Last White Guy

No more "good" white men.

Disney's political agenda is clear. T

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>watching capeshit movies

that's were you fucked up user

The best thing is to unplug from mainstream pop culture completely. It feels good to not know what people are talking about when they mention some jewish pop culture reference.

fucking this

Pretty much this. I'm so disconnected from mainstream pop culture that I didn't even know this movie existed until I saw a thread on Sup Forums when the movie first came out.

Hey, there’s still that guy that looks like sylvester stallone

They're disconnecting us from the bread and circuses without even realizing it. More and more men will stop being consumed by this poison and wake up

Is that the new star wars main character contingent? They look so fucking lame holy shit. Even the droid looks like a turbofaggot. The wop with a gun is the only one who looks at least meh, he could have been Han Solo's pozzed cousin in the original one.

Literally had a women take out a fleet of white men led by a ship named Supremacy. And then killed off the last white hero later for no reason at all.


Yeah that's a pretty good criticism actually. The artists behind this intended the film to represent a command to the movie industry to stop using white heroes, "Just look at how much money the Last Jedi makes! You don't have to have white male stars in your movies to make money, and there's plenty of reasons not to, and besides they voted for Trump and we need to purge them all so we can have real democracy."

The Last White Guy marks the turning point where white men are denied lead roles in practically the entire industry. They are going to erase us from our nation's culture as a punishment.
I promise this is what they are saying at dinner parties.

KEK. Who the fuck is that fat asian chick. What have they done. There are like a few billion asians and they manage to find the only one who is fat. My fucking sides.


>user you see the new star wars

>no thanks, I just spent two hours in a synagogue and got the same experience for free

>haha wut user?

I don't wanna sound edgy but fuck I feel so smart and superior when I look at normies scurry about obsessing over their trivial pop culture nonsense

Kylo is the real hero.

Oscar Isaac is white. Don't buy into the lie he's a "poc"

"He's Cuban and Guatamalen" those are nationalities, not races. He looks 100% Spaniard not native Maya or Taino.

Luke, did I ever tell you about r/the_Donald? It was a subsection of a website designed for those who had neither the patience for traditional forums or the understanding of image boards. Eventually, after falling for a joke they were never in on, they grew curious as to the source of their "original ideas" and located the homeworld of the content creators. In doing so, they effectively lowered the quality and output of the content they had thrived on since their inception. They were never good friends.

They made their house negro a bumbling idiot too, was pure fem propaganda.

I'm technically not even white but seeing white men completely disappear from pop culture over these past few years has been really baffling and I can tell there's an agenda at foot. I don't like it at all.

kek, the little asian one is so ugly. its realistic, it coincides with the fall of society and the decline of the galactic republic. In its final years women become overrepresented in positions of power, its just like what is happening now


Ah a fellow Italian

fucking kek

Holy moly

Jesus Christ this makes sense. We are just going to stop seeing white men in film and television entirely

Right? Like how the fuck do you even find a fat asian chick. Like one in a million.

Civil war when? I am itching for an ethnic cleansing.

filipino chicks.

or asians who have lived in america too long.


Alternatively, we could make our own films, with only white actors. Like a reboot of 12 years a slave with only white people.

(((They))) aren't even trying to hide the agenda anymore. It's out in the open and pushing full steam ahead. When are white men going to rise up and fight?

Your future will only be secured by the shedding of blood.


any casual student of Japanese porn knows that the obesity epidemic hit Japan some years ago

Are you new here?

Your fucking country and race is being overrun by foreign races who hate you at the hands of a semetic death cult that is in control of all your media and finance and you are sitting here and saying "hurr durr durr let's just mayke our own movies xDDD".

Fight back or perish.

I want to use this line.




Oh we'll have plenty of opportunities to play villains and henchmen easily bested by token Mary and Tyrone Sues.

no there isn't

Please tell me more about your stupid theory

>Disney's political agenda is clear.
No shit. I am sure you will be surprised to discover that the CEO of Disney is a Jew.

"Robert Allen Iger is an American businessman who is chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of The Walt Disney Company."
"Iger was born to a Jewish family in New York City."

fighting can be done in various ways. We will win nothing if we just kill a few people, get killed on mass by the military of your country and in the end we still are the bad guys. There is a time for physical fighting, but right now, we are winning without even touching a weapon. Channel your energy into something productive.

They've already blamed Russia and white males for the low audience score. It's never their own fault

Gotta go with this. It feels good to also tell normies that you don’t have Facebook or participate in social media. They don’t know how to handle it.

the last disney goyim ceo died in a (((helicopter crash))) if I'm not totally mistaken

> 51%
Will it ever get below 50?

Kevin spacey is a gay child molester


I really tried to like the movie and was going to give it a pass if Luke lived but nope.


It's interesting how they can blame white males for anything and the public buys it. They've successfully dehumanized us. What comes next is our life as second class citizens

At this point I wish they'd just pull a poochie on Rey, Finn, Kylo and the rest of the add ons and make Episode IX about Chewie and chubby old Lando getting into some shenanigans.

I can't watch this movie because of how ugly that chick is, her face alone makes me want to vomit,

More surprised that the audience isn’t a 56%


Muh jewish daughters love this

Press S to spit on Pedowood

The funniest part is that they hooked the nigger up with the fat asian chick.
I promise you that bitch is going to die from her wounds, nigger will be devastated, white woman will see what a sensitive and good guy he is and they'll end up together.
I'll bet any amount of money that's the plan.

There's this cucked white guy I know at work. He's like 6'4" and is pure country. Voted Trump, but he's a cucked democrat. Refuses to see the truth about race and IQ, buys into a lot of social junk, but he is against half-awake on how everyone shit talks white people. It's just like he hasn't connected the dots. Me and him shit talk the sports games where they take the knee, and he's a big patriot with a family line of military dudes, but it's like he's afraid to dig deeper.

Anyway, I talked to him about the movie and he refused to see any truth on it. He said he liked it. I told him it was basically about killing off the last white hero of the film to make way for more minorities. He told me I was overthinking it. I told him the next star wars movie won't have a single white guy in a lead cast. He just shrugged, but then nodded stoically. It was weird. He seemed to understand but didn't want to accept it.

We'll see who's right next year.

Probably in the short term people tend to be swayed by reviewers, advertisements and media hype.

I think it will probably settle around 45%.

>but he is half-awake on how everyone shit talks white people*
He complains to me all the time about blacks shitting on whites at work, and how all black people want to talk about is race. Even the "smart" guy at our office is a race baiter. Every political talk we have revolves around white vs black nonsense.

Anyway my point is that he's half-awake to a lot of these things, but subconsciously refuses to look deeper into it all. I have a feeling that a lot of people are like that.

This is me desu

It was for a while but then cucks who don't get it piled on and ruined it.

do it it's awsome
i do it for some years now and some of them went full 180° on jews once they got to look up stuff

Well there was only Luke to begin with. Harrison Ford is jewish and Billy Dee Williams is black. And even Mark Hamil is suspect because Hamil sounds like a semitic name (comes from Hamilcar, a Carthaginian semite)

I lost a job bc of social media once. I deleted everything. I still find remnants of old social media like deviantart once in a while, but people have no idea how to react to 'no, i dont use facebook, twitter' etc.

I'm older than most of my peers in my profession so I think they chalk it up to my age but man, these kids are all going to get fucked someday bc of their incessant social media usage.

Doesnt even need to be profitable just viable.

The problem is that the rest of the population watch these movies and get brainwashed to accept their own ethnic replacement. Simply disconnecting won't save us.

But yes, do not finance them. Pirate the films if you have to watch them.

The asian chic was just a wannabe actor from San Francisco. She'll be fine. If she were an actual china person then sure, ya, maybe

Unless something changes. I hope

We have bigger fish to fry. Crying about lack of white men in a children's movie is pathetic and sad.

luke was made out to be a bitch

Checked for truth. We need to be crying about the lack of white men in our white women.

that's exactly what I think. Hollywood is building this up for a blacked ending

Not much of a fish to fry here. Just don't watch it.

yes surrender worked well for the french

I did this. No faceburg and no television.

Feels pretty good now.


This movie killed off /ourguy/ in the most unceremonious way possible.

That made me more mad than anything else.

I gave up Faceberg 14 months ago. I got a job I sort of wanted for the first time ever and just got promoted to a position I actually do want.

It's not surrender. It's just not subjecting yourself to leftist propaganda

They're like a bull in a china shop.

Yeah fuck yeah. Love you man!

Well you are superior bro. I back you up on that 100%. It's just reality. With great power comes great responsibility, though. Remember that when the shit hits the fan and the time comes to spread some of that fucking energy.

Lol...our guy? Star Wars is fake and gay.

Nothing says I love you like a black guy with a gun

>Stop crying about generations of children being brainwashed into accepting their own ethnic replacement



Last white man

>becomes a hermit, takes all jedi knowledge and plans to burn it then let a tumblr feminist have it
>gets guilted by a robot to come back, only as a projection to get collectively murdered by the empire(feminist society)
>whiny millennial feminist also goes down to try and kill the projection of a white male

Its was an impossible task for Luke, trying to turn the spawn of a bad boy and a retard feminist into a proper Jedi knight

>he was damned to failure
>Yoda also procluded the end as well
>rebels are a massive failure under Leia, ie Feminist leadership

some red pills I suppose... for a really shitty movie

We all saw that hug at the end. A little too familiar.
We've lost her to the dark side already.

Let these films brainwash young white children. If their genetics are worth anything, it will have the opposite effect on them and radicalize them. We don't need weak DNA in our gene pool, that's how we got into this mess in the first place.

It is, but Star Wars is a generational movie. Unlike other films, Star Wars has a multi generational audience. Thes Films are rooted deeply in kids, parents and even grandparents

That's retarded. For evolution to work people have to die before they can reproduce.

You are a Jew, aren't you? We don't want weak DNA in our gene pool, but we do not want to give 90% of our white children to the lions either. Not before we have cleansed our continents of much worse DNA.

Nah. I have just taken the blackpill.. The white race is on its deathbed, getting more white men in childrens movie isn't going to change that. Neither is anything you do on this board. the only thing you can do is prepare your body, mind and soul, to face the demons with no fear of dying, and hopefully enter some sort of afterlife.

Then start with saying that you are a defeatist subhuman, don't pretend you are on our side.

A realest.

>our side
got a turd in your pocket, do ya?

look at that bald fuck's face.
