ask them what jurisdiction they are operating under and remind them I am in England, therefore no funs for me.
I will not however be unloading my crossbow
They’ll get me in a rush, but not before a round slams through the nasal bridge of first guy through the door.
GL faggets. Body armor only protects things that are covered.
>t. IPSC shooter
show cbow
Binary explosive is legal in my state when unmixed. Currently it's unmixed.
Im innawoods in the middle of nowhere with my RWDS. They would have to trek through 20 miles of wilderness to get to me. I would assume that they where hostile just if they passed my no trespassing signs. I love alaska
Lock the bolts on my solid steal door, and tell the officers have fun trying to get through. Then I calmly collect my bug out bag and escape through the basement tunnel that leads to the woods. Spend the rest of my life as a hermit in the woods
>hate speech
That's not a very realistic scenario. Most countries that have hate speech laws already disarmed their citizens for all intents and purposes.
I take off all my clothes and walk out furiously masturbating.
I would watch them explode from the booby-traps.
>Officer shots penis after half way through masturbating
Sue them, then masturbate to all the moneys i now have.
Furiously start thumbing my asshole.
throw out my spoons, plaster my tv licence too my forehead, strip bollock naked step out and cry for all we had that we have lost, bongolia mon amour
>think I'm safe becase of being across the pond
>hear someone panting outside my door
>mfw it's a 3-step stone stair up to the door
>after a bit of panting some weak knocks on it
>"it's ... uh .. the fbi... uhh..."
>figure it's the neighbourhood's retard kid doing some practical joke shit and fake I'm not in
>nothing else happens for an hour, figure that was it
>mfw my house is taken out by air-support from outer space
This plus stream a webcam of the event to the cloud, my lawyer and, a friend out of country. When they can't explain the stormtrooper tactics for trying to inforce 1984 on me with no threat or history of violence on my part it will be their ass.
tell them that they'd better read again because all I do on here is make fun of knight larpers
I'd ask them why they were even in my country and ask if they wanted a coffee!