Why did Sup Forums turn against Molyneux?
There's very few living philosophers aligned with Sup Forums, shouldn't the alt-right take what it can get?
Why did Sup Forums turn against Molyneux?
There's very few living philosophers aligned with Sup Forums, shouldn't the alt-right take what it can get?
he's not a philosopher, he's just a guy living in Southwestern Ontario with a funny accent
And he still won't promote white nationalism.
I know its you stefan....
these weird "therapy" session you do with callers are so weird man, sometimes its interesting, i really like the calls that you have with people like Jordan Peterson or similar
But I'd really like you to call up people who don't just agree with you on every issue
no amount of philosophy can save your island shit hole
reason is a white (meaning non-british) men's thing mostly.
I think you mean (((Molyneux)))
is he french canadian btw?
eh to be fair
Send shekels to freedomainradio
no was born in the UK and moved to Toronto when he was 11
If by French Canadian you mean....matrilineally Jewish, then yes.
He basically does, you can’t be woke on the JQ and openly white nationalist without getting shut down for hate speech
Free market meritocracy is functional white nationalism anyway.
And free of statist meddling.
>And he still won't promote white nationalism.
Yep. And this is why Sup Forums **must** disavow Trump.
>"turn against"
kys maplefaggot
>alt right
>And he still won't promote white nationalism.
You're a brainlet. I bet you're one of those people that openly talks about how great Hitler was.
Still won't support white nationalism he's basically talking about civic nationalism where the white percentage doesn't keep lowering.
I just don't like his attitude, he obviously considers himself smarter than anyone, and he's not.
Character attack threads are obviously (((JIDF))) shilling
No it isn't. That is how your countries cities become Hongcouver.
He's a youtuber that used his skills he got from being a cult leader to obtain an audience
What's wrong with having a Jew for a mother?
well that's what the alt right supports. no one is suggesting a pure 100% ethnostate, that's dumb. We can have some minorities, but not enough to overwhelm the majority population. I like my fucking sushi and qt japanese girls, user
this is the most obvious character attack thread ever.
That is not what the Alt right supports we do not want to stay 61% of the population for ever.
just because it won't be 100% doesn't mean it won't be trying to get there and most likely be over 95% white.
his weird patronizing is creeping me out man
the recent episode has him talking to someone who pretends to be a girl in an online game since 5 years, and even got a "boyfriend" like that, and all molymeme does is ask him weird questions about his sister
could have been interesting molymeme destroyed it
I'm not totally against his content. He's actually said a few brilliant things that I have applied to my life and benefited from.
Along with being very intelligent, he is also slightly unhinged. I hate when he freaks out and starts verbally abusing guests, he offers absolutely no grace to people if they word something incorrectly or if he takes offense to something.
Most intelligent writers or secular thinkers in history had major personality flaws though, so whatever.
>Not a philosopher
You mean because he doesn't teach it or what?
He has a very clear and concise way of putting his arguments together. He can be a hard ass on ppl who disagree and the call ins are sometimes kind of weird, but he's a very logical thinker.
Thinking White nationalism as being a thing is a result of multiculturalism. Your ancestors used to be disgusted of anyone who wasn't Anglo-Saxon. So stfu amerimutt and enjoy ur kebabs and trucks of peave provided by yours truly
>le 56% pure white
>Libertarian jew
They only feel love for power/money and give the illusion of profoundness through their (((rhetoric skills))), they are always intellectually dishonest, which can be seen best at the example of Kraut and Tea, who spilled all of his spaghetti at once.
North Americans aren't white.
Nice meme post it really added to the conversation.
Yes you can you retard, it's called The Daily Shoah and they can't be stopped.
pol didn't, the lolitarian die-hards who never grew out of babby's first ideology did. it's now a gatekeeper political movement that just prevents people from discovering the true right. molyneux staryed too far into white populism and the lolis now hate him for it.
>ask him weird questions about his sister
If I remember correctly he was trying to get the guy to confront his past. The guy stated that he doesn't remember the family life being that bad but the sister was reminding him differently and they kind of fell out talking. Molyneux seemed to be focusing on mending the family and to get him to stop lying to himself and lying all around.
He was trying to convince him his family abused him so he would turn to him for comfort
He did the same thing to his wife.
It's a purity spiral psyop designed to send Sup Forums into the great heights of pure political irrelevance.
Jordan Peterson, not a white nationalist? Into the trash he goes.
If these trends continue, Sup Forums will be defanged by the time 2020 rolls around, if not November of the current year.
>Molymeme is aligned with us politically
Nope. If you think that then you are clearly new from redd*t.
I can't believe that molymeme had this video put in the gulag.
Am not an anarchist. I like a lot of Molyneux’s work but I don’t align with him politically.
Who are you quoting, reddit-kun?
Jordan Peterson isn't even close to Sup Forums you retarded faggot.
1) he's a kike worshipper
2) he's a fucking boomer
3) he's a con artist who steals sheckels from the goyim
He basically does. I don't care what Sup Forums says this guy brings in more normies to wake up from the mainstream media then anyone on here. Hes overall beneficial.
>stefan molymeme
the absolute state of right wing thought
>Sup Forums
You need to go back
Iow he's on the same ideological track as Trump.
Kys, ya stupid psyop-ing, purity spiraling shill
Trump the Zionist lol
How many levels of black pill are you on plebbit?
I agree with you but Peterson is legitimately a piece of shit
And Trump is a civic nationalist. You know that is bad, right?
"look at these poor iranians we need to help them"
and then he fakes crying.
>He basically does
Are you fine with staying 61% of the country?
In a free society, shitskins are 0% of the country.
he doesn't say things that are wrong but he says the simplest things in such a longwinded way. its like listening to someone explain to you why shit comes out of your ass with explainations from every anatomy books in history going back 5000 years.
He says smart things sometimes, but holy shit. Hour long videos? Seriously?
He needs to condense some of this shit to like 15 minutes
>aligned with Sup Forums
lmao faggot
Trying my best to plan and prep what I can for the inevitable collapse of this society.
Why the homophobia?
If you don't back Trump, get the fuck off this board.
Peterson has a lot to offer to a couple of generations raised in shitty family/school/cultural circumstances, even if he falls short of some hypothetical platonic Sup Forums ideal of ideological purity.
Those who want to kill the Peterson are like the redpanels cartoon -- 88 dragging down 14 like a dead weight. It's a misguided and shortsighted purity spiral mindset.
A lot of Ammo.
>oy vey if you don't back Israel get out
And a few years ago before neocons harnessed this board, Sup Forums would have agreed and called out the obvious Israeli-engineering of the situation, and supported the Iranian people trying to break free of the crippling theocratic paradigm that was created for them during the cold war.
But you've been manipulated into serving them through Trump, who repeats their talking points on cue. And now you do too, whether you know it or not.
>like the redpanels cartoon
i mean pic related.
Backing trump is just a larp u dumbass
He tries to LARP as some revolutionary enlightened philosopher but actually comes off as a pseudo-intellectual weasel who changes his views to pander to Sup Forums and R.e.d.d.i.t for those clicks and coins.
His self-assurance is more nauseating than his snobby Euro-Leaf accent, especially when he exclaims "Not an argument!" while not giving any arguments...and like all faggots of the (((Skeptic™))) community, regurgitates the same low-hanging fruit arguments ad nauseam without providing any originality or creativity to whatever "movement" these fags are trying to push.
>the truth about X
no retard, you don't know the full truth. That's not being a skeptic, it's being an (((influencer)))...just like encourages the breaking of families.
Fuck this guy and his Molymeme cult members.
Would not be surprised if he is found to be a pedo or someone who strangles hookers...just look at those psychotic eyes...
Sup Forums is a Trump board, period.
Clearly you want to change that. The question is why. You're either a stormfag or a shill -- a dead end either way.
>And a few years ago before neocons harnessed this board
This seems to imply Trump is a neocon, although he's anything but. Trump shat all over the neocon agenda, repeatedly and emphatically, in a way that united Sup Forums, and it's a good basis for unity in my view. You see to want to undercut that -- to reframe the history into something it was not. To reframe the story as if Trump is a neocon, and by supporting Trump "neocons harnessed this board."
With that kind of twisty "logic"/pilpul, if you're not Shareblue or JIDF, I'll eat my hat.
I think in general he's pretty smart. But I hate it when he starts going on about
>muh morals
>muh right thing to do
I know, and I know he knows, that these are nonsense.
This thread's about molymeme not trump, get your shilling straight.
Also, dude was chad as fuck when he was young.
Does he really have a special accent? To me he just sounds like a normal norther u.s. amercan or canadian would talk
I never knew they were ever for him? To be fair he is just another copypasta talking head trying to snatch cash from the naive, only he's male. He does jump the shark quite a bit. probably deep in debt like Alex Jones and that Lauren skank. So his "views" are for sale same as anyone else on youtube.
No, it's not, you fucking purity shill.
>Trump the Zionist lol
Again, you either want to turn the board into something it's not - anti-Trump - or simply drive the board into the ditch of political irrelevance by stormfagging it to death.
Fucking shill.
To summarize.
What's wrong with being a Zionist?
>t. /r/the_donald
Shilling a lot for the jews with his latest Iran video where he was crying
The pilpul is strong in you, (((user)))
Rather, why don't you head back to Shareblue and collect your shekels, my shillish friend.
He should find some balls and go on some alt-right podcasts and talk to some interesting people for once
Moly always has shitty call ins from what I feel are normie as fuck for the most part.
He should get a perma-NEET shut-in with tism's on his show for once, that would be interesting to see him figure out that person, the normies he has on are so transparent with simple solutions to their problems.
>ideological purity.
Peterson is still trapped in a Critical Theory mindset where Colonialist Europe/ Hitler was the greatest evil the world has ever seen. He lives in the post-colonialist lie of Critical Theory. It's not ideological purity to point this out. It's valid criticism.
It may be a valid criticism, but I see it being used as a way to demonize Peterson as a whole, and essentially get Sup Forums to disavow Peterson -- which will ultimately be to Sup Forums's detriment, for reasons stated here: Concluding unscientific postscript:
Real Sup Forumstards would keep fighting, even if only shitposting insults.
Shills leave when they see they're losing -- they cut their loses and get out. Onto the next thread. Note the multiple shills who dropped out of this thread when their obvious shilliness was exposed.
It vexes me, because these shills have endless money, and as such endless time to inflict death by a thousand cuts, which is exactly what they're doing in threads like this, and anti-Peterson threads.
They want to taint gateway redpill dispensers like Molymeme and Peterson, using half-assed logic that doesn't withstand scrutiny, because they know that will ultimately affect Sup Forums to its detriment.
Don't let them get away with it.
>Sup Forums will be defanged by the time 2020 rolls around,
Not fucking hardly. Some of us aren't adolescents fascinated with the cult of personality.
Read through this thread. It's nominally about Molymeme, but it's really trying to shift the board culture to the stormfag ditch of political irrelevance.
When pressed on the subject, the shill's real anti-Trump agenda came out:
>And Trump is a civic nationalist. You know that is bad, right?
>Trump the Zionist lol
>And a few years ago before neocons harnessed this board
[Implying Trump's a neocon, when he's anything but]
Sup Forums was a force to be reckoned with in 2016. Shareblue as 10s of millions of dollars to spend to make sure that doesn't happen again.
Threads like this are clearly the product of Shareblue's strategic plan to marginalize and defang Trump.
The fact that Sup Forums was so willing to essentially disavow Peterson - although P's ideology differs little from Trump - indicates that Shareblue is having some success on this front.
Indeed, I daresay the shilling on this thread was subtler and more sophisticated in its attack than the less subtle sort of shilling I'm used to. But again, that's not surprising -- Shareblue can afford to pay for better shills. And I wouldn't doubt they're paying for psychologists to game out these sorts of psyops for maximum effectiveness.
This video is pretty hilarious:
>weirdo has been pretending to be a woman in an online game
>is this okay, molymeme?
>heh heh heh no you fucking weirdo.
If you want to gas the kikes and have a race war, then at some point you need to actually say gas the kikes race war now. You can't just keep pussyfooting around on what normies will think.
Already listened to it this morning on my autism power walk.
Although moly is a cunt and projects his own feelings about his mother onto the caller, he isn't wrong. The callers mother is a typical roastie who goes after the bad/rough type of guy and gets fucked up because of it over and over and still keeps finding more bad/rough guys to fuck and then turns around later in life and tries to act all innocent.
I don't know what that had to do with the caller RPing as a chick in a game though, I mean....I use to do that as a teenager on MMORPGS to get free shit from random neckbeards, who didnt? Its funny that moly some how connected that to his mothers actions lol, theres just no connection whatosever.
>Why did Sup Forums turn against Molyneux?
Nope, it's just shills and boring character assassination routines. Molyneux is not a cuck on any of the important matters.
i didnt turn against. i doubt any one who liked what he had to say turned against him. i think its mostly shills and jew attention whores who attempt to guide everything away from various people to designated spokesman
not sure if your keeping track but there are a lot of jews who have attempted to be the voice of the rising conservative views in europe and america. like its boarders on conspiracy levels. tire bitch, walled eyed jail bait bitch, bleach blond bitch, the ghey and thats just off the top of my head
Getting a bit jacked with his rhetorical roleplay bullshit.
Sup Forums is a self cannibalizing hellhole that won't get anything done but autistic screeching
- Dismisses every non-user as an e-celeb
- Shuns all based girls who have been in a picture with a nigger of worked for a jew
- Listens to every divisive (((shill))) thread
This is how (((they))) like us: divided