The fuck is her problem?
The fuck is her problem?
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2018 is the year Sup Forums gets BTFO
The pendulum is swinging back
she's getting politically active and encouraging her peers to follow suit
and frankly unless we do the same we're going to be sitting around watching the tactic succeed
Trips don't lie. But it is too late now
We need to kidnap her. Arnold is too old to save her now.
I have a feeling you are going to be let down.
She still thinks she's relevant
what a waste
Nah celebrities will be less influential than they were in 2016 with all the sexual harassment coming out of Hollywood. And inb4 "Trump was a celebrity, too!" He was a businessman first. The celebrities voicing their opinions now are virtue signaling limousine liberals who the public despises.
link to pro Trump candidates
So we sabotage their tactics and negate numerical and financial advantages they possess
It'll be good to collect information on who is running for the (((blue wave))) though, start finding all of the local and state people that we should support and those that we should go after
resist what exactly? The last gasp efforts of the common man against the global elite?
or do you unironically believe being funded and supported by everyone from the Rothschilds to is resistance to "the system?" you arent actually that stupid, are you?
she thinks she was the boss
Here's a link. I'll start cataloging every lefty running and for what state. Chime in if you see your own
pro-wall candidates specifically, but it'll be tough to navigate the GOP picks and the Bannon picks
Running against career politician Debbie Stabenow. She's been in the game for roughly 40 years and done nothing, but fuck this state over. John James supports all of Trump's economic, immigration and military policies.
Legit think this is gonna be a great year for pol and there will be lots of victories in the culture wars.
Noticed this group aligned with some of the people responding on the status. Worth a look
she thinks she's part of something. What a worthless cunt
Centrist liberal, here. I'll never vote Democrat again. They're a bunch of whinging cringeworthy little shits that get together and have pep rallies to jerk themselves off.
In my opinion both parties should be gathered in a room and a nuke should be set off.
shes getting older and less hot by the day, so the movie/tv money isn't coming in like it used to
so shes taken up paid shilling for the DNC to continue her lifestyle of excess
Seriously... the opposing party almost always makes huge gains in the house after the incumbent party loses. Let's break this fucking streak and beat back communism.
All these D list celebs think they're doing something. It's kind of sad.
I always go commando.
This deserves a General thread until the elections!
I jerked off to her a lot as a teenage boy.
Nehlen does too, since kikebart abandoned him
Dumb wop needs another good rape
link to paul nehlen
Looks exactly like that kid from Stranger Things
In case not bait, I envy the fresh thrill you'll soon find on a wild ride.