What the fuck ist this America?? Stop spreading this degeneracy all over the planet. This is the fucking normalization of PEDOPHILIA.

This fucking kid is 8 and gets sexualized to the MAX. No way in hell this kid „felt drag since he was 2“. His fat ugly feminist Walmart-Mother put make-up on him because she liked it and instilled positive affirmations and gave him attention for it. Of course his retarded impressionable kid brain got conditioned into liking it. You can make kids your personal army and malke them kill people for you if you condition them in the right way from a young age as you can see in Africa. YOU CAN MAKE THEM DO ANYTHING. HE DIDNT JUST FEEL LIKE BEING PEDOPHILE WANK MATERIAL OUT OF NOWHERE.

The worst thing ist the 7:1 Like to Dislike Ratio because of muhh progressive values, muhh love and tolerance. These sick fucks love shit that Pedos wank to. The left wants to normalize pedophilia. when you think things cant get any more degenerate they somehow find a way to raise the ante every time. It wont stop until no moral values are left. people thinking this is cute and normal show how far western traditionalism has fallen. is the pendulum really swinging back now? this video is only 2 months old.

Please tell me we can make this stuff stop and in 10 years something like this would have 100:1 dislike to like ratio with people calling for that fat skunk mother to get punished for defiling a young innocent mind ..

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I feel you kraut bro

Patiently waiting for the day Kim Jong incinerates us.

i am very scared
we went past the tolerable threshold already and no one is even raising an eyebrow
i fear for the future

Beating off behind the camera

And just wait until the kid is old enough to know people've just been using him as spank material, that's going to be great.

>comments disabled
fucking kikes

maybe kim wil solve that problem soon :P

This poor kid is just reciting shit. It was clearly indoctrinated into this lifestyle.

If you are surprised by this you haven't been paying attention. Lurk more.
Also who the fuck cares, yes there are a few kid's lives being ruined by leftie mothers but that isn't news.
How about you stop being outraged by stuff that's been happening for years and figure out a way to get us of it?
You know, there's people on this board right now who are into CP and "traps". It wouldn't surprise me if some of them would be turned on by this.
And then the problem is the kikes and the niggers. Yes the kikes have been pushing this but white people are also very weak and eat it up like it was cake.

That's a fucking leaf, bratwurst.

Whiter than you Muhammad

Imagine my shock

Absolutely degenerate.

I'm sorry.

These are Weimar level problems.
They require the Reich solutions.

Oh shut the fuck up you german FAGGOT.
Come back when stop prying more refugees to come and rape your children you fucking pussy cuck faggot!

he married her, got her pregnant after that she got fat and divorced him for shekels. then she doesnt let him see his son and turns the son into pedo wank material for the lulz and further torture for the father. dramatization*

yes, but its a recent video with 4 million views and positive feedback shows that the pendulum still has not swung back at all even tho trump gut elected. (im talking about western nations in general) will it even happen?

fuck off kike

this is cute

fuck off kike

why is a little girl wearing a dress such a big deal?

Because they'll begin taking hormones at 12 years old and ruin their biology for life just because his stupid mother convinced him he was a girl.

sexualizing young girls is sick and wrong (talking about those beauty contests for 8 year olds) brainwashing boys into getting sexualized for pedo pleasures is another step

I’m so sorry leaf. You won’t get the rake, you can chill with us in burger land if you want.

71,000 thumbs up my ass

Paying for all of it via childsupport whilst prohibited from contact by a court order drafted after his ex wife and her jewish lawyer submitted a statement detailing his abusive and toxic anti-trans opinions.

i reported the vid for child abuse

I predict a murder - suicide by age 14

you can add comments on some of the other videos of the same kid

take up arms or be a cryfaggot

do you know your enemy?

what criminal organization runs the US, Britain, Europe, Russia, etc?

until faggot humanity can name the enemy, mark the enemy, and go after the enemy, nothing will change.

if you understand human evolution and human nature, then you understand their perspective.

if you had the will to conform to their ideology, and like them; had the means to express your ideology & lifestyle to the tilt, youd behave the same way.

you cant blame them.

this is what they're into. they love it.

they have the strength to express themselves without any constraints, so why wouldnt they?

if i didnt naturally become a vegetarian from a very young age, and was an animal-murderer with no compassion for the murder, death, dismemberment and consumption or animals; id be them.

whether or not i joined them would depend on who i know.

but id ORGANICALLY manifest their ideology and lifestyle.

the reality is that we're caught in a net-work that is bigger than we can perceive.

a network; that in america, has been tightening it's threading and expanding since 1776....................................................when they took control............................................

unfortunately for them, there is one collective of beings that CANNOT be persuaded to join their ideology, no matter what.

and that is the vegans.

those at the top of the vegan pyramid of philosophy have already mastered & dismantled their ideology; and rendered it as the weak and inferior perception of bottom-scraping heathens.

next step will be to dismantle them.

>Comments are disabled for this video

Wonder why.



hows ahmeds cock feel in your ass? Eurocucks are always fucking foaming at the mouth upset about our freedom

Child abuse, nothing more and nothing less.
It's not coincidence the mother looks like a typical trog.

its always the meme flags. get more creative. you‘re boring

America ONLY ever gives lip service to the "all pedos shuld die" shit. They Faaaaar more concerned with who they can throw in Nigger U over tearing off the tag on a mattress. Others countries notice that kinda hypocrite coward crap too. it's why we have a problem with illegal immigration right now; no one takes America seriously. To be fair since they can't even make good on their promises to their own people why the hell should any spic/arab/coon/etc take them seriously on their threats?

I don't think so, but the faster pedophilia become norm the better. The current state of pedo psychosis is definitely not healthy.

Remember when child porn magazines and little girls in Playboy were norm. The world not turned upside down.

Kid needs electric shock therapy desu.

>little girls in Playboy

There are always consequences. There is always a correction in the opposite direction. I pray for these fucking kids.
In ten years we'll see the full fruit of this madness.

Keep in mind YouTube messes with the likes on videos. A terrible video might appear well liked in likes and comments when people really hate it.

Lmfao I can't wait untill the west falls,degenerate cucks

>another episode of autistic sperglords blowing their load over old tweets and "muh pizza" symbols
I'm starting to believe there are more leftists pushing this than anything. Let me just break it down for you. The average normie is not susceptible to falling for things like this anymore. As soon as you start associating it with things like (PIZZAGATE, QANON, THESTORM, SPIRIT COOKING) it gets automatically discredited by people on the left and right. Pizzagate happened OVER A YEAR AGO and nothing has happened. It hit peak visibility and was trending on twitter/plebbit and we had daily generals and a huge community "investigating". What ended up happening was nothing concrete was ever found outside from spoopy ominous twitter/instagram posts. The proper channels were never explored it was always "hey guys this person is a pedo, look they said something about pizza in 2009!" or "look what this insiderAnon said, it's happening!". It was maybe the laziest "investigation" of all time and ended up fizzling out, even though the MSM ended up covering it.

So once again, they have no proof, no witnesses, no material evidence;don't follow through with anything or follow the proper channels and submit or file police reports, or do anything other than try to get other people riled up about theories. They roleplay as judge and jury, but don't go as far as executioner because deep down I think even they know this is all larping. They are content to believe that there are secret juries being held right now and mass indictments are on the way even though it's literally been proven the average pizzafuck doesn't know the difference between a sealed court motion and a grand jury/indictment.


Right here.

But back to my main point about leftists being the one pushing these narratives. I've began following a number of twitter accounts that push these narratives and have found these strange characteristics of the more popular ones with the most "followers":

1. A lot of them are women, usually in their 30's and 40's but some are millennials
2. They have anywhere from 10k - 100k subscribers
3. They are almost always asking for money on patreon/paypal even though they don't do any of the investigating and only RT
4. They are usually the first to start "attacking" these celebrities and use their full name or obviously fake pseudonym
5. They NEVER get banned or shoah'd by twitter even though I've seen normal people banned for less

These qualities along with what appears to be intentional subversive actions make me believe they are not genuine in their motivations. I'd love to be proven wrong but time and time again we've seen that they are far more interested in the money and attention they can milk out of the community they've cultivated than actually pursuing justice against this pedophile cabal they claim to be fighting.

The final red flag should be the MSM not shying away from covering stories like these and why would they? It makes these people look like nuts. In the court of popular opinion they are immediately discarded as "pizzagaters" "conspiracy theorists" etc.
>b-b-but we don't care about our optics you SHILL, we want justice!
Optics is the only way you're going to ever see results. 9/11 truthers fell for the same trap and quite literally got memed to death by the embrace "MUH STEEL BEAMS". These twitter cunts are clearly trying to do the same thing. In short, stop blowing your load and going into hysteria over hearsay or weak "evidence" that includes things like spoopy codewords or esoteric symbols, because that is the fastest route to getting put in the trash bin like all the other -gates before it.

Just want to correct one of your points, the police were definitely called and they decided not to investigate. Beyond that, we have no idea what law enforcement/alphabet agencies are doing behind the scenes. We have seen amazing pedophile arrests already under a Trump presidency which leads me to believe they are working on all of this behind the scenes.


that is all

Prove what? The Police Chief literally said that because of the basement claims and them apparently not having one( they said they did) was enough to not investigate.

I do agree with you on the point about not making this into an easily discarded thing, that is a very logical concern.

Just read your first post, into the trash it goes.

Nigger are you suggesting that the spirit cooking thing isn't real?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

That's how I read his post.

Blaming america for this shit? from a fucking german...

This is more jew fuckery. Supported by the brits royal pedo family. Who have been fucking and eating children way before america was even "discovered".

When they are ingrained into the police and government, it is hard to go after them when they can send drug dealers after you to try to murder you and your family before having the cops come after you accusing you of being a meth dealing pedophile yourself, and a Russian Hacker (tm.) on top of that.

And the "good people" in your town will all applaud even though they know you were innoce t and where the kids were last seen.
