Pure Christian Philosophy for the 21st Century
Anime is degenerate so I guess Im antichristian noe
Have you forgotten which website you're on?
Time to assimilate buddy.
Absolutely unchristian image. Please delete it. Lust isn't Christian.
t. didn't read the content
Wow I read the first page and it's pure cringe. There fucking lewd anime girls before any text in a supposed Christian based "book" and the first few paragraphs let you know the author is retarded.
>restoring christian morals to the west
I don't think west needs any more love for shitskins and glorification of cuckoldry thank you very much.
You calling us cucks?
When it was Atheism that ruined the west.
Calm down fedora and get in line.
>templar expectations
>templar reality
Also don't forget you worship joseph's wife's son.
who the fuck wrote this, also thank you for those cute anime girls :)
And what do yo you worship?
Where is your purpose your meaning?
Atheism and self worship is what has brought our once glorious Empires to their knees.
Literally no sauce on these.
Who made these cuties?
God isn't real mate.
>not posting a tldnr
Why do you hurt yourself?
This whole thing is pure autism. Please tell me you didn't write it
>calm down fedora
As a real Christian I think it's disgusting that the author uses scripture to try and promote his hateful agenda. This is the same shit you saw in the south during slavery. It's a series of perversions and misinterpretations. At least pagan larpers can actually have a religion which aligns with anti Jewish views.
you wish jew
I look forward to you burn in this life and the next
>At least pagan larpers can actually have a religion which aligns with anti Jewish views.
The church fathers would like to have a word with you.
Atheism isn't a competing force to christianity.
Atheism is a manifestation of the power vacuum left by the weakening of christianity.
Notice that most people don't even call themselves "atheists", most just call themselves "non practicing christians"
Christianity is a spent force and no amount of templar larping is going to bring it back.
God is Real
That be Literally or simply through Influence.
God lives through every Martyr, every Soldier willing to die for his faith.
Without Religion no one would be willing to make sacrifices, at least not the same way they did.
Without Christian influence Northern Europe and the Anglo domain would still be primitive barbarians, Christianity brought Northern Europe out of the Stone Age.
You cannot have Victory without courage, You cannot have courage without Faith.
oy vey good goy over here
>I will mainly be using the Bible to prove the ideas and arguments I present.
Cool, I will mainly be using Spiderman's comics to counter them
>believes in bullshit
>can't form a coherent sentence
>thinks Jews don't believe In God
Im not even surprised at how retarded you are.
Yeah He's not even supposed
90+ pages... user how long did this take to write and why did you preface it with medium quality anime ludes?
This is what I'm wondering too.
Sodomites are only worse than weebs in that they commonly have aids. You will lico satan's arsehole in hell op.
this goy hasn't heard of the khazars
Once you finish it the ecchi makes sense.
He took as much time as could because hes a subversive faggot who gets paid to dick around in one way or another, as long as what ever manner he does it in is familiar to this.
Why are 9/11 posts made by these asshats lately?
ok so my confusion is if this pdf is anti degenerate why does it have soft core hentai on the first few fucking pages
>kerdasi amaq
>And what do yo you worship?
Ostensibly Christianity, in reality not anything.
>Where is your purpose your meaning?
My own personal goals and desires, primarily having and caring for my family, as well as providing my children with the best opportunities and advantages possible.
>Atheism and self worship is what has brought our once glorious Empires to their knees.
The Roman empire reached its greatest extent under Paganism, not to mention the Macedonian empire which was pagan and spread Hellenism throughout the middle east. The core foundations of western culture and philosophy are based on pagan thought, sure Christianity has certainly influenced the west, but the very base of western philosophy were formed by pagans.
Beyond that Europe's peak of power happened primarily as the power of the church waned during the late 19th century.
3D porn needs to be banned according to our Friar.
2D is ethically a better choice, I agree.
what the fuck am I reading?
History being made.
I will actually read this later. Someone put a lot of work into it, and skimming through I can t5ell it was made by Sup Forums
if it is then they need to contemplate for another 2 years.
The conclusions are so halfway through-process i was sure it was a disinformation shill trying to set people off the course half way through.
Enouch christcuckoldry leave that shit in the past before it definitely kills us.
We pagan nao
surrender your 2D THICC templar or gtfo
never chalk up to malice what can be attributed to lazy autistic tendies lovers.
>Christianity is a spent force and no amount of templar larping is going to bring it back.
You think with this being said since the Age of Enlightenment Secular Humanism would actually be bigger than it is
Oh my god that is the ultimate soy boy ever
>Christianity is a spent force
Orthodoxy and Catholicism is, but Evangelicalism is going strong.
Normies need to read this.
guys does someone have that picture with weird german screws?
Evangelicals and Protestants are not christians though
Of course they are, why wouldn't they be?
Yes, we are. We need a new form of Christianity to bring us all together though as project lifeguard suggests.
Have you ever studied religious demographics v. surveys (about if someone believes in God, or Jesus) from European countries?
He's right about ignorant people. What happens in our society is everyone's responsibility. I do not want to live in a place where people only care about themselves, and their vulgar possessions and wealth. The evil ones are enabled by the ignorant.
The enlightenment allowed for atheism to spread from the field of physical science to the field of ethics.
Atheists ruin everything.
I already told you to stop drawing people's attention with ecchi you retard, it won't work.
So I downloaded a pdf I thought was about christanity and got hentai-lite. Whos the trickster here?