Richard Spencer has done more for the white race than all of Sup Forums combined.
Richard Spencer has done more for the white race than all of Sup Forums combined
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you spelled groyper wrong.
K. Don't keep me posted.
He refuses to admit the holocaust is fake even though all the evidence shows it never happens.
He also supports how the jews robbed the palestinians of their land and raped and murdered them to get it.
Groypers help shift the Overton window away from the left, the SJWs and the Marxists. For that I am thankful.
it's a good time to be thankful buddy
He actually hasn't, he's been embarrassing white people.
Given that Spencer at least browses Sup Forums, your idiotic statement takes the form:
> X>X+Y
kek pol has more nonwhites and halfshits then pure whites, so ofc spencer has done more
Spencer only made natsocs look like crazy people.
I'm sorry dude but you look like a cartoon villain.
>Richard Spencer has done more for the white race than all of Sup Forums combined.
What has he done to make the 14 words a reality?
What has he done exactly other than piss off a bunch of people and get punched in the face?
all he has done is get his supporters incarcerated and made black-mailing profiles on each of them, do you really think they are taking pictures of the crowds while he gives his speeches to get audience reaction shots ?
The only thing he has done for the white race is attempt to round us all up, By the way I am a White person and compared to me he has nigger complexion.
everytime I watch that video and hear his gay fucking voice and his low energy I cringe even harder
he is shill to make god emperor look back and would get rid of our BASED black magapedes
He is a shill
Why do these stormfags worship this faggot?
>tfw no cowtit russian wife
>Richard Spencer has done more for the DNC than all of Sup Forums combined.
Uhhhhhhhhhh...thought you tards didn’t like pedophiles?
Fact check: true
Race realism was always around, but White Nationalism has been mainstreamed significantly by his efforts
hes fat
You realize its gone more underground and now we are being opressed, Right ?
>He refuses to admit the holocaust is fake even though all the evidence shows it never happens.
There is no evidence that proves that it didnt happen though user. In fact, every single point deniers bring up is constnatly exposed as a lie and the only response you ever have is "f-fuck off jew!"
>There is no evidence that proves that it didnt happen though user.
>In fact, every single point deniers bring up is constnatly exposed as a lie
>and the only response you ever have is "f-fuck off jew!"
You believe the Holocaust happened despite never actually seeing any evidence for the Holocaust.
Jesus fucking CIA (((psyop))) Christ. If I read one more masturbatathon post about this cunt I'm gonna have to tell you all to kys again.
he is just another leftoid though
fuck your shitty bait
I don’t know, losing Virginia entirely to the democrats isn’t that much of a progress for whites.
spencer is a zionist jew plant and is a puppet made to discredit anyone who wants to be with their own kind, something that's natural and dickyboy isn't, he's the worst type of cianigger to ever exist, a fucking pathetic fame hogging shit eater like every goddamed jew on this rock
>thinks homosexuality is the last vestige of white identity
>not goth/new wave like the smiths or sisters of mercy
spencer is a leftist agent. clove cigarettes and clan of xymox are the last vestige of white identity. spencer can fuck off.
Nope, if anything he has set Sup Forums back.