Gun Laws Work.
Gun Laws Work
Other urls found in this thread:
>Thinking Australia and the US are comparable
> Not realizing that even before gun buybacks that Australia didn't really have many mass shootings to begin with.
> Its not even clear that Australia has seen a reduction in murder as a specific result of gun legislation.
> Including suicides as part of "gun deaths"
Cool now instead of showing "gun" deaths, show if the amount of homicides went down in general.
The facts do not lie.
Your country needs to take notes on the success Australia has had in reducing gun violence.
Gun laws only work where there’s no niggers
It was going down anyway.
Every civilised country has gun laws tho. And most of those deaths are likely suicides as Australia has a massive suicide problem. Now people use ropes, knives, pills, cars, or buildings to kill themselves. Has had little impact on crime seeing as Victoria and NSW are experiencing a crime epidemic.
So if you ban guns gun deaths continue to drop at the same rate they were before the ban?
They went up after the ban actually.
>The facts do not lie.
Suicide is not a crime. My body my choice.
So you're saying people are still shooting other people with guns? Even though it's illegal?
Must suck to be one of those people abiding that law knowing you can't defend against those who don't.
now show sudanese crime wave and how we cant defend ourselves.
The facts are that there isn't any strong evidence that gun laws changed the homicide rate.
What kind of retard jerks themselves off over a murder happening with a knife (or in Australia's case, it's worth mentioning arson) as opposed to a gun?
Are you retarded? There are plenty of blacks in Australia.
Dumb ass fucking nip.
>gun deaths were already trending down before stricter gun laws were passed
>they continue to trend down after
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Australia is ruined and weak as fuck compared to USA because of the destruction of gun laws
A warning to the US
>lack of nigs
>no border with 3rd world shithole
At the same time you most likely oppose womens right to proper healthcare.
Fuck off, shill
Gun laws don't matter, it's a race issue, not a gun issue. Whites will kill less people with less guns but that doesn't work when you have Blacks and Mexicans.
no, the rate slows down after a few years and stagnates
That was fast. /thread
Looks like it was already in a downward trend
Oh, no this isn't true at all. We're currently getting enriched by vibrant Sudanese migrants that bash cops, loot homes and jack cars. We were discussing good ways to defend our homes against invasion at lunch today. Those skinnies are going to find that it's not the cops they have to worry about.
>implying that criminals only use firearms to commit murder
>fail to point out that murders remained the same and that the 'tool' of the crime simply changed fron guns to something else.
Gun laws don't work. Nobody was made safer by gun laws as now guns have been replaced with knives/syringes etc.
So we can all be mercilessly be slaughtered by our own military? Okay goyim.
>already trending down for 10 years beforehand
>downtrend plateaus within 10 years of law passing
>Gun Laws
>and stagnates
In crime statistics that's what we call the "darkie minimum."
Notice it doesn't go to zero. So now only the criminals are killing people, instead of criminals being killed by law-abiding citizens defending themselves.
Not all human life is equal, and valuable, sorry faggot.
But I thought the military would never attack the people because the people are there friends/family ?
They should pass laws on huffing petrol too, I'm sure it will be a gas with the abbos
This is common sense. America is an evil country full of evil people, why does it matter if more of them die or not?
I'm betting $20 on a solid correlation with testosterone levels as the actual explanation for this trend.
Absolutely shocking. I had no idea. I know the massacre was a false flag through direct first hand research, but this is horrible.
I wish I was part of such a militia if not for survival skills alone, but that would be a great supplement to normal life vs drinking like so many do with their spare time here. The ultimate hobby wrapped into human experience. They sound like they were quite the men.
No amount of warning can stop what's happening, i've seen things go from bad to horrible in short order over here. I never thought it coudl progress so fast. Degeneracy has become rampant and a way of life. They will do it slowly but they've been coming for our guns since the first major laws for gun control.
Looks like we need a scatter plot to figure this one out. Fuck off shill it was already trending down.
Now show total deaths
It was going down at the same rate anyway,
80% of our firerarm murders are black and hispanic gangbangers killing each other in gun free zones run by gun grabbers.
Get this through your retarded leaf skull. We aren't going to disarm ourselves.
Mass shootings used to be rare here too.
Guns are retarded, not once in my life have I ever been thankful someone had a gun
lead causes people to take more risks. i honestly think it can be partially explained by taking lead out of petrol
Only an idiot would believe that will always be the case.
>> Not realizing that even before gun buybacks that Australia didn't really have many mass shootings to begin with.
not even joking its because we didn't record when we went out and shot a bunch of abos.
Look at your 4th graph, faggot
Woah its almost like its following a fucking trend
Why are any of you lead faggots commenting on freedoms you'll never enjoy? Shouldn't your time be better spend learning Farsi and letting sand monkeys rape your women?
The US has had a history of fully trusting the government. AKA they don't trust them with their guns, while Australia didn't have such thing.
Also, homicides haven't changed nice try faggot
>guns banned
>still have gun death
>increase in murder, rape and robbery
>hurrr see gun bans work
Before the deaths included the murderer, now only the innocent die.
Stealing taxpayer money to get an abortion because you were too dumb of an cunt to not use protection is not a right. Stealing is not a right you filthy kike.
Cool now exclude suicides
He never implied gun laws worked in Australia you stupid leaf.
Fucking LIES.
That graph is absolutely wrong.
I gave a seminar on the gun death rate in Australia after the gun ban and it went up you fucking liar.
Please kys.
oz has more people dying from herion OVERDOSE then from guns. And of the addicted oz has the most HIV infected in the region. And yet they pay billions every year to regulate it and the felons.
It was already decreasing though?
Guns are the only weapons in STRAYA?
Not at preventing tyranny from the government retard.
Day of the rake, now.
So weird how OP's image has a higher number of gun deaths than the total number of homicides listed in the second image for every year. Almost like he padded his stats with deaths that weren't a result of intentional murders.
>gun laws don't work!
>posts a graph that shows firearm homicides dropping
"gun deaths"
There is a problem in that sort of measurement:
—There is a inevitable rise in knife attacks, vehicular homicides, clubbings, etc that are NOT recorded in the graph.
—The graph probably includes self-inflicted gun deaths, i.e.—suicides.
—The numbers do not show shooting in self-defence or defending a homestead.
—The total homicide rate (by any weapon or object or technique) is not shown.
abos aren't niggers they're a different race
abos are the true australians. If you aren't an abo you are a nigger.
Why are there still gun homicides? 2011-2012 has as many as the lowest rate in the 90s when guns were legal.
Island nations and nations with difficult to cross terrain have far more success banning guns because smugglers can't just move guns across the boarder. If we tried strict gun laws in America, we'd just be disarming law-abiding citizens while doing little to actually stop criminals with guns because they'd buy everything across the boarder in Mexico. Yes, even with the Wall it would be nearly impossible to stop smuggling.
>abos are the true australians.
>Leafposting this hard
Good point. However, since killing with a gun is easier than other methods, I'd guess they probably did go down slightly.
of course gun deaths go down after you confiscate guns you dumb nigger
i bet knife deaths went up by the inverse amount.
Violent crime does go up when there are less guns in a community. The Harvard Law Journal Review showed this in their gun control law study. The Soviet Union removed all guns and criticized America for its gun violence, but murder in the USSR spiked up dramatically shooting way above the US in terms of violent crime and murder. There are a lot of examples of this, but your thinking was reasonable. The thing is because of how easy it is to kill with a gun high gun ownership regions have less violent crime because people are worried about how easy it would be for them to be killed while committing their crime.
That's pretty good.
Gun homicides are less that before 96 Assault Rifle ban though.
There are still some gun homicides because of illegal pistols. But anyone can buy bolt action rifles these days. I have a .22 myself, for now.
>Gun deaths already going down
>Gun law passed
>Gun deaths drop slows down and stops
Mass shootings are still rare here.
>Gun Laws
Good thing laws are for people who need them, eh?
Goddamnit Leaf, your graph shows the opposite if anything.
There is a linear downward trend from the start of the graph until a few years after the gun ban at which point the decrease *stops* and things level off.
who cares about GUN deaths?
People that want to die will kill themselves, with a firearm or otherwise.
People that want to kill others will do so, gun or not.
Every single time
>gun ban
"oh wow gun related crimes go down?"
>But what about all violent crime
"wtf why do you love guns so much you redneck???"
Retarded. There is no evidence to support the claim that stricter gun control laws have made a significant change in crime statistics. Crimes that were being committed with guns are now being committed with something else.
Use your head you deadshit
After 96 stats are much lower and plateu. It implies that most of the illegal firearms have been removed or no longer available. Therefore the laws worked.
There is still gun crime because guns still exist and can be bought.
Gun laws work, but they aren't everything, it comes down to the caliber of the population. Aussies are less homicidal than Americans.
he is actually saying "apple juice, everytime" in that gif
>Banning the rights of millions of people to save a few hundred people.
Fuck you and fuck off.
Roo humpers are hapless fuckwits and weeping vajayjays in the current times. Their ancestors would be rightly ashamed of them for the turbocuntitude they display proudly.
>get rid of guns
>Fewer gun deaths
>Guns are the only means of killing someone
Genius. Truly.
Yeah, but is violent crime down?
It's not the guns.
UK tried to ban knives at one point.
>inb4 that rate is pretty similar
>inb4 there are still gun deaths in a nation where guns are banned
Good job, this is a slide thread and gun control fails
>Downward trend from the beginning
This graph only shows that the 1996 gun law didn't do shit