atheism should be made illegal because if you don't believe in god, there is literally nothing stopping you from being evil and (worst case scenario) killing bunch of people
Atheism should be made illegal because if you don't believe in god...
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Ooo say can you see
>Hur dur, deism is the source of morality.
Fuck off you retarded cunt.
Amerimuts and their weird god. I will never understand it.
>religious people are incapable of making evil choices
>religious people need god to tell them raping and killing is wrong
what are you a muslim?
>muslims thinking those things are wrong
No, their god tells them thats alright.
It literally is. It is no coincidence that atheist countries like the USSR and China and North Korea committed horrific acts. Similarly, the "secular" West is extremely degenerate.
>muh no religion = no morality
>if you don't believe in god, there is literally nothing stopping you from being evil
>and (worst case scenario) killing bunch of people
>(worst case scenario)
And that's why the justice system doesn't use the concept of good and evil as a method of judging people.
Also what's to stop an atheist from passing off as religious?
And where does it show that atheists cause more crime? What about religious people causing less?
And why do you think, even for a second that people obeying social norms and laws has anything to do with religion, and not education and development?
read check mate, looks you're the one who's retarded
>atheist countries like the USSR and China and North Korea
No, bitch, you're talking about communism.
Atheism being part of communist doctrine is another thing and you know damn fucking well who put it there.
>you now remember that the Crusaders massacred every civilian in Jerusalem
Very atheist, these Crusaders
>Similarly, the "secular" West is extremely degenerate.
The most dangerous countries right now are extremely religious.
>If you just show people tolerance they'll become tolerant
Shut up fagget i learned all the morals i need from 80s cartoons
>implying that islamic terror groups and the westboro baptist church do not exist
>atheism should be made illegal because if you don't believe in god, there is literally nothing stopping you from being evil and (worst case scenario) killing bunch of people
Explain shitslamists.
A lot of people need to be killed though because there's only so much space on this planet and only so many resources.
There will be 10 billion people on this planet by 2050.
What happens when the resources have been depleted? We all starve to death. Humanity finished.
What is your god going to do to prevent this from happening? Nothing, as usual. And don't you dare think about killing some of the useless eaters off or you're going to burn.
God wants us to starve to death.
To start a religion, ask a sociopath to see what others are willing to believe is Really Actually True Somehow 4Seriously. That's where religions start. It's average decency that lets people rise above and turn religion into song.
(Personally, I'm more interested in what people who lie to others think constitutes a persuasive lie than I am in lying to the traditional victim populations.)
Hitler was atheist too
Religion should be made illegal because even if you believe in god, there is literally nothing stopping you from being evil and (worst case scenario) killing bunch of people
>Christianity should be made illegal because if you believe Jesus forgives all our sins, there is literally nothing stopping you from being evil and killing a bunch of people then saying sorry
OP you are this dum
Because religion was quite a thing in Nazi Germany. Hitler put a lot of emphasis on religion too.
>atheism should be made illegal
If it were made illegal then it would just be one more law added to the list I already break on a daily basis.
sure that's why the VAST majority of prison populations are religious you retarded nigger. 'belief in god' is meaningless, the cultural norms and moral values which have been passed down is what's important. anyone can believe in some perverted deity
>implying being religious keeps you from being evil
>"God made me do it" is the most common excuse for murder in the world
You're right. I want to kill and rape everyone.
You just sound like you are a cunt who fears god.
Evil still happens. The peado priests I bet they all say they believe in God.
Do you see now how this entire argument your are making sounds like a 14 year old trying to be a big boy on Sup Forums?
Must be a real piece of shit if the only thing keeping you from being bad is the fear of eternal punishment from your god. How about I don't need your god because I value life and respect my fellow man?
Morals are founded on biology and upbringing. They are not logical. Are you saying that if God didn't tell you you can't murder, you would do it? Are you a sociopath?
no they didn't, they ridiculed it and they showed the pagan and atheist way did far more for the people than the church ever did for europe.
that beltbuckle was only there to keep their pants up and to get everyone aboard, because the saying on that thing was ingraved for ages in people's mind.
in time middle eastern religion would dissapear from the people 's mind, the actually already started to stop mentionning religion and god to their younglings and the hitlerjugend and other youth organisations.
the whole SS was actually freed from it and turned back to their old gods and nature. You see this from the castles the SS owned.
the original is even sencorred now lol
so download the others for safekeeping i'd say.
>Believing evil exists
>Worst case scenario: Killing bunch of people
Low tier bait.
if only i saw this much earlier lol
so much don't tread on me posters would be answerred with this
Literally holy wars
Literally ethnic cleansing because of God
You're a faggot, face it.
>The only thing stopping religious people from murdering others is belief in super ghosts
Well when you put it that way maybe I should avoid religious people.
>How about I don't need your god because I value life and respect my fellow man?
>value life and respect people
>doesn't believe in god
does not compute, sorry
"code of conduct" , look it up
believing in god is fundamentally immoral. Religious people have no morality. Only athiests could possibly be moral, and know right from wrong.
Just because you're naturally a sociopath without threats from a higher power doesn't mean everyone else is, you absolute fucking retard.
The state became a religion in those countries.
you cannot refute this
''being a retard'', look it up. just find the closest mirror, shouldn't be too hard.
>the westboro baptist church
Literally /our guys/, whats wrong with them?
it's not a bad thing afterall your side lost that war, even your statues are removed...
soon we will forget you completly.
not such a bad thing afterall