What the fuck ist this America?? Stop spreading this degeneracy all over the planet. This is the fucking normalization of PEDOPHILIA.
This fucking kid is 8 and gets sexualized to the MAX. No way in hell this kid „felt drag since he was 2“. His fat ugly feminist Walmart-Mother put make-up on him because she liked it and instilled positive affirmations and gave him attention for it. Of course his retarded impressionable kid brain got conditioned into liking it. You can make kids your personal army and malke them kill people for you if you condition them in the right way from a young age as you can see in Africa. YOU CAN MAKE THEM DO ANYTHING. HE DIDNT JUST FEEL LIKE BEING PEDOPHILE WANK MATERIAL OUT OF NOWHERE.
The worst thing ist the 7:1 Like to Dislike Ratio because of muhh progressive values, muhh love and tolerance. These sick fucks love shit that Pedos wank to. The left wants to normalize pedophilia. when you think things cant get any more degenerate they somehow find a way to raise the ante every time. It wont stop until no moral values are left. people thinking this is cute and normal show how far western traditionalism has fallen. is the pendulum really swinging back now? this video is only 2 months old.
Please tell me we can make this stuff stop and in 10 years something like this would have 100:1 dislike to like ratio with people calling for that fat skunk mother to get punished for defiling a young innocent mind ..