So let’s put everything we know that’s happened in the last week or so together....
Airports losing power, GITMO visit by Mattis, pedophile arrests.... Anyone have anything to add? Feel free to leave archives I can dig into. MegaANON I started the outage thread last, sorry for the asses. Come back.... I have questions. Thank you.
Literally, WHAT’S HAPPENING???
MegaFaggot is a LARP.
There was some interesting poster on /ptg/ who seemed to have some insight into the Whitehouse. Signed off as 'm'. They said that on the 2nd of January something should be happening. Otherwise it was just a LARP.
Ok. Do you have anything else to add?
Yes. There's 9,289 indictments.
In /ptg/? Really? Hmmm
Get ready for martial law.
Marla Maples maybe.
PLEASE!!!! Don’t fuck with me, I can only get so excited
Trump’s Second wife?
Iran protests, most powerful party in Israel voted yes to annexing the rest of Palestine, Arizona National Guard military police being stationed in Gitmo, OVER 9000 Indictments sealed, 2 Jewish Billionaire families dying in (((mysterious small plane crashes))), Trump announces January as Anti Slavery and human Trafficking month...
Seems like shit is brewing faster than anyone has anticipated. Get fucking comfy lads.
Why do you think her? I mean I know for a FACT Tiff, their daughter shitposts here...
Pic related
A plane writting s.o.s.,
And a supermoon, hunter moon
Check. When/where was this?
Also check. Jewish families killed?
If you're implying that MegaAnon is a Trump and not a fucking LARPing shill you're retarded. I won't say why.
Lol. Wtf movie is that from?
> jewish families ded
Do you mean the bug PHARMA family in Canada where they were strung up in there pool?
I didn’t say that. Read the thread retard
I will need some help from other anons with the "when". But it was at Toronto Pearson International
You can't be indicted if you're (dead) :^)
*big pharma
And again in English?
Tertiary (late) syphilis seems to be your ongoing issue.
Neurological problems
Syphilis can cause a number of problems with your nervous system, including:
Hearing loss
Visual problems
Loss of pain and temperature sensations
Sexual dysfunction in men (impotence)
Bladder incontinence
Sudden, lightning-like pains
I suggest killing yourself before it gets worse.
nah this happened today. see
Well then add the Canadian Jewish billionaire family getting murdered in their empty pool
Are we sure these are all related?
no. I just copped that from a thread that archived.
Oh ok
Dont forget Rothschilds helicopter crash in England.
My last thread
That seems def related.
The Pianist
Im not sure of anything ever
Here is the link
I didnt think conspiracy theories need to make sense
This is true lol.
Yeah what was up with that? No Rothschilds were actually confirmed dead that I read about.
Idk. Q was LARPING something about that tho
Personally I would rather do her than Ivanka
When I read jewish billionaire family dead. It reminded me of that news story, doubt its connected in any verifiable way
You never know. My last thread Mega showed up. Hope she comes back
She the one with nice feet right?
FBIANON last night in a thread
Yes. But the shills drove her out. That and the fact that I cracked Q’s trip. I asked her if #Matlock made sense to her, she disappeared soon after
That was not FBI user in that thread you liar. Never even said that.
Then who was it?
My bad. You said FEDANON & ANON5
MegaAnon is a fraud. Never says one specific thing and you all eat it up like the shit eaters you are. Just speaks in generalities and acts smug. Fuck mega.
Pretty sure the Fed user was a LARP too.
this week was boring as fuck. you boomers don't know what a happening is. and enough with this pedo shit its annoying and pointless
Ok. Ty for your contributions
I’m not a GD boomer you fuck stick. KYS
Pointless like this hat?
By all means, call on MegaLARP. She'll tell you all about anti-gravity planes taking the bigfoots to Guantanamo.
Can you even get ankle bracelets in sasquatch sizes?
MegaLARP is in contact with the Blue Pleadians! Shut the fuck up bro! The Avian Shapeshifters are real!
E-prime clearly shows that its likely that they may or may not be real.
Woah this is mega, wealthy jews dying in plane crashes. something yuge is about to come out it seems and (((these))) people are trying to cover up tracks
Ok here's a contribution from me:
Something big is about to go down. I can't say what it is because THEY KNOW WHO I AM but when it happens you'll all know.
Things ARE NOT AS THEY SEEM and what you think you know about mysterious planes in the middle east will turn out to be not what you were thinking.
There you go. Perfect Mega post. Nothing of substance but everything perfectly vague. Get over it, Mega's just a role player & you bought into it.
Ok. Point taken.
Why not be quantum and hedge your bets? No harm in knowing things and verifying to be true or false later. Vague shit is to vague to verify so thats important to consider as well.
I’m not going to argue with him about stuff she’s said that comes to fruition. It’s pointless. He has his mind made up
Have you read it?
Pic related.. right after they brag about the charity work, they say they're major- league drug dealers.. they by-passed the embargo.. suitcases?
They're looking kinda shady, given what we've learned through pedo gate.
Faked their deaths, the fucking kikes are scared.
Back to the Future
Barry? Not Obama right?
Must be the third one. I love the first one. Barely remember subsequent ones
No, my purposr is to dump info that gives me a gut feeling. Other Anons are waaay better at digging than me.
Check if they were connected to Frank Griustra and the Radcliffe Foundation (shady as fuck, literal Canadian Jewish mafia).
Always tomorrow, never today
Oops typo
> Frank Giustra is a Canadian businessman, mining financier and philanthropist, who also founded Lionsgate Entertainment. From 2001 to 2007, he was the chairman of the (((merchant))) banking firm, Endeavour Financial, which financed mining companies.
Who this cunt? A lot of plane crashes lately, faking deaths...Seem very strange.
If you can provide a single specific prediction or significant leak Mega made that came to pass i'll happily reconsider my stance. But in all the Mega threads/archives i've read, it's all vague cold reading and lots of room for interpretation.
No, Barry and Honey Sherman. Found strangled to death in their empty pool, in Canada.. Jews.
A possibly related happening..
Hope the link works.. it's in this thread, up there.. it's the post I replied to.
It was said about 2 days ago. There have been a fair few interesting happenings but nothing groundbreaking just yet.
I'm waiting for that world changing happening that sends ripples through Western society. Hillary, Obama and John Podesta arrested, Comet Ping-Pong exposed on Fox. Release of 9/11 documents.
A man can dream.
Check. She knew Fox News was going to be sold, she knew Bannon was leaving before it happened and that McCabe was fired 3 weeks before it happened and lastly she said to watch Schumer. Well that was right too. He was sleeping with a teenage cheerleader, forced her to have 2 abortions, his wife paid her off. Now girl is dead.
Jan 2 was posted a week ago as a start date...not a giant ok corral shootout, but keep an eye on the news for signs of further deep state decline....
What does that have to do with anything you like shill?
Fuck yeah
It could have been, the poster commented on a picture of Marla and Trump stating 'good times :)'
Check. Oh no shit. I’ll have to look for it. You don’t have an archive do you?
Links for verification?
tfw I'm the user she replied to and I didn't ask her to hook me up with her daughter.
I want to see them damnit!!!
Oh noes, I got called a shill! What am I shilling here?
McCabe hasn't been fired. He's not wearing a monitor as she claims he is.
Schumer, come back around when you have anything more than rumors.
I guarantee you there will never be links for verification. MegaFaggot is a faggot.
this is all fake. you're bullshit.
McCabe, as we found out, recused himself like a week before the election. JIDF shills like George Webb and Jason Goodman have been focusing on trying to claim McCabe is a traitor, but he's not. MegaFaggot tried to say McCabe was a traitor as well.
Go to sleep faggot