Found on Okcupid, is she trying to be edgy, or do you think shes actually being sincere?
Found on Okcupid, is she trying to be edgy, or do you think shes actually being sincere?
how does she look
sounds like a "PeNgU1N oF d00m" to me. avoid
Post her face.
Retard, that's a queer with a woman profile using it to get dick pics
*raises spork*
So this... is the power of ... Sup Forums....
No way
yiff yiff better get a fur suit bro
Seems legit
You should have stopped right there
It's a trap
idc... I would
go get it op, she needs it
Sounds like she would give you some great sex and then kill you in your sleep for being a degenerate.
Implying this isn't a dude trolling Okcupid
looks like a jew to me man
That's a man.
She is hiding her troll face under that hair.
Seriously though she seems cute
>I'm a furry
not bad desu
It’s like fucking nazi boxxy
worth it
I saw you put your dick in her but don't let her figure out where you live.
You hit the jackpot britbong except the furry part is a bit worrying,
You could test the waters with a few of the more esoteric memes.
Id be inclined to think thats a leftist trying to phish for redpilled info
Or it could be the perfect woman
that's how I wanna die desu
daddy issues probably
cute girl but dead eyes and she most likely got molested (i know i would)
i should probably note im pretty fucking desperate for a relationship in hope it ends my crippling depression. maybe i should message her
so... how do YOU look? n-no homo, h-heh I browse /fit/ so you know it
>tfw no aryan paki gf
Do it faggot. Nothing could possibly go wrong, and if it did you'd get a cool story out of it.
Gross spic.
The blurry filter is very flattering because it hides their actual ugly features.
I know. I've fallen for it many times.
Just found my New Year's resolution.
Obvious catfish
Don't bring up nazi shit, but if she asks if you believe that stuff say you've never really thought about it, you're not really into politics, but it's interesting. Just in case it's really a antifa doxxer.
Sounds like a Sup Forumsfag larping as a woman.
stay away, it's a mental case
don't stick your dick in crazy
i look like shit
Wow man, she looks really different between pictures. First one way more appealing. She looks like a kid desu.
Eh you'll be fine
How can you keep falling for it?
>do you not learn?
>not fat
you're golden
This is a boy
nah, you're cool senpai, don't listen to the neckbearded anime faggots. get yourself a brown furry cum dumpster bro
fuck I forget it puts senpai, gay ass site
seal the deal you massive faggot
what should i message her, i cant just send a normal message with a profile like that i dont think
looking good desu. post teeth pics also bong
M00t was a horrible person
Traps aren't gay.
Ask her if she's an architect
Fucking idiot why would you post a pic of yourself here.
teeth pic as requested
Do it she's at least got a sense of humor about it
Hey goyette, I see that you are a fellow Sup Forumsack.
its okay these pics don't link back to me on any other site
Dont look for happiness in someone else. Happiness comes from within.
tell her that if she doesn't reply to this post her mother will die tonight.
>nothing can save her
What are you doing on the day of the rope? Wanna meet up?
You are an attractive young man.
Go for it.
Don't regret the things you didn't try, son.
Do females actually browse Sup Forums? I don't tell anyone I'm on this site because I have a normie job.
Assuming you're not faking shit you should be good, you're decent looking and around her age, the only hangup now is if she exists and of course
>plz be in London
You'd better not be Stephen.
You still owe me, £20 you cheeky cunt
(apologies if not stephen)
>Not knowing that there are no women on the internet
>racemixing with a paki
Do it, nigger. Just keep the red flags in mind if you get a date.
A lot do. I remember a couple Asian girls here one who put up it's ok to be white posters in her high school. Many middle aged married women who have children already I've seen posting here.
Well there are some Lana Lokteffs out there that seem to legitimately be angry about the state of the world and are very Sup Forums oriented. Of course the irony is the girl that most likely hangs out here and agrees with the concept of tradition gender roles is already by defining not conforming to them in the modern West
"just went to tesco to get a 2L of bleach and found your profile, care to share?"
if not enough add "m'lady"
Bullshit to the tune of "no man's an island."
It requires a bit of both.
i don't understand
>who is stephen
Inshallah, Nigel.
might actually try something like that
What's up Stephen here I'll get you your 20 bucks by Wednesday , but you better bring me back Pokemon crystal version
I know that this is very risky. But, the upside is so good that you should still take it.
Judging by your and her looks, you have a good chance if this is legit. Be sure to act alpha and dominent as fuck, even if your a pansy.
But in all honesty this seems fishy.
I think she's hiding sincerity beneath a layer of edge. Fuck it, she may be a furry but go for it anyway. Just always be ready to pull out of there, get to know her without saying much about yourself so she can't ruin your life if it turns out she's crazy.
She's admitting to being a furry, so she might be batshit crazy, so as I said, keep the red flags in mind and count them. But, from what I've heard furry chicks tend to give pretty wild nights of sex.
if she really browses this board ask for how long and poke some stuff at her like last april fools event for example
also fuck you OP for getting the chance most people here will never get
it's a dude that's larping
tell me you didn't just post a selfie on HERE
hahaha I bet you really did!
fucking state
>I am a furry.
Don't do it OP.
send her the link just do something also ask for time stamp from her
Why are brits always a bit deformed
i remember that thread. did she ever do an update after she left?
Post face.
You look kind of like H.P. Lovecraft, tbfh
Perfect opener, OP this the best advice of thread
Also checked
>What are you doing on the day of the rope? Wanna meet up?
What are you doing on the day of the rope? Wanna hang out?
english is not my first language but it saddens me people don't know how to use their language anymore...
Memeflag making demands