How did white people even figure out fire?
How did white people even figure out fire?
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Yakub the literal big brain nibba turned white people into evil slaver devils
we stole it from the FIAR KANGZ, NUKKAH
Hello, reddit.
>This is what niggers actually believe
I'm starting to believe that Blacks are literally incapable of understanding that the past actually happened, and it isn't just the equivalent of making shit up when you are "talkin' smack" on the street shuckin' and jivin'.
>Sees twitter name
>pic very much related
We stole it and we're never giving it back :^)
Concepts like "the past" and "the future" are much too abstract for blacks to truly understand.
It's bad enough that black people have no real history but then they also go and make up lies making their situation even worse. Honestly I feel bad for the fuckers. Not bad enough not to take all "their" land and actually do something proper with it, but still, it's kinda sad.
reddit just crached what happened
white people stole the knowledge
erased with their albino telepathy power form black people mind
Read a fucking history book you disgusting cave beasts. YALL WAS LIVING IN CAVES WHEN WE FOUND YOUR STUPID MONKEY ASSES
This is literally what niggers think like.
Is that actually how it went down? I haven't studied the period. Did The South say this and then The North say that and then they went at it?
Spent time in Nairobi with the army, black people literally do not have words for "past" and "future." They implicitly lack the higher brain functions needed to process gradient thoughts, ask an African how far a restaurant is and you hear "near" or "far" and nothing in between. They have NO word for "precision," and I quickly learned that the African words for "promises" is deliberately defined as a physical binding of one's feet, because before it was translated for them, Africans had no concept of honor or promise keeping. An African promise is a maybe, nothing more.
They have never been pressed to think in their entire existence in Africa or the US, and their brains and culture show it. You wanna argue with me then spend a fucking year in Kenya bitch
>Dis be how it wuz.
>Dem sneaky whitey used dey magic to turn it round.
>Den we wuz da niggaz in da loincloff witout da boatz n shiet.
>lifted """his""" experiences directly from several older posts
>presents them as his own
The best part about black people is, once whypipo are gone, they will forget about us 100% except maybe in myths. It is not a misnomer that black people talk about American slavery like it was yesterday. to a black brain, 200 years ago is yesterday, and tomorrow, simultaneously. In a weird way, some of our concepts of time not being linear are expressed in primitive monkey brains
We'll never really know what happened because history has been WHITEWASHED by WHITE CAVE BEASTS.
Hey yeah, how did the inferior albino caveman conquer all of your lands, destroy your empires, and steal all of your knowledge. You would think that history's greatest civilization would have some kind of defense against that.
Post your fake news and I'll post my platoon photo from manday bay, nobody who encounters a black person will defend a black person, that's why you kikes keep losing ground
I just don't get it, why would such a great noble people like yourselves let a bunch of cave dwellers enslave and cuck you for hundreds of years.
I mean with all of your advanced knowledge why were we able to keep you subjugated for so long. And, when you were freed it was not by your own doing. Why didn't you fight back against the dumb white man.
Not sure if youre actually retarded or just pretending.
>Dem ebil white debils wit dey ability to rite n shiet.
>Dey writted dem histry books 2 maek us look dum n shiet.
>I is gone remake dat histry dah way I wisheded it be.
Name just ONE 'white' invention that wasn't built on the backs of slavery or the black man hadn't invented first.
You fucking wish faggot
Fucking primapes haven't invented anything since the fucking mudhut
Not sure. Most niggers still haven't.
>You would think that history's greatest civilization would have some kind of defense against that
the double-edged irony hurts my heart :'(
There were a bunch of issues between the North and South. The South exported raw goods like cotton and imported lots of cheap shit from Britain, so tariffs to protect US industry mostly helped the industrialized North and hurt the South. Slave states were Democrat states, so there was some effort made to balance new states between slave and free, but most of the people and thus most of the settlers came from the North. The South had to secede or be politically and economically crushed.
>confusing astrology with astronomy
>"how to astrology"
Why is it they always taught white people specifically everything? What about Chinks, Japs, Jews etc etc
Literally everything except the mud hut. Just because you picked some cotton doesn't make you responsible for inventing electricity.
You dumb dumb nigger.
Do niggers think black panther is a documentary or something? Was there white people posting about being descended from actual Gods when thor came out?
steam engines
internal combustion engines
EM drive engines
liquid fueled rockets
>cumskin thinks that you can invent an element
Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
>Eobard Thawne
>Eobard Thawne
Combustion engines, the internet, television and cotton pickers (not the you kind, the useful kind).
Kek, ya those star signs and readings are just as useful as their voodoo magic. Dumb nignog even fails at pretending to know things
come on pale face, you know better than that.
Only thing whites invented was the Patent office.
how do niggers honestly expect us to believe you taught us how to bathe when they're terrified of water and can't swim?
>teach whites how to bathe and use math
>don't do either one
>fucking nigger thinks electricity is an element
Someone post the periodic table for this dumb dumb dumb nigger.
You think electricity is an element? Lmao, stupid nigger
for real though I've been doin some depressing internet browsing with my new year's day and this dude has spammed this thread from at least 10pm est to now, because I always see a new thread with this exact op in the catalog
10pm est last night that is
The Light Bulb, The Auto-Mobile, Steel, Transcontinental Ships, Democracy, The Cotton Gin, The Gutenberg Press, Renaissance era art, etc..
Do you Get the Idea yet or do I need to add more?
Go away you are an embarrassment.
shitty LARPing like this should be a bannable offense.
We know you're not a nigger, because you have a firm grasp of grammar and syntax.
So why are you pretending to be one? Are you that bored mate? You need a friend.
its funny to start redpilling blacks about jews, you can easily convince them that anytime they think white people are oppressing them, in reality its some jew somewhere. specifically with those charts that point out the trbalistic neoptism of jews.
In the marvel universe, atlantis came first.
>Leaf flag
Imagine my shock at this comment...
Oh Shit! REKT!!
>EM drive engines
I didn't know that the Yellowman was white. Good job appropriating even more culture.
fuck all you niggers in the ass with a sand niggers dick after the sand nigger just fucked a goat.
you do sound military grade intellect
>Thinks you can invent electricity when its been made by clouds for thousands of years
Come ON
The new race traveled to Mecca where they caused so much trouble they were exiled to "West Asia (Europe), and stripped of everything but the language....Once there, they were roped in, to keep them out of Paradise....The soldiers patrolled the border armed with swords, to prevent the devils from crossing."[2] For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but eventually they were drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite.[6] However, they had learned to use "tricknology" to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were by-products of Yakub's (spelled Yacub in the biography) work, as the "red, yellow and brown" races were created during the "bleaching" process;[3] however, the "black race" included Asian peoples, considered to be shared ancestors of the Moors. "Whites" were defined as Europeans. Elijah Muhammad also asserted that some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. "A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe."[2]
Nobody said they were smart.
>Da elimints be erf, wind, water, fire nnnnnn lecticity n shiet.
how did black ppl learn how to walk straight up?
>implying science is not a product of western modernity that must be decolonized and eliminated
Here you please point out the electric element.
Fucking kek
You dumb dumb dumb dumb nigger
I'm awarding an extra dumb every time you reply with something DUMB.
>you do sound
No bitch I sound like I've been daytime drinking just like you do
only things blacks invented was peanut butter tyrone
Its always the same larping fags that think they're funny by spamming trash threads...
What's the sauce on this image user?
I honestly almost feel bad for niggers, from a psychological perspective. They heavily project their own insecurities on whites (savage, monkey, primitive caveman, never invented shit etc) and then have to construct ridiculously child like pseudo science and history in addition to fully appropriating cultures such as Egypt and the Moors in order to form some kind of semi worthwhile identity about themselves. Then they drum it into their own heads over and over- how they're black and gifted, how they're the original fathers of civilization, how dey wuz kangz, how their melanin gives them superpowers, how whitey is just hiding the evidence of their greatness, how they only go to prison, fail in education, have broken families, cant get jobs etc because of white racism, how Africa would be the most advanced continent on the world if it had been untouched etc....until they kind of start to believe it. The actual reality of their nature is something they work very hard to avoid confronting, and its hard to blame them.
>Le White cave man meme
So What? Humanity started in the caves. So did the wheel and fire.
Also we have classical music. Beat that.
Or did I fall for bait?
honorary aryans
Dude I've seen every one of your anecdotes directly pulled from a story told in separate, years old posts.
the three-point seatbelt
safety pins
fuck you and your historically incorrect shit
Except whites are giving it back by letting niggers live in their countries and reaping its benefits
>Alternating current direct current
Yea we invented that, contrary to your belief your computer does not run of clouds.
You dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb nigger.
No idea, found it in a similar bullshit thread a while ago. By the looks of it its from an 18th century encyclopedia
how were you enslaved by whites?
How are you still slaves in Lybia?
Are you perhaps a subhuman slave race?
For every Black achievement there is ten Black lies to undo it.
>electricity is an element
you are a dumbass if you think whites haven't invented elements. Heard of Plutonium?
that is a quote from al sharpton you dumb fuck
i will tell you how we got to fire..
first there was a tree full of apes..
and there was a lightning strike..
the tree was on fire and the apes burned to dead.
some survives and there this shocked they started running straight up like the humand
we learned how to cook food
you learned to walk straight up
and there are pictures of it
white man from his cave saw it all happening..
the stike was that hard the ape ran like the white man
Back then people didn't lie about facts. Homo Sapiens Africanus is a notorious ape.