I am myself Gen Z and have met people from my generation who are "based" what are your experiences with us? Also, for context it's from '95 to '05, I believe.
Are Gen Z actually based?
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da faq are "Kippers"
Type of food, I believe.
That aint true majority of gen z are just normies
Only reason they might look based is pols misinterpretation of spoiled youth who think its just cool to be racist
I've seen a few studies that indicate that Gen Z are more Conservative on average. I could use myself as an anecdote but I trust the research.
Wait wait fuck off 1995 is Gen Z?
I thought I was millenial. I'm 22
Big if true?
Yeah, mate. You're not part of the 2nd worst generation in the past 200 years.
From wiki:
>There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends, but demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to mid-2000s as starting birth years. At the present time, there is little consensus regarding ending birth years.
1995 is a damn limbo zone. Whose jurisdiction is 1995!?
Just trust in my judgement, mate.
There's brightness in this world once again. I will not let you down. Generation Z will win!
These generations are mostly defined by their behavior, beliefs and so on. If this one actually turns out to be Gen Zyklon, anyone in between who's on Sup Forums qualifies as early Gen Z
>4. Lachlan
Who the fuck?
The main metric is for those born within the "Prime" of the internet. This would be '95 till '05. Millennials grew up in a world without the internet or very, very limited access.
It's a Normie image, best I could find in 2 secs.
The whites are, because they can clearly see and feel the decline of white power. Even then, not ALL whites are - many are normies, just fewer than previous generations. On top of that, this is the most queer and least white generation in history as well.
So, a few are based. Most are fucked.
>Acronym for Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings
Urban dictionary to the rescue
Really? I've heard fish fingers referred to as "Kippers"
> 77.9% estimated to be obese in 2027
How can they be expected to save the world if more than half of the men can't see their dick?
They are out to eat us
I think Gen Z should be defined as kids being raised post-9/11 as the radical shift in Western ideology happened then.
Gen Zyklon. I love that name I swear!!!
Aren't we already there? I just see fat people on the bus or out on the street.
I was born at 1999 May 19 (I've noticed this is the same day Star Wars The Phantom Menace, was released) so I consider myself to be Gen Z
I have a 10 year old son
His school thinks that Trump is hilarious. They think hes building a big wall to keep out the mexicans, but the Mexicans will just dig under it, but who cares lets play vidya
We're the same age, mate.
The radical shift happened in the 90s when zero tolerance laws arrived.
I don't think that anyone under the age of 18 can fully understand Trump.
The main issue is that the Millennials were locked out of the job market due to the boomers.
Also, I've got the most memetic birthday. Friday the 13th of October.
This kid is based
I was born 97' but I would say it is true to a degree in the U.S.A at least. Gen Z is the most diverse generation yet so it's only the whites men who are right leaning.
I think there is truth to it though. You have a generation of kids who replaced T.V. with the internet so less influence from MSM. Most of Gen Z only watch online forms of entertainment. Women still watch a shit ton of Netflix though which is mostly propaganda. Men play video games and most are in some type of sub-culture on the internet except the normie ones. White men are definitely noticing the subversion of their entertainment.
Also Gen Z parents are more often than not divorced. I think this is contributing to the strong hatred of the state of modern relationships. Gen Z also grew up during the recession and stay home more. Definitely more fiscally conservative than millennials due to that.
I found out about holocaust denialism at that age.
I've met a few "based" women my age. A lot of then don't prescribe to the leftist agenda, they're too scared to come out about it.
All the 90's fagit babys itt.
Absolute Disgust.
o trust me dude my old school where my son goes is literally filled with at least 50 Nazi sympathizers
Are children becoming more conservative as a backlash to the degenerate radical left?
What is the cause/correlation?
Children tend to go against their parents and it seems that most parents are spineless leftists.
The gens are loosely defined
With 1995 you can go either way
It's more based on how you grew up
I grew up with early home computer, first hard disks etc. later on dial up modems. Still digital native -> millenial
You probably grew up with high speed internet everywhere and cellphone ubiquity -> gen Z
I can't stop thinking about it. I've been waiting for a chance to use it. Gen Zyklon
Then why do most SJWs have liberal parents?
Do they? I was under the assumption that most libtards came from Conservative households.
I'm in between:
>Never used a floppy disk
>Played Altered Beast on the Sega
The opposite is true of me. I came from a "Liberal" household and I'm extremely Conservative.
My 1st console was the N64, shortly followed by the of Xbox.
>a conservative has liberal children
>a liberal has Marxist children
>a Marxist has Nazi children
Such is life
These so-called "liberal" parents didn't parent at all and let the kids be jewed by the media.
My Generation (Zyklon) grew up with our most powerful weapon, the internet. That's why we are more conservative.
Marxists don't have children. Too much œstrogen in their system.
The median viewing age of television must be in the 40s now. Kids are completely reliant on the internet.
delet this
Their is no middle ground, politically.
what is happening with gen z is that you are either deciding your gender or getting ready to fight in the race war.
We weren't born into even a semblance of a white nation. We can't remember the "good ol days" and have a sort of hiraeth about it.
Gen Z is overwhelmingly conservative, trump would have gotten ~500 electoral votes if only gen Z voted.
Millennials, gen X, they merely adopted the internet. We were born into it, molded by it.
>1 in 2 University Educated
Our economy is fucking doomed, and our workforce is going to be filled with useless degrees....
I was born in 2000 and I really don't see it, we're just as left as the last generation but with even less care about wider society as a whole and a more self-centred and hedonistic outlook on life.
Unless your birthday was yesterday or is today you need to fuck off.
Aren't you under 18?
Born New Years Day
Gen Z is definitely based, glad I barely made the cut off. 1995
You would've been in the same year group as me.
I'm in my final year of secondary education now. I'm in the Scottish system so we don't do that weird college shit.
Fuck! Too bad Brexit happened after I left school. I would've done the same
College is better than 6th form. At least I only have to come in 3 days a week.
Yes because we can already judge Gen Z as a good generation.
Isn't 6th form college? I don't really get how it works in England. Here you just have six years of secondary education but you can leave after 4th or 5th year to go to college. College is only really for lads who want to learn trades though, cunts will probably end up making more money that mongs like me that are going to university.
6th form is Uni prep. College is vocational shit, like trades, it, catering etc.
Gen Z will forever be known for Kony 2012. So no, Gen Z is not based.
I see, always just seemed strange to me that you change institutions just for the last two years of education but it'll probably end up working better than the shit system we have here.
Half are Tumblrites, also it seems that the Boomers are a Gen of people in the closet.
We give people choice. I went for a trade myself and am doing well education wise.
Sounds good mate. A lot of my friends left at 4th year (16ish) to go to college and now most of them are getting ready to get into pretty decently paying jobs or starting their own businesses. What are you learning?
I'm training to be a Spark at the moment. May go into the Army after as a Royal Engineer.
1996...so I am gen Z?
Ah now I know what to search for. Tween porn. Silly me :3
Mate I used floppy disks as a kid. Good times.
They didn't give me a choice I was forced into sixth form instead of taking a network engineering course.
'97 checking in. The older Gen Z aren't as based, but I know quite a few kids born after '00 that are fully redpilled on race and the JQ
Network Engineering is really good. Why's they force young into meme form?
I'll also add that all my friends born around my year are racist, just not fully redpilled. Like they listen to rap and shit, but they still realize that niggers are shit(skins).
>*Future Forecast
did they actually just assume a sequence from the first two fractions or what
It was the year before the fee hike and they said it would be a shame if I didn't go to uni.
You can still got to Uni here with a Cisco quality.
You can join the RAF and get the qual you would've done in College. Just as a suggestion.
That’s because they’re just edgy middle-schoolers.
I got into the whole Nazi shit when I was an edgy 14 year old.
>I am myself Gen Z
t. Millennial
I hate you generationfluid cunts even more than trannies.
>I consider myself to be Gen Z
completely generationfluid.
Hey. We have the same birthday.
Edgy middle school years give you the perspective needed for all the sjw bullshit. Kids who were in middle school during the obama years didn't have that.
91 here. You don't know shit about the og internet. You were born after fucking napster.
It's been great growing up online with you guys
I think of the true redpilled gen z as the kids who were 14 and under when trump phenom/ kek started. Guys this was honestly a giant cultural shift for whites that will god own in history. white males born 2002 or later understand their true identity.
>37 posts by this ID
Kids under 18 can see through cognitive dissonance and feigned liberal outrage. It's literally a logic thing with the trivial issues that hit the mainstream. Nuanced redpilled issues aren't what trump won on. It's bullshit like martying bloods gangbangers who were reaching for a loaded .45 they pointed at a homlesss guy before getting shot.
A few based white men conquered the Aztec empire. A few based white men laid the foundations of America. When a few based white men wake up and work together we nuke the japs and reach the moon.
You're not much different from Millenials desu. Probably a bit faggier overall. There's nothing remarkable about Gen Z despite your lame attempts to promote them as (((based!))) with anecdotal stories about some kid in your school who did a nazi salute one time. But you'll be a forgotten generation like Gen X. Gen Alpha who come after you will have a much bigger impact.
'96 here. Full fash nationalist, educated, nigger killer, and Chad Aryan breeder. AMA