Remember that time a bunch of people got shot in Las Vegas?
Remember that time a bunch of people got shot in Las Vegas?
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I member
who cares lol
i bet you post on the_donald
I remember that time literally nothing happened, stop pushing your putin conspiracies.
I only remember a forced meme something to do with sushi
of course, op.
Thats strange, I have no recollection of such an event.
This is a lie.
Go back to browsing anime and posting Hitler, citizen. Nothing to see here.
Meanwhile, the MSM keeps bringing up Charlottesville.
No idea what you're talking about.
i do remember something about Russia... Rape... Russia... Rape again... Roy Moore raping puppies in an Alabama shopping mall and Russia though.
fucking comp that taco bell goddamn
I think comped means complimentary.
nope, never happened on my timeline
How else would I forget that more white males commit mass murders than any POC?
Did we ever get a motive?
Largest massacre in decades in an area as well covered with cameras as London city and yet nobody knows anything.
Wait, what massacre?
>more white males commit mass murders than any POC
I suppose you don't count chicongo or Baltimore etc, you are either a nigger or a jew
You miss the point; nogs kill more people overall, but individual white men get the highest scores individually. It's a quality over quantity thing
ALSO maroon 5's MANAGER died in the past two weeks he was the BROTHER of JONAH HILL
JONAH HILL's REAL NAME is Jonah Hill Feldstein
PADDOCK WAS UPSET WITH THE NEW REBOOT OF THE POWERPUFF GIRLS BUT GENERALLY HE WAS A MIND CONTROL SLAVE, possibly a pedo too, who the fuck likes power puff girls in their 40s? except pedos or maybe parents who have kids that watched it...
El monstroto ~ your dum sandy hook conspiracy don't interest the world populace
> vegus never happened
Die with your rage!
forced meme
everyone knows what happens in vegas stays in vegas.
>claimed that he and his brother were smarter than the average bear
>is a fucking idiot
I member.
I have no memory of that which you speak, OP. Did you see the sportsball game tonight. What did you think of the latest Star Wars? Welp, back to my vidya.
noticed saturn in the sky in the background, saturn is very important in the occult
Rose Bowl is breddy gud right now
It's a creepy video huh? I hate the song. It feels like mind control.
How does one explain the timing?
yea nothing came of it though cause it went against the media narrative. in this case it was a wacked out leftist who hated trump enough to literally murder whites at a country music festival. if that guy murdered a bunch of blacks at a rap concert the media would never stop talking about it.
>the (((((FBI)))) aka the armed wing of the DNC already knows the motive but refuses to release it before the 2018 elections, which means the massacre was politically motivated and could damage Democrats
Really activates the almonds.
my wife and her son are enjoying the bowl games right now. I should be allowed back into my man cave by morning. Back to the kitchen to clean up, her little Jerome love's my bean dip. Maybe while they are busy I can try her panties on in the mirror.
Yeah, some dumb white guy killed a bunch of random white people. This was just the beginning of the subhuman culling, the Aryan race will take up it's golden throne atop the corpses of the impure.
Aryans > everyone else, including white people.
FBI was under Trumps finger when this happened, even us Aryans consider him to be below us, since he doesn't share the same intellectual traits as the rest of us. We've just been building him up to make our jobs easier in the future, he's nothing more than our puppet. Why do you think he turned on the Communists so fast after they helped him win the election, hmmmm?
The meme wasnt forced . It was comped
Yes, my fellow aryan. I concur.
Nice damage control, corrupt (((((FBI)))) Democrap shill. How does it feels your candidate got BTFO by a steak salesman?
Thought it was a botched assassination attempt on a Saudi prince? All that shit popped off with the leadership in Saudi Arabia just about the same time. Maybe not...
That was a long, long time ago.
I'm pretty sure all the facts are out, I just don't remember them.
1. I heard that Las Vargas Police officers possess their own crime scene. They don't have a big Dedicated unit like some big departments.
2. The hotel could have a vested interest in suppressing information due to law suits.
3. The gaming industry has a lot of pull in that town, because who donates to political campaigns.
4. Paddock owned 47 firearms, which he had been stockpiling since October 2016
5. The shooter's girlfriend, told investigators he would lie in bed screaming.
6. Paddock purchased 33 firearms, mostly rifles, between October 2016 and Sept. 28 2017
7. He targeted country western fans.
Looks like the guy from The Big Lewbowski.
The fact that it disappeared so quickly with very little anti-gun shilling kind of proves it was some sort of CIA/FBI arms deal gone bad.
I think it was anti trump rage
That,s why the media is ignoring it.
Remember the weekend at Bernie's?
Is he ok?
That or the Vegas police were fucking around or something.
It's pretty obvious that some people in law enforcement were up to something dirty. Maybe Paddock was down with them. Way too much money was going down, that's almost certain. Maybe they were trying to frame him. I'm getting JFK vibes
Using windows wtf
he ded nigga
Yes,-my fellow patriot. I concur.
Jesus fucking bullshit Christ. Paddock was a gun runner / FBI: Think Fast and Furious with Obama/Holder only now Saudi's. Window was blown out of the FOUR SEASON'S Hotel you fucks. That's KSA Prince Al Waleed, Bill Gates is a partner on 4 Season's Hotel. Chopper fired down on crowd as well as two other Luxor shooters.
The fuck is this nonsense I'm reading about Paddock and purchases...yeah, he was comped. FBI / Mafia funnels money through the casino via the 'card' you put in the slot machine. How else you think this Paddock fool gets paid for jobs finished? This shit led to the KSA coup and restructuring to the new Saud King.
Get on your horse Trump and blow the 9/11 Mossad/Saudi/Bush/Clinton's out of the water already.
I remember the event, but I forgot the thing that happened before that. You know, the thing they wanted us to forget so bad that they orchestrated this whole thing?
Well it worked pretty good I have to admit.
Paddock is a patsy. 100%
live till your sixties, 3 pictures taken your whole life never any with both your brothers
holy shit... the helicopters shooting
remember there was a heli flying around that time?
remember when campos left the country then showed up on timeline is this
Let me guess. They are reporting accurately that heart attack was the cause of death and that the driver was accelerating to escape a life-threatening attack by crazed leftists.
What the fuck?
They got comped a lead salad from Automatic Paddock
The flash is a reflection from the helicopter's strobe
Remember how the news got hushed when they started asking the also rich brother about his family? I remember
My guess so, or that he wanted out. Basically he and his brother probably were into some form of organised crime. That much doesn't take a genius. Guy is rich as hell and hangs out in shady places. Deals went down at the casinos. Corrupt cops come to him. They try to take advantage of him and cover up their own tracks by covering things up, paddock goes crazy and makes a big deal out of it then tries to escape.
I think the true story would reveal serious corruption. Cops and feds can't have that, so they cover it up. Paddock was a sick fuck but I think he'd been seriously manipulated and the point was to send a message.