How evil is this man?
10/10 evil
Is this Kikemiester still alive?
He's a good guy you people are stupid.
Jew who collaborated with Nazis to turn in his own people. Literally /ourkike/
About as evil as every other Jew out there.
>Tune in to the next chapter of the Cruz Redemption Arc as he goes toe-to-toe with the Boss...and discovers that he is merely scratching the surface of the evil that lies in the depths of the Swamp...
top 10 anime battles
it's true though, Soros is only the beginning of the world order hierarchy
Evil to a large degree but not 100% in my book. He strongly opposed Communism in Eastern Europe after ww2.
He personally profits from the destabilization of governments and the death of thousands
He is what pol wants to be but cannot become.
I don't know. He looks like a nice enough guy. Kind of looks like my grandpa. Who is he?
>87 years old
>still jewing
i think hell be fine
not evil in the slightest. brilliant but both misguided and misunderstood.
Only 87? He'll probably live another 40 years.
idk i used to think all the bullshit about Soros was real. it could be that it really is, but i can't be sure. I know that he was used by Christians to repatriate Germans into Jewish homes (or something along the line) and was kept "safe" by some germans who claimed he was christian.
if some guy came from seeing that kind of shit as a kid, and grew to be a fucking world power like this, then there's really nothing but admiration for the man. I could only hope children would use the terrors and oppression they received into motivation to be better.
>be a 10-y-o jewish kid
>watch the world take away everything from your family and relatives
>be too young to understand why
>grow up and slowly realize what your people are about, and how the world hates them for being way smarter than any other group.
>also realize that the world has raped your people every chance they've gotten (see long list of countries/states that kicked out/killed the jews) all because your people figured out how to make money off of dumber people.
is /pol jealous? can any of you faggots get to his power level with a similarly traumatic childhood experience?
is he evil tho? sure. anyone who doesn't hold back on doing terrible things they KNOW they're capable of, is indeed evil.