Why are millennials so shit at everything?

Why are millennials so shit at everything?

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Is this a millennial hate thread? What's that phrase? Hard times create strong men. Strong men create easy easy times. Easy times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.
Millennials are weak men in this case. They grew up in a comfortable safe environment being pampered and spoiled. No sense of adversary or hard work, they are used to being praised for simply existed. Then they hit the real world and experience a shock.


who raised the millenials?
or didn't, i shoud say. kek

they were raised by spineless boomer cucks

#1 post #1

she's getting a grandma face.
I'm glad her time is up

Sorry my English is so suck.

In birthday , roommate makes surprise birthday.

Me at my room , he yells I cum fast, friends say surprise. Roommate and friends have cacke and juice and balloons.

Best roommate and birthday

Except the hard times started even before most Millenials graduated high school. The Millenials only crime is being born when they were.

right it's millennials who ruined the workforce and not boomers who created this whole nightmare where gen x just barely squeezed by and left millennials with nothing to work with but a system designed by and for kikes and blacks

Never forgetti

Where does Gen X fit into this?

>most comfortable period in recorded human history
>no world war or economic collapse to speak of
>hard times

L.M.A.O. This is why everyone thinks your generation is a joke.

I'm hoping to leave my current white collar job soon for a more prestigous/ higher paying job elsewhere. If my company thought it could make more money without me, they'd give me the boot. But if I thought I could make more elsewhere after a year I'm immature and selfish if I do it? Boomers are retards and the worst generation

Millennials suck so much ass. The sooner they and their 'safe spaces,' selfie sticks and fifty genders cease being the relevant 20-somethings, the better.

>Why are millennials so shit at everything?

they were "raised" by whites who achieved utopia but decided to turn it into a mongrelized hellhole instead because they had "nothing to rebel against", literally a stillborn generation dead in the water who can only redeem themselves and find freedom and purpose by killing their own "parents"

It's probably because people who whine about new generation being shit had easier time in an easier world and they think time has stood still since their 20's.


You ready to give up your video games, internet,smartphones, and 50 inch tv's first? Yeah didn't think so.

I'm Gen X. We fucked this up. The first PC wave happened on our watch back in the 90's. It quickly died off and became a butt of many jokes for years to come. However, it entrenched itself in the academe.


Get fucked kikes, I'm not your slave.

>It quickly died off and became a butt of many jokes for years to come.

Spacemoose springs to mind. Better times.

>Be male
>Women write articles about how toxic your masculinity is
>Become soyboy
>Adopt a meek, emasculated persona in order to appease your female co-workers
>Women write articles about how toxic your brittle layers of ironic dependency upon social media area


to be fair, space moose's writer was basically run out of the country...

I would say PC has been entrenched in the media since the 60s and in full control of the academia/political sphere since the 90's.

At least in canuckistan anyways.

Is this a dude or what? You fags post "her" all the time and i always assumed it was a tranny

aww, the shills are trying thos whole forced "boomer vs millenial" meme again.

good luck faggots

>most comfortable period in recorded human history
>no world war or economic collapse to speak of
>hard times
This accurately describes boomers.

People that say themselves suck, that their country suck or that their race sucks - THEY are all fucking cucks that truly do suck.

Stop being stupid and start working for yourself and your family.

>space moose's writer was basically run out of the country...
He's doing just fine mate, uh.edu/class/hhp/people/?id=16

Happy birthday user

Literally who?

Friendly reminder that Gen X is the subverted generation causing shit and blaming everyone else for the problems in the world.

Gen X didn't fuck this up. The Boomers had totally infused culture with PC by that point.

The two problem generations are the Boomers (socialists) and the millennials (idiots).

About a third of Millennials were born to Generation X parents. Around two thirds were born to Boomers. A small number of later Millenials were born to early Millenials and an even smaller number to Greatest Generation outliers.

>What is the 2008 housing Bubble crash?
>What is the Afghan/Iraq war?

We're hard MORAL times creating weak men.

Underrated post

>Let me just describe boomers and try to apply it to millennials
>Hey guys I made le funny meme again!

>Women are hard at work
>Man is too absorbed in his phone world to be of any use
How'd they get it so backwards?

Most insightful and true post ITT.

That's quite a trick they performed given that they're less than hf as large as Boomers or Millennials. How did this generation of supermen outdo two other generations of much larger size? It certainly wasn't by controlling the ballotbox.

All boomer scum and their worthless millennial offspring needs to be gassed.


I don't have any of those (apart from interet) stop projecting.


You should be happy that they ruining a workforce that just feeds parasitic bankers, politicians, government employees and all their third world pets.

Wow I didn't know the Millenials caused the Housing Crisis. Or bloated the Military industrial complex with two unpaid for wars in the middle East. Or overspend Social Security, and then push it on the younger generations.

The Baby Boomers were the weak made by the good times.

The stereotypical bugman, lol


My boomer VP cant figure out why millennials keep quitting. She doesnt understand you cant hire people with masters degrees at 50k a year, ask them to work 60 hours a week, then give them a 0.5% annual raise and expect them to work at a company for 20 years with no opportunity for advancement or promotion.

Watch Logan's Run. I think that movie was hinting at how to deal with boomers.

This seems to be a tried and true Boomer way of managing employees.

If I gave up all those things could I afford a house on minimum wage? The answer is still no

they're too spoiled and catered to
they don't understand the value of hard work

No but you see they just don't know the value of hard work

Oh it's this thread again. AGAIN you are blaming us, AGAIN you are harassing us!
WE ARE THE REASON people like you can enjoy all the wealth and hi-tech society!
WE ARE THE REASON. Basically you can't deny it!
WITHOUT US you can't function!
I don't want to see this kind of garbage here again, NEVER EVER are you doing to dis us again!

It's the entitlement mentality. The "everyone's a winner" ego stroking that has created an entire generation of people who think they are special and that their opinions matter just because they exist.

In the book they kill everyone at 18, which would leave only Generation Z.

The black man is also working diligently. Only the white male, with the numale look is goofing off.

>made up generations based off an arbitrary bracket of birth dates
Ok to generalize
>differences in people based off centuries of breeding in different environmental and cultural factors creating different and distinct subspecies

>hard work
Hard work = getting jewed by your employer. Go "above and beyond" come in early, work through lunch, stay late every night for what? A below market sallary, shit raise next year, and paltry bonus if any. Bitch actual tells people who ask for a raise "just be thankful you have a job". Boomers are fucking cancer and need to die already.

like this guy

>you can't afford a house because you bought a 400 dollar tv on clearance five years ago

>parents are pushing me through college because neither finished it
>I still haven't even begun to envision what the fuck I want to do for my life outside of rough ideas about what I could possibly do
>father straight up told me that once I'm out of college, I'll be able to get a job immediately and buy a house
I don't even fucking understand

That's fucked. I would be down for culling people when they reach 45.

>what a bunch of cunts being born into our shitshow

If you honestly believe a fair wage and not being asked to work without pay is entitlement, you're a big fuckin' retard

except that you're greatly oversimplifying things and have no understanding of history

where did I say that?

>most comfortable time in human history

That was the entire life of the baby boomers. We have it good in ways but the boomers are the ones who reversed the trend of hundreds of years of nonstop growth and prosperity and they're the first generation of Westerners to hand off their countries in worse shape than what they were given.

>The generation with the highest percentage of women in the workforce is shit
>It's because of "millennials"

Oh no, people realize that boomers are mostly cancer who pretend that the same socioeconomic conditions, that propelled them, also apply to all younger generations.

Hard work for a company that will dump you, when it's convenient, is a cuck's game. What you want is a higher social position.

It's not entitlement, it's realizing how rigged the game is. It's realizing that class mobility has abso-fucking-lutely stratified. You don't have the connections some other kid has and therefore you won't get the job. You apply to the state. You realize it's a sham interview process where the fucking manager faggots already had a candidate in mind (half-brother).

It's not entitlement to realize how entrenched nepotism is.

middle management

oh no, poor you, the system is rigged, might as well give up and kill yourself


Why do Boomers constantly shit on millennials for not buying into the usual kike shit they set up fifty years ago?
Millennials are shit, but millennials didn't turn the west to shit, they are a symptom not the cause

Boomers are mad that millenials realize how fucked the kike employers are and we wont play along. We have realize the only way to get a consistent pay increase and career advancement is to change jobs every 2 to 3 years.


>hire people with masters degrees at 50k a year
The going rate for Millenials is 5k a year part time gig internships.

Parents did same
Own two houses
Rent one out
30 years old
One child
Feels good man

I own 2 houses, have a 6 digits net worth, a family and I achieved all that with only a high school education, being born in a poor family and starting at minimum wage in a restaurant as a dishwasher (where I am now a manager)
plz tell me how I'm supposed to pity the entitled fags who complain about the "game being rigged"?

There's just a blockage going up. A lot of people just can't afford to retire so they stay and stagnate the works of the company so they can get paid, never mind that in the scale of an entire country worth of people like this this spells trouble.

As for 60 hours a week, I work that minimum. It sucks but the more I hustle the more I earn. I place enough into investments so that they can outpace my pay and I can GTFO. I know I cannot depend on upward movement to carve out a life for myself. It might not be there.

Currently gains are 16.7% of daily pay and rising by the week. I'm working like a goddamn autist to get that number close to 150%. It was 0.4% when I started three months back.

My day looks like this:
>wake up 0500
>walk/run/sprint to wake up
>clean up, no breakfast
>drive to work, eurobeat optional
>trade stock in the 80 second windows between tasks
>close out 10 hours later
>drive home, eurobeat recommended
>prep dinner in pressure cooker, clean up
>eat and prep notebooks
>trade crypto for extra gains, research where the good investments are for the next day
>set limits and stops
>/sig/ in spare time
>sleep at 2330-2350, 0200-0300 if qualityposts are found

I have no life but I'm working towards one.

>manager at a restaurant
>6 figures and 2 houses

>be boomer
>buy a car from paper delivering
>be a homeowner at 20
>Can live comfortably from most jobs
>Grow up In the glimmer of Victory with prosperity unimaginable to past generations
>leech of future generations
>Vote leftist
>Handouts to every Negro
>Blame the next generations for the world left behind

The fact that some people on here get nostalgic about the early 20th Century, a time with no Antibiotics should speak books about how fucked up shit has become

>1 post by this id
ill bite though
>be me
>be about to be homeless if i cant find ajob
>literally apply to 45+ places. From shit i was overqualified for and underqualified and tried to bullshit my way into a job
>3 places call back with no issue
>2/3 were places i was severely underquallified for and couldnt bullshit my way through the interview
>6 of them i was rejected because i called them and i guess somewhere on their app site it said not to call or was said that calling seemed like i was impatient and it was a bad trait that they didnt want someone with that quality there
>rest never heard anything back from
I ended up getting a job at a gas station. but by that point i was sleeping on a friends couch.

Faggot boomers dont realize millennials want to work but a good smile and attitude isnt all you need anymore. Finding a job is a job itsself.

>Implying that all millennial's are rich spoiled brats
>Implying that its the kids fault, not the spoiled parents who raised them on iphones and nice houses

You better be coming with a full basket with all that cherry picking.

Who educated and trained these people for their entire school lives? If you want to get at the problem that's not a bad start

Because you have survivor bias. And you're a canadian. You don't understand how awful it is to grow up in a metropolis and culture that poisons you mentally, physically, and socially.

There are a lot more people who have been absolutely failed by enforced state daycare (public education) where they literally learn no applicable skills while the public pays hundreds of thousands so a kid can learn fucking nothing and so school administrators can retire and molest underaged filipinos in Manilla.

As I've said, nepotism (in the US) has strangled social mobility in the past 4 decades.

dont believe me if you dont want to, some people are better at managing money than others.
all you have to do to get a second house is to have the first one rented, once you prove to the bank that money will flow in from the first house (with the lease paperwork), they lend you the money for the second. the system isnt rigged you idiots just dont know how to exploit it

Because we’re in our late 20’s/early 30’s but need 25 years experience for an unpaid internship.

It's not that I don't want to believe you, leaf, it's that you're just making up shit.

of course I'm making shit up, thats how I can describe to you exactly how the process of buying a second house works
stay poor idiot

Millenial here.

This is accurate. Jesus Christ guys, stop complaining about how you "can't afford a house" when you could move to a variety of cities (Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Omaha, etc) that have decent housing prices AND good jobs. If you live in SF or NYC yeah it'll be expensive as fuck but that's your choice.

Life is super easy right now, stop fucking it up for those of us that are working.

Wtf are you talking about? All I said is that the new generation (which I am part of) have an entitlement mentality, which is objectively true.
It does not relate to jobs exclusively but everything else as well. It's the entire frame of mind and way of seeing the world. They want instant gratification and anything that doesn't go their way is always someone/something else's fault. It is because most have been brought up with the "you are not the loser, but the last winner" bullshit. It has created an entire generation of young adults who act like petulant children.

As a millennial I fit in much more with gen Z.

Maybe I'll get a younger gen Z waifu

as millennial, other millennial workers are basically just disinterested in their profession. They prefer Snapchat and Instagram and Faceberg as priorities. They don't really dedicate much to their chosen craft, and therefore don't become experts or even acquire an adequate degree of competence and efficiency.

no sweetie, they just tell you that because you're insufferable whiny cunts

As someone who was constantly told to get a job by their father, who grew up with rich parents and prospered in one of the largest economic boom periods, its incredibly hard to get a job in the current market, especially for teenagers and young adults, who have nothing but participation awards and high school degrees to show for it. A lot of millennials work in jobs that are meant to be first steps into the job market for years, stagnating it and creating a standard that doesn't want a new work force, but those who have been working the same job for years, while millions of aging boomers and Gen X'ers reap in the benefits provided by the 401k plans that fuck over so many kids trying to get their foot in the door.

tl;dr: send your kids to a trade school and stay away from the east/west coast

Two women and a nigger, that workplace was already ruined.

>implying I give a toss about society's slave-labour """workforce"""

I look after me and mine and to hell with everyone else, if society wants to know why it has only to look at itself.