Besides the 2016 Presidential election, have there been any "meme wars"? I don't consider the CNN thing a "war" because there was no lasting effects.
The Meme Wars
There were minor internet only meme wars like Sup Forums vs Tumblr and gamergate, which had a big influence on the whole 2016 operation.
You're about to be butt blasted by a bunch of superiority minded old fags and other kekistani triggered current_year dankness hipsters.
I've been here since 2008, just trying to catalog and get things strait
That you must ask this question is proof that you do not deserve to display that badge, Sir. Please leave and never, ever return.
Nothing will ever compare to the great meme war of 2016.
All gave some, some gave all.
>2016 election
>CNN doxxing fiasco
not allowing chemo is a deliberate mistake
What of the tumblr wars? Lord kek truly blessed us in that conflict.
Channology and Habbo hotel but they weren't wars as much as much as just one sided meming.
Gamergate was the first real internet civil war and trying to make Ron Paul the Republican nominee produced some good memes, including most of the ITSHAPPENING memes.
you you don't don't know know shit shit about about memetics. all this talk of multi-dimensional chess and you don't even know the rules of the game.
Didn’t >we cause a confirmed tumblr suicide?
we need another one.
oh user, so naive...
The Meme War has been raging for literally thousands of years and will likely never end.
This times 1000. How long are we going to debate which countries are white? We need some happenings.
Fake war, y'all didn't do anything, stop larding for once.
Only nonwhites make d n c threads
White power
Just give us one MSM reporting of a recent GITMO detainee dammmit
>", Sir."
>Sirfagging like it's 2011
you realize that was a false flag done by Sup Forums to get Sup Forums to raid tumblr right?
Meme War is still going.
>Began with Sup Forums vs. Tumblr.
>Moved onto Gamergate.
>Feminists and SJW "rekt" and "cringe" trend kicked off
>That spilled over into the 2015 Primaries
>2016 Election
>Battles of Berkeley
>CNN Blackmail happening
All these events are part of the ongoing meme-war. Cant all be victories though. We also had Charlottesville and the Twitter and Youtube purges
none worth talking about
the great meme war was the best
so much redditfaggotry in one thread