It's going down tomorrow morning, bros!
All US customs computers are down right now. Related?
Julian Assange tweet related somehow?
It's going down tomorrow morning, bros!
All US customs computers are down right now. Related?
Julian Assange tweet related somehow?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sure it's really happening this tme
Happenings never happen....
Mass arrests and planes to gitmo no doubt. Tomorroer fer sher.
Nothing ever happens retard.
Assange was extracted to the United States and will be receiving a pardon.
Its the real deal. Hold on to your dicks its happening
This is it
Digits confirm
It's really going to happen this time, guys.
t.ic.k. T.o.Ck.
>"We keep our promises"
So where are those thousands of indictments against deep state operatives that were going to be unsealed "within 72 hours" like a month ago? The dude is a larper. If you believe him, you're as bad as the Q worshipers.
>dick cock
Its happening this time...
>dick cock
No seriously. It's like totally happening
>dick cock
Tick tock
Tic tac cock
Wow everyone look look
It's sean "nothingburger" hannity posting tick tocm for the 6th million time this year.
Except it's not Sean Hannity, leaf.
It keeps happening around the country. O'hare in Chicago is happening now. Either this happens all the time orrrrrrr
It won't happen. Nothing ever happens.
Apparently something big is happening tomorrow.
If you don’t, you're as dumb as Hillary and Obama thinking all will be well.
The Christmas of Happenings is still jingling strong.
This. I want corrupt politicians to hang as much as the next guy but these guys legit just type tick tock every few months and pray something does happen.
Digits confirm nwo is fucked
1. Assange releases encryption key to Seth Rich email dump
2. Trump team reviews the goods; certifies validity
3. 24 hours after Assange tweet Customs computers go down
4. Assange is in the USA
This is all just smoke and mirrors to usher in the NWO you dumb fucks.
...until they do.
This guy is the biggest Twitter attention whore out there. He's worse than Hannity. Worse than Kim Fatcom. He constantly posts shit about massive happenings and they almost never come true
650k emails please.
650k emails please.
650k emails please.
650k emails please.
The main thing that gave him credibility is that he was endorsed by Michael Flynn and had some insider contacts, that's about it. That's enough but yeah, it's unlikely that he's the "only" outlet to be informed of any huge happenings like indictments.
Just like 2017 was supposed to be habbenin
Freedom bump!
Oh fuuuuuck this time it's happening for real
According to this report, on 11 April 2017, SCT, while conducting routine training missions in Cuba, intercepted an unusually large number of encrypted communications emanating between the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Cuba) and Luke Air Force Base (Arizona)—immediately after which they made a request to SVR counterintelligence analysts for an explanation of—with the SVR, in turn, then reporting to SCT that these communications were being conducted between the Guantanamo Military Commission (that holds US Military Tribunals) and US Attorney Generals Jeff Sessions.
On 11 April 2017, also, this report says, the SVR reported to SCT that Attorney General Sessions was at Luke Air Force Base to “hold/conduct” meetings with various commanders of the Arizona Army National Guard (AZ ARNG)—with the longest of them being with the commanders of the 850th Military Police Battalion—that numbers nearly 800 highly trained and specialized US Army Military Police forces.
scroll down when you read the article do to where you see Sessions
Comey and McCabe aren't going to prison.
It will be some story about a bunch of politicians and people in law enforcement that did bad things and nothing will happen to them, just like every other time.
McCarran Act (or Internal Security Act of 1950) that allows for the detention of dangerous, disloyal, or subversive persons in times of war or “internal security
Nice numbers. Check these to confirm
t. i. C.k. t. o. C. K.
That is such a retarded fallacy. It is always happening, it has been happening since the first white man took the unfortunate steps that lead him to a kike. But the happening is starting to change. In fact it has been changing for some time.
Ready for a massive nothing burger, user? I am.
Interesting read. Taken with a grain of salt. Lots of it verifiable but they’re make my some big assumptions based on a few facts. But, as they say, true if big.
>Customs article posted at 9:11
His name is Billiam Priestap.
cock ur grab. pussies. i'm here.
and it happenz tomorrow.
after 4, is when i rize, i come with the wind, with goez down tomorrow
>Super secret insider here
>Follow the white rabbit
>everyone I don't like has been put on double secret indictment
>seriously like 6 gorillian indictments
>also HUMA
>get it?
>is it the person or the program
>Random phrases, keyword
>stupid questions?
>who wants pointless, vague questions
>here's something everyone knows
>give me you's
># iTZ rEaLly FuCKinG HapPenNing
>totally not a LARP
>I'm on Smoko
>so leave me alone
Forgot pic
Assange was pardoned as of new years day. He's been in safe hands for a long time apparently. Think he's dropping a mega bomb soon. He usually does soon after sending out key.
Kek is here
The digits confirm
who cares anymore nothing ever happens
Do you hear that knocking...?
CNN btfo by same ruling. Pic related.
Bless up
maybe if these people didn't cry wolf so many fucking times I might believe them.
what does this mean?
I like TruePundit, but yeah, it was only a few weeks he promised major goods and didnt deliver.
The Assange stuff holds some promise though.
Yeah I'm sure it's real this time guys :DDD
lol I don't believe that for a second, but wow that would be awesome. What a big fuck you to all the retarded Democrats.
2018 better be Hillary's year
Tomorrow the Great Pumpkin will rise up from the Pumpkin patch.
Coasties wear MARPAT woodlands?
praise kek and blessing be upon him and trump
may digits bless 2018 for the just
That would be dope.
Tick. Tock. Anybody who writes this, and alludes to happenings that never happen or turn out to be nothings, require immediate gassing. Anybody who tick tocks in Twitter regardless of what follows should be gassed just to be safe
To die
I thought the consensus was that Assange was dead? What about those video artifacts in his "interview" with Sean Hannity?
You must be a faggot for that much speculative shit to all fall out at once. Stop having sex with men.
They were watching reruns of the Apprentice on the big screen.
Nothing to see here.
Who is the US trying to sneak in? Good guy or bad guy?
Now I am become death, the destroyer of the Clinton Crime Empire.
Consensus? Anybody who thinks Assange is dead is a fucking idiot
This pic is real, if you search ' human trafficking' you get that...
Don't you talk to my boyfriend like that.
That whole CBTS thing was an awfully ineffective disinfo campaign. I clicked on a CBTS thread maybe once or twice, tried to interpret all the horseshit and noped outta there back to nigger hate threads. Now all you faggots reference CBTS whenever there's an actual or possible happening just to dishearten people. Well, fuck off.
Tick. Tock. Waiting for my clockmaker to fix my clock. Then he calls and says its HAPPENING!