why do euromonkeys do this, Sup Forums? Do they really hate America THIS much? They do know the UK invented Israel, don't they?
>it's an episode where Eurocucks side with /leftypol/ to attack white americans
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't worry, you can always count on us, your best friend, to stick up for you.
This is a stupid narrative. This isn't some divide and conquer shit. If anything this meme will make white americans wake up and fight the ugly demographic shift.
Just stop identifying with the american flag or america. I identify with historical america, but not america as it is today.
The idea that white genes can't be dominant is a pretty demoralizing ruse made by the left years ago to attack white nationalists. Blonde hair, blue eyes, green eyes, can all be the dominant gene, even in mixed race couples or couples with people who have brown hair/eyes.
>It must be borne in mind that the specializations which characterize the higher races are of relatively recent development, are highly unstable and when mixed with generalized or primitive characters, tend to disappear. Whether we like to admit it or not, the result of the mixture of two races, in the long run, gives us a race reverting to the more ancient, generalized and lower type. The cross between a white man and an Indian is an Indian; the cross between a white man and a negro is a negro; the cross between a white man and a Hindu is a Hindu; and the cross between any of the three European races and a Jew is a Jew.
I just identify as American. Over explaining your identity isn't a good way to rope in normies. Classic American values still exist, but conservatism is underbid by the political prostitutes of our times. The media does not represent most of America, and studies show that most Americans do feel this way. This board is more accurate of how the average American feels than reddit, for example. Even though most Americans aren't so extreme as your average pol poster.
It's just bantz bruh, I love you dipshits.
funny that you should mention shit.
Brazilians used to believe in that in the past
Euros are the genetic leftovers of greater men. The only euros worth a damn left that place and came to America or died gloriously in battle.
The euros of today are just he broken demoralized survivors of greater civilizations
stfu no one cares about you
>This board is more accurate of how the average American feels than reddit
This isn't 2008 anymore users on reddit outnumber us 100 to 1
> why do euromonkeys do this, Sup Forums?
Do they? To me it seems like most anons using the 57% meme are either Brit Bongs (understandable due to the strange rivalry between Bongs and Burgers) or anons with the EU flag - which means they could be from anywhere (no halfway respectable european poster would actually use that shitty larping flag anyway), and are probably just /leftypol/ anyway (no need to pay any attention to them). The few remaining cases seem to be counter posts to burgers calling [insert some european country here] eurocucks.
And why did burgers for years did memes against european white nations without any sense - against england, france , poland, portugal, germany, sweden, italy. Back then no problem? swede cuck gay meme, barbosa lunacy and many others D&C crap
Don't like the taste of your own medicine?
I actually think it’s kind of funny because it’s ironic deflection. The “Germany non-white in one generation” may be slightly exaggerated, but at lease we share the same issues regardless of how these things occur.
Spurdo falling out of a rascal at walmart shortly after shafting at least wasn’t ironic but it was still funny.
We shouldn’t worry about 56% so much as we should all worry about being replaced entirely.
There are lots of good books if you look around on this sight
so much /leftypol/ shilling lately
they've been pretty coordinated lately
thankfully we're faggot-proof
you also believed in socialism, lol.
I'm fine with most people from the US IRL, but the burgers on this board are some of the most obnoxious people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
the fact that sharts still get buttblasted by this meme is reason enough
Shut up retard. All countries made fun of other countries on this board. Americans don’t do it anymore than anyone else. Also a majority of Americans never even did the “you’re not white!!” thing
>no need to pay any attention
>gugg ma die linken guddmenschän sind foll böse alder lügenpresse!!!111111
Another discord thread. So many bans, so little time.
I can't afford medicine. Stahp it bls.
when did memes turn into such literal garbage holy shit this is awful
>the fact that sharts still get buttblasted by this meme is reason enough
Exactly man. If we can’t all make fun of ourselves at least a little what the fuck do we have left?
You can blame discord for that. Just like you can blame most slew of spam these days on discord.
Americans have more whites than europeans.
Educated burgers are cool. But the fat, ugly loner ones (like the ones in here) are assholes
We have double your population, so I very much doubt that.
thank Sup Forums
I wouldn’t be so sure there Ahmed
Their best friend is Israel
Unless you have any numbers to back up your claim, you should probably shut the fuck up, Miguel
>Educated burgers are cool
>Educated burgers
lol, we don't need education. we have endless supplies of bombs and intense unfocused bigotry. pic related compliments of /x/
'Merica's fuckin badass man plenty of whores and cocaine 8.5/10 country
That's some malignant cancer. Much like discord. The Sup Forums & Sup Forums discords are filled with plebbit now going on and on about love & peace and how Trumpfags are racist and we must remove the "evil stormfags" by making nazism uncool. It's bizarre. It makes me think of gamerghazi. Talk about infiltrated. It's like they don't even realize they aren't Sup Forums.
Euro Flags opinions are always wrong and irrelevant. Kys flaggot
I like you!
>Mohammed, moroccan living in Catalonia
If it was only ethnic European..
The moor rapebaby is unironically whiter then most Americans. Hell even Levantie Arabs and Iranians look whiter then Americans.
They're watching their countries slowly commit suicide while we just elected the first nationalist president in fifty years. You'd be buttblasted too. They have more whites than us, but are governed by cucks and feminazis.
>while we just elected the first nationalist president in fifty years
Tell me when he passes the RAISE act and builds a wall. So far he's too busy wanting war with Iran and cozying up with Israel.
what's wrong with americans? I don't get why so much bully around here
>it's a low esteem thread and all the crisco eating Americans love it
They constantly call Europeans mohammeds despite have more niggers and spics then both the populations of Australia and Canada combined.
It's actually really funny as it shows that a lot of
American flags are actually beaners and mixed mutts. Actual European Americans shrug this meme off as a joke.
is the "Le" part unironic?
because if it is then this has become reddit
Trump can't pass anything. He can only sign a bill into law, which needs sixty votes to pass in the senate because McConnell is too much of a pussy to use the nuclear option. Your welcome for the civics lesson.
Still, if America doesn't get a bill like that to replace the 1965 immigration act. Then this country will go the way rome did.
nice proxy Mohammad
i thought it only needs 51 to pass and 60 to overturn a veto.
Agreed. That's why the dems will never trade wall funding, the RAISE Act, increased interior enforcement, and e-verify in exchange for an amnesty for dreamers.
Trump should agree to the Dems thing only for him to backtrack and end up deporting all Dreamers.
You needs sixty votes to pass a bill in the senate without the nuclear option. You need a two-thirds majority in the House and the Senate to override a veto.
I have yet to visit a discord server that wasn't full of effeminate Lefty soyboys, no matter what the topic is. Something about discord attracts them.
i see. the tax reform passed with 51, was that the nuclear option or is tax reform an exception?
The senate can pass a bill related to spending and revenue with a simple majority vote.
It was ALWAYS reddit, why do you think it's spammed all over the board?
Easy to subvert. Anyone can make a circlejerk discord, name it after something, push the discussion in a certain direction and next thing you know, the users think they are the dominant culture of said place. The users of the Sup Forums & Sup Forums discord are such useful idiots obsessed with meme culture.
Jesus christ these retard-tier posts by other americans have got to be on purpose, if you can't handle the bantz then get the fuck out dude
Mulatto unironic masterrace
That is spot on
>it's another episode where a "white american" refuses to believe that there's mudbabys in the US
>It must be borne in mind that the specializations which characterize the higher races are of relatively recent development, are highly unstable and when mixed with generalized or primitive characters, tend to disappear. Whether we like to admit it or not, the result of the mixture of two races, in the long run, gives us a race reverting to the more ancient, generalized and lower type.
Thats....not how genes work
Mother of God, this is why we call you amerimutts, stop being a fucking amerimutt
El Ogro de las Américas doesn't exist, it's a legend to scare children
>oh no! newfags will leave if their Trump circlejerk ceases to exist!
holy KeK this fucking hilarious, this type of meme and the la creatura is my favorite
This one was pretty good, had a nice laugh here.
Lol these memes are getting reallly fucking creative.
>no no no! stop pointing out that America is the nation that is most far progressed into some brown mongrel hive and forces this ideology on every other nation!
Our whites are pretty pure. Euros on the other hand, they mix and mix and mix again. France is literally near 10% muslim. Sorry sweetie :)
>Europe and memers went back to 1790 and got the USA to start the tradition of performing censuses
Nobody did this but you.
>lower type.
The absolute state of science education in America.
because it triggers you so much
>and it's true.
>it's an episode where bots side with bots to attack bots
Fry yourself, failbot.
no it isnt you fucking retard. Light features are inherantly recessive, and if you species mix with a nigger your kids will look like such
Jose, you can't try and take the pure whites down with you. You are the mutt, go back into your 56% caste. Atleast you can VIVA MEXICO over there
HAHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAAHA no way, fucking amerimutts
It's beacuse of you bro