When trump passes amnesty and bombs iran can we finally chase the trumpfags off this board?

when trump passes amnesty and bombs iran can we finally chase the trumpfags off this board?

No amnesty without a wall.

Wall first then we can reneg on amnesty.

fuck off cuck bitch we run this board

He won the election over a year ago, get over it.


how about neither?
kys reddit cancer
gee guess i better support amnesty and israel now

>Muh Israel boggieman

God that poor kid..

trumpfags will never leave. long live nu/pol/

shut up israel is fucking based we just need to give them more money and send more troops to die for them

I actually think we give Israel too many things as a nation, but logic behind all the Jews in the world and Israel being behind every single problem doesn't logically make sense to me.

t.butthurt snaggletooth tea slurper.

Nu-pol are all anime watching, Israel supporting, Syria hating newfag mongrels, fuck them

>t.butthurt snaggletooth tea slurper.

You have to go back bonglet.

i agree with you
the classic trumptard tactic of talking about someone's country instead of the subject of the thread, forgetting that their country is literally 60% white


I don't really care about the 56% meme just find it funny how it's always a butthurt kraut or a faggot bong pushing it.

If you are not an Anglo (full blooded English descendant) you are a 56%er, are you admitting to being a non-American mongrel?

i guess we gotta bomb iran now because british people have bad teeth and live on benefits

Holy shit, there are degenerate anime watchers on Sup Forums now?! All these damn new immigrants from reddit fucking up our culture and sheeit


Fuck off anime watchers were always here, and they were always degenerate. I never said an*Mefags were not present until now, I said you fucking reddit newfags watch an*Me like the fucking losers you are

see, you do understand US policy!
well done, Nigel

You're the cancer on this board that is universally despised. People used to like you but at this point you just post stale memes and reddit-tier talking points defending Israel and (((civic nationalism))).

Fuck off JIDF, we aren't going to remain silent you can say goodbye to your shit thread soon.

>britbong using the le 56% meme
isn't that just muhammed calling the american a nigger?

>muh Muslim boogieman
Honestly JIDF, you're reverting to your pathetic 2008 tier tactics. You're not going to fool us into supporting your wars again. Fuck trump and fuck you.


>your entire post
You are just counter-shitposting at this point

This. Sup Forums would be a dumpster fire without us.

You wouldn't believe how much I want to beat the shit out of Momiji
