What does Sup Forums think of the Black Mirror?
I find it a bit weird that it has so many black main characters as well as so many interracial couples. Have I been spending too much time on pol or has anyone else noticed this?
What does Sup Forums think of the Black Mirror?
I find it a bit weird that it has so many black main characters as well as so many interracial couples. Have I been spending too much time on pol or has anyone else noticed this?
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This thread again. The creator is an sjw cuck.
This season was trash
>watching a girls' show for girls and niggers
Your own damn fault
yes, but it reflects pretty honestly as to what the near future will look like demographically. making everyone white is not realistic anymore
>What does Sup Forums think of the Black Mirror?
It's fucking trash and the first episode of the show is the cringiest worst written garbage I've ever had the displeasure of watching
Fantastic television. It's better scripted than anything else out there at the moment (nothing better since The Wire). And the production team are so clever and effective. Truly it's fantastic television.
And yes, you've been spending too much time watching interracial blacked cuck porn from links on Sup Forums so you now can't see the world in a normal way. Sucks to be you.
Pic unrelated.
Maybe in your future.
not done the new season yet, but Hang The DJ was pretty good
Would definitely race mix with that chick.
I can stand most of it but the episode "black museum" in the newest season was just too anti-white. First there was the mixed race couple and then the evil whitey who was torturing the dindu. Otherwise a good show.
Honestly the show is great. I don't even mind the diverse sjw casts. Every person that has told me they don't like the show was an idiot and robably boring for them. lol
we live in the same time. why do whites get so triggered when confronted with this
First season was good, having shock factor. Following seasons gradually worsened - more controversial, less clever, worse execution.
>Every person that has told me they don't like the show was an idiot and robably boring for them. lol
>le pig fucking is too intelligent for normies, REEEEE
are you really laughing out loud kid? Because I believe you're autistic enough to be
lol. Yee that epsidoe is trash and I didn't finish it. U must be one of teh ppl who don't like it and find it boring. idgaf how pretentious that sounds.
the pilot is an all time classic.
the rest is fucking terrible.
The BBC is a front to swindle tax money for their Luciferian homo pedo activities
Kys Mason
>the pilot is an all time classic.
yeah, good point. The pilot is definitely worth watching for those who haven't already.
>the pilot is an all time classic.
gas yourself faggot
Hahahahahahaha le 56% won't stay that high for long either, we're in this together Cletus
I've never cared for this show. It's really just a worse twilight zone, why would anybody watch this?
>nothing better since The Wire
Jesus Christ. Please just take your things and go back to rebbit.
I really like it. I think it's nice having a mainstream show that consistently does tragedy. Too much of our art is just happy go lucky hallmark bullshit. So I really respect it for showing that. The other thing is I love sci-fi and it has some pretty interesting and relatable worlds and viewpoints.
But then again I'm not as autistic as most of the people on this board who chimp out everytime they see a black person who doesn't fit their stereotype.
I never saw it (never will) but I assume it's annuda Jewish propaganda.
>ethnic cleanisng with SCAR 16
>comfy af future
>mfw this will happen in my lifetime
The show literally promotes necrophilia
You are a filthy Mason, look at this cunt, he even types like a freemason
which episode promoted necrophilia?
Netflix are paying for it now.
I honestly have no problem with the color or representation of gay people. The only story I found interesting or well executed was the first episode.
inb4 The Entire History of You, that shit is overrated garbage only praised by MGTOW faggots because SEE IT HAS A ROASTIE HE WAS RIGHT, the episode itself sucked shit and the guy was a charmless tosser, of course she fucking cheated on him when he had no redeeming qualities.
the pilot was retarded.
Later episodes were mostly good but kinda repetitive.
Last episode of the season was Black Lives Matter nigger shit. The only remotely good episode was the 1st one and every single episode was pushing the diversity bullshit. Not to mention the mix-race dating episode.
s1 s2 v. good
What did you think about the horror game episode? I thought that was really well done
>Gay devil worshipping anglo rock spiders
Where’s the difference?
This show is garbage
It's a good show. People get too hung up on the interracial thing. That's just a low-budget way to drive in the "futuristic" aspect of the show. As in, society has moved past race.
Anyway, I thought this season had a lot of strong points. The Star Trek parody was great. I loved the warning that the quiet, polite "nice guy" is probably the most fucked up one of all, so you should just go for the confident chad. The child monitor episode was also really good, showing how technology enables the hyperprotective parenting that stunts a child's healthy exploration into adulthood.
The dog robot and memory machine episodes were ok, I guess. Something about the dating app episode was really unsettling for me. I just didn't feel any triumph at the conclusion of the episode...I think they could have picked a better actor.
The final episode more than made up for any flaws. The start if the episode was a little weak. But the second part about the mind sharing technology has a couple that just oozes chemistry! But that is cleverly subverted and ends with a satisfying come-uppance.
The conclusion with the "execution" makes up for a lot of the unresolved problems I had with the "White Bear" episode from season 2. Rather than delight in sadistic punishment, the episode is a clever examination of the persistence of systemic injustice.
All in all, a great season.
Not bad.
that penn jillette story of the doctor in black museum
honestly the show lost me with the dreadfully boring and shitty talking to dead people episode and I haven't watched since.
Wait it's for girls? I thought it was for male incels.
Nearly every TV show these days does this. It's part of the reason why online content creators are becoming more popular while mainstream TV is on the way out.
The pilot was trash
The entire show is on the nose bullshit which you can predict a mile off.
Why do you even give the creators your time of day?
noticed it in the first ep but soldiered on, dropped it on ep 2.
Twiglight zone was trash
only the one shitty episode was for male incels.
Then I guess the entire series is trash
For sure, if you feel like checking it out it's S3Ep2, "Playtest". Pretty cool aside from the protagonist being an insufferable cunt.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
>aside from the protagonist being an insufferable cunt.
See this is the reason I hated The Entire History of You
I couldn't stop laughing at the second episode they tried really hard to make it seem all serious. But I mean watching a 15 year old girl beat her mother's ass with a tablet is funny as fuck
It's British TV so of course it has all that. It has and will do until they can phase out the whites all together for diversity sake.
Yeah but in this one he's playtesting a neurolink full immersion horror game that adapts to your fears. I guess it's just that there are a lot that are more than just sci-fi character dramas
No the whole series is good, you're just STUPID
>Episode 1: "A woman..."
>Episode 2: "A mother..."
>Episode 3: "A woman..."
>Episode 4: "A woman AND a man..."
>Episode 5: "A woman..."
>Episode 6: "A woman..."
What the fuck? I didn't even notice that.
>wow this episode is super shitty
>must be written by some chick who had a troubled relationship with their mother
>Directed by Jodie Foster
Nosedive was my fave by fare. That THICC red head. Damn son.
fug i didnt notice
i really did like Hang the DJ, favorite episode
I'll just watch Twilight Zone and GitS:SAC instead.
there are less than 1% non-whites here and nobody even touches them
this better be fake
>Stand Alone Complex
good show but I fail to see how it fits in with this crowd of shows
if anything Star Trek TOS is the next best thing (or possibly better than) Twilight Zone
yeah but this show doesnt take place in irrelevant estonia
SAC for the commentary on the progression of technology.
>mfw I'm chilling on Sup Forums in the future
its also annoying with how many times they add sex scenes
a sex scene was only really needed for arkangel since its about growing up
I already said that this shit sucks in previous thread you made
actually I even had a drunk conversation with my retarded friends who tried to prove that blacked mirror is not retarded and not gay about 2 hours ago
why everyone are so obsessed with this gay fucking shit
Watching now
White people are evil according to it
Also fuck your viral social media marketing campaign
Sex in Hang The DJ was important, both showing its shallowness as well as a litmus for the characters relationship. Also to show the main characters actually consummate their passion
What ethnicity is this?
gb2 Sup Forums, u faget.
Fake story
That's a quadroon, quarter black
Le 50%
Sit down and enjoy the (((show))), goy
High caste Indian.
the creators wife
The woman is fat and ugly so it's realistic
That episode was disgusting and terrifying. First time i was ever so uncomfortable watching something.
She kind of paid the toll though
>Episode 5, "My Wifes Son"
Why do Indian women always have peach fuzz on their upper lip?
I immediately recognized this chick from another favourite tv show of mine - Utopia. Basically how (((they))) are controlling the governments and corporations and are planning genocide.
This british female plays a lead role in it as well.
>And she burns the coal in it too.
They got to wear that moustache.
Ep1 was great. I'd torture people digitally as a God
unironically, le 56%
BM is supposed to be unnerving, also Fifteen Million Merits was pretty fucked up
What episode were you talking about? First one was about the pig, is there one about torturing people digitally?
I didn't find that one so because at one point the guy nearly killed himself. If someone has the ability to kill themselves it can't be TOO bad because there's always an escape.