Sup Forums and Reddit

Why is the perception of both sites of the opposite of reality?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because normies are mostly faggots who drink social kool aid to their detriment.

Sup Forums is made up of a lot of people who observe what people do and who don't auto swallow the kool-aid.

fucking Britney on the far left

>cherry picking

When's the last time a president did an interview on Sup Forums?

For all we know, he could be doing one every day.

this, user.

the amerimutt meme is true, yikes.

Fuck that right picture is terrible. That fat fuck with the pet monkey, fucking gross.

i saw her on ice poseidons stream last night. she was hot as fuck and you can tell that she probably has nasty sex wit her bf

who is the lesbian holding the sheet of paper next to jackie

Yeah, stop larping, blumpf.
Fake and gay

Michael Moore



you are based, user.

reddit is basically the white left while Sup Forums is mutt

That one was from twitter, or put there for plausible deniability

Who knows, maybe never, maybe has happened once, one of the points of this place is that we don't know who the fuck posts what.

>Islanders fan
Truly despicable.

>Jew York
No shit nigger

wHAT is the name of the girl second from the left playing the jew?


Brittney White

>Sup Forums's white supremacists are more diverse than leddits pro diversity liberals


i wonder if the Sup Forums meet up called each other niggers and faggots?