Is it true that Chads dont care about race?
Is it true that women dont care about race but care about Chads?
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He used to be pro-Nazi but the poz of America broke him down
>Is it true that Chads dont care about race?
>Is it true that women dont care about race
Women know very well that dating niggers is a bad thing, and that is precisely why some of them do it, they see it as taboo and rebellious
Yeah its weird. Chads at my hs dont care about race at all when it comes to the roasties they hang out with or fuck but the nerd and normie/quasi-nerd perverts i sit with only talk about hot white girls, even the niggers/mudslimes/chinks among them arent into their own kind as much.
Chad here, I'll stick my dick in a dick if the girl is hot enough.
You've succumbed to your base nature. A sad waste of Chad potential.
Women are more racist than men. As a colored person living in one of the whitest nations on earth Finland aka 'The land of severe autism' Pekka's could be a bit awkward, but generally they are just decent men. Meanwhile, those fucking Ainos are either hardcore racist or mildly racist. So yeah naturally men are the least racist sex
Do you find nigresses hot or would you have to slightly push yourself to do it?
Agreed. Pure masculinity is rape. Pure feminity is status to ensure safety of offspring.
Which one are you, Sup Forums?
ive never met a a single guy ever in my entire life who preferred or had a fetish for any type of person with dark skin
If she moves my dick she can sit on it.
the grass is always greener on the other side
race mixing through rape is in the very heart of the male aryan soul
women of course should not race mix
>those names
>the grass is always greener on the other side
What did he mean by this?
(I get the idiom but I dont see its relevance)
Once you attain chad-like aesthetics... women will show their true form around you.
Either they will be too shy to approach you or they will be drooling hanging all over you asking to do things for you or asking you what you want.
For example.. pic related body will get you hundreds of phone numbers without even saying anything meaningful...
Women will actually try to pay you to fuck them, in some form of payment at at least.
That's how bad it gets, in fact it gets so bad that women who really really really want you will be okay sharing you with other women because they realize they cannot have you alone, they realize you can have all kinds of women so they are okay with that as long as you give them a piece.
Most chads I know think latinas are hot as fuck, asian women usually unattractive, and black women disgusting. Chads stick to their race more than betas, because they can get all kinds of white qts
caring about your race is inward looking. chads are outward looking.
that's also why amongst those who care about their race, perversions like incest fetishism and homosexuality are more common. it's all about reversion, going inward. i'm not saying that preserving your race is bad at all, but the psychological impetus for many of the racially aware seems to be a kind of neurotic narcissism. which makes sense i guess, for thousands of years humans didn't have to content with the kind of massive, rapid demographic shifts that are occurring today. we aren't evolutionarily equipped to deal with the phenomenon and the best of us are the best of what evolution shaped so it makes sense for chads not to care about race.
that said, chads aren't about to select themselves out of the white gene pool. on average white women are considered more desirable and that's generally what chads go after.
>t. gas lighting jew
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Women are attracted to, above all else, power. Looks and size are merely a means to power. That is, a man who is symmetrical and well-groomed and in good shape is more likely to obtain power among his peers.
Power is important evolutionarily, because it allows a man to organize the world prioritizing his own reproduction. A powerful shot-caller in a tribe could use the top 20% of men to build a harem, effectively ending the evolutionary lines of everybody except for his own and that of his friends.
For this reason, men instinctively crave power, and women instinctively crave powerful men. This is why you see those liberal women have sex dreams of Donald Trump. Not because Donald Trump is good looking (he isn't) but because he has power. If you meet a man who doesn't claim to want power, or claims to only want it as a means, not an end, you are meeting the most dangerous type of man: one who will trick you into giving him your power.
To claim that women do not want powerful men is the same as claiming men do not want power. The best mating strategy for men is to obtain power. The best mating strategy for women is to mate with those with power. It is so basically wrong and naive to claim otherwise, that it is actually dangerous for your own well-being in the world.
What is a "Chad"? Assertive, strong, gregarious, sociable, has latent sadism, two-faced, Machiavellian, cunning, and violent when cunning fails - this is a dominant man. This is a man that will instinctively gain power, organize groups to his benefit, and allot resources to others who will help him maintain his power (pussy included). Women want Chads because the women who didn't want Chads passed their genes onto inferior men.
They're a subspecies of normies, so I would generally say yes.
Good looks does not necessarily ensure successful genetic progeny.
good looks have a domino effect during development though.
it gives a huge advantage to being socialized, confident, ambitious, taken seriously, and easier for others to laugh with.
>caring about anything
Lmao. Women are literally INCAPABLE of indepdent thought, I can not even be upset at them anymore because I know they can’t help themselves and it is how they’ve evolved and how we (men as a whole) have let them become. I could sit here damning women for all the terrible things they’ve sat idly buy or willingly participated in that are leading to the downfall of humanity, but until men become men again and put women in their place, I’m nothing but a hypocrite.
David Goldschlong unironically. Basically describes my motivations in life.