virgin thunderfaggot gets owned by alpha creationist for an hour straight.
the absolute state of atheist autism kek. can't even take on a creationist without looking like an idiot and sperging out.
virgin thunderfaggot gets owned by alpha creationist for an hour straight.
the absolute state of atheist autism kek. can't even take on a creationist without looking like an idiot and sperging out.
Other urls found in this thread:
look at the soyboys in the crowd btw. the christian is the only one who looks normal
Look at the Christcuck deflect when he says
>we'll uh-t-talk about that another time
>do I think prayer works?
>I know prayer works
This guy is autistic
Thunderfaggot was trying to deflect and change the topic because he got owned. Also Thunderfaggot does the same thing literally a minute later.
Try again, soyboy skeptic. *tips*
Holy crap, he's raping him. Someone stop it!!
Show your flag, soyboy. What are you hiding?
Thunderf00t stuttering and sperging out throughout the whole talk. You should watch the whole thing from the start.
Oh, this is just part 3? Yeah, I'll watch this snuff film from the start.
The whole talk is embarrassing on Thunderf00t's part desu. I don't see how anyone can watch this and think gaytheists are smart, lol.
Go suck a kike chode you retarded occultist.
Full video here lads:
Thunderfaggot got so buttblasted that he added a 'retard count' to make Eric look bad when everybody can see Thunderfag stuttering and stammering like a retard throughout the whole chat hahaha
I'm not a Christian but I do believe in God. Gaytheists are retarded as evidenced by the video. Atheism is for leddit soyboys who think they're smart because they watch Rick and morty
Who are you talking to? This isn't a safespace hugbox like reddit, you fucking retard. Go back there.
>atheist fag using a memeflag
>telling others to go back to plebbit
lmao, is that you thunderfaggot?
You're a virtue signalling cuck trying to use memes as arguments.
>you haven't demonstrated anything
is what just about sums up religion.
show your flag
>thinking pol is your alt-kike safe space where everyone is a christfaggot like you
I just said that I wasn't a Christian. The absolute state of your comprehension rn, lol. Atheists are truly the worst brainlets of them all.
I like how I'm the only one in your retarded thread and you keep getting btfo thinking someone will come and back you up.
How have I been BTFO? You've said nothing of substantive + you're using a memeflag like a coward. LOL
>thinking Sup Forums is a left-leaning, fedora-tipping circle jerk like plebbit
The crowd is so embarrassing:
i have no time for christcucks OR memeflaggots
Nowhere did I imply it was, unlike OP who is trying to virtue signal to his fellow occultists.
>heh amiright guys? Look at this gaythiest get BTFO. k-kek right guys?
Yet you replied to me.
>retard count
wew the left is really bad at being edgy.
haha u sure owned me
communists makes the rest redundant.
thunderf00t is such a brainlet. he claims he's pro-science but denies race realism lol. He's staying away from trying to debunk the alt-right because he knows he'll get BTFO like his friend kraut
>reality doesn't exist
>god doesn't exist
Man what an intellectual powerhouse.
>race realism
>thinking God exists
pick one
To think I used to be subscribed to that faggot
>No refutation of the central points TF made
>Not even a critique of the central points
>in fact not even a step above an ad hominem
Keep deluding yourselves because if this is the best Sup Forums has to offer than you all need to kill yourselves.
Fucking presuppositionalists. When they can't argue with actual evidence they argue about the very basics of logic and reason and show both that them and their opponent can't know anything 100% sure. Great job. I mean, we can show that we're 99.99999 percent right that we're not a brain in a vat and that god doesn't exist. We just can't absolutely prove it. Woopdeedoo.
Really though, thunderfoots just really shitty at explaining things sometimes.
The trick isn't to try to argue with the Creationist. The trick is to fully agree with them, and then feed into it. Because there is no way for a Creationist to defend their stance without blaspheming against their faith.
>And yet all the prayers of all the christians in the world couldn't reveal the GPS coordinates of bin laden.
>No refutation of the central points
He didn't make any arguments. It was just was two retards yelling at each other about nothing that matters. And by the way, regardless of whether or not you believe in god, the bible was written by people much, much smarter than any e-celeb.
t. soyboy skeptic
Wait so Sup Forums is YEC now??
I had a sex dream about thunderf00t once
No. The talk has nothing to do with creationism but it's just funny that even a creationist theist can beat a nihilist atheist retard like Thundergoy in a debate.
Seriously, my dude. Just go back to plebbit. You're not going to win any hearts and minds here with your condescension and cuckspeak.
You will be happy, and we will be happy.
Thunderfoot is a sad childless old fogey who believes in nothing. I pity him, honestly.
I really don't know why you would do this to yourself.
This guy is a complete idiot and probably doesn't even understand what argument is being made.
I wouldn't waste my time talking to such people. You can't convert the dumb, they are dumb after all. Believing in something supernatural is stupid enough but all this religious drivel is beyond that. It's complete nonsense and illogical. How can you tell yourself that there is a personal supernatural being that gives a shit about every one of these billions of fucking idiots on a remote planet on the outskirts of one of the billion galaxies?
Why even debate these things? It never changes anyones mind, and everyone involved looks silly.
Does descending from a monkey strike amerimutts a little bit too close to home or something?
Dude, he's literaly falseflaging.
I'm torn between atheism and christianity
I wish I could believe in god (unironically for morality and culture) but between thoughts of it being a psyop and being contradictory with science I can't
Fuck both, become a pagan instead
Obviously thunderf00t would lose a philosophical debate. Atheists shun philosophy because they believe the only way to get knowledge is from "science" and you can see the outcome of this "knowledge" on display here. Thunderf00t can only memorize facts and details, then conduct experiments in an extremely limited framework; throw him outside this framework and he's going to stutter, then look the fool.
Thunderf00t is such a pompous, clueless douchebag. When you end an argument that you've lost with "there's a reason I'm a scientist and you're not", you're just embarrassing yourself. He couldn't defend his position at all and I'm not even a christfag.
This video is a great example of why people
like Thunderf00t are allowed to continue to exist:
It's funny because you blather on about how idiotic religious belief is while making one of the most profoundly stupid posts I have ever had the misfortune to read.
Atheist intellectuals everyone.
It's like atheists don't understand how the universe works. Not saying that blind theists do, but it's weird for atheist to think they are smart and have infailable opinion on the subject when they don't understand simple philosophy.
I mean fuck people that lived 2000 years ago, Greeks had more insight on why is there belief in God and how it affects us.
In their quest to appear smarther than "sheeps" Atheists fail to analyze why do so called sheeps live and act like they do. What motivates them, what gives them hope.
What is "supernatural" if there is no reality?
>Sup Forums retards are unironically creationist
Elections led here A LOT of kosher conservatives. Evolution be rasist an shiet.
>Sup Forumstards are so stupid they can't see past the stupidity of creationism/evolution debate
It kind of boggles my mind how stupid people here are.
How do you even dare have opinion on this subject withoud studying history, philosophy, theology?
This subject is not physical, but metaphysical which in it self is very broad subject that need understanding.
But these stupid debates never change anything because stupid people are the one who have the need for them.
Also dogmatic beliefs are not pragmatic in the long term, though virtue and tradition is. Science and Religion fill different roles in human civilization and both have their higher purpose.
Why is it always the Brits who are such utter faggots
this is an incredibly old video, and 10 years ago, pol was posting this video saying "look at this creationist retard get OWNED by BASED THUNDERFOOT!!"
They're both spergs, OP...we need to work on these well meaning christians in the USA and show them the light of reason that is Gnosticism. The atheists have a chance too. I mean clearly what drives atheism is an averse reaction to the thinly veiled antics of Jehovah.
God is great.
Even church makes blacks better..
For me, even if I don't believe EVERYTHING the Bible says, the proof is in the pudding. I'd rather live amongst Christians than gaytheist liberal hedonists.
I can't believe it took me like 10 videos before I realized foot was retarded. I guess I'm just a sucker for people who shit on Anita.
Well i would prefer to live in Czech republic or Estonia than in Zambia.
>two autistic retards go back and fourth in the most retarded way possible
What a waste of fucking time to watch that horseshit.
Objectivism has all these arguments nailed down. They're stuck on metaphysics; their debate is solved by the axiums.
Any discussion automatically assumes the universe exists. Indeed, any action at all, period, does this implicitly.
Here's an example - do you think Thunderfoot crosses the street without looking both ways? After all, that bus may or may not exist.
My ultimate point is that the most thoughtful of atheists do have a legit alternative to religious ethics. But it is such a sublte point that it's not worth pressing in this current political climate.
We must defeat the left first. This infighting is pointless. It's not like religion would be outlawed in an Objectivist society anyway.
He's not retarded. He's hobbled by rampant skepticism. David Hume would do just as badly against this guy.
Finally someone who thinks above these retards.
I have always wondered could an atheistic society exist, but it to be focused on virtues and ethics, not to succumb to consumerism of the modern world.
I was thinking that at worst for theists, their placebo motivates them to be better, to try harder. Now atheists can be as virtuous as ant theist, but I can only imagine it needing much more willpower. Something I am afraid in the current society is really hard to find.
Though theoretically possible in the current state of civilisation it's seems like a lost cause that would end up like USSR with their push for communism which was impractical, at least in their time and still is.
Though as you say it's not worth pressing such an idea in current civilisational level.
>We can be 99% sure we're not a brain in a vat
You can't disprove an arbitrary claim.
There's no truth value in these statements at all. You have no obligation to disprove them.
Say I were to assert that you have cancer with zero evidence. Will you seek to disprove it, or dismiss it?
>but I can only imagine it needing much more willpower
This is where I am at. Although I can't find any logical flaws in Objectivism, the vast, vast majority of people who get into it abandon it over time. I also struggle to find the willpower to follow it.
The answer may lie in Jordan Peterson's interpretation of Jung - he assumes that we are "pre-programmed" to a degree, which is why certain stories endure. Objectivism assumes we are a blank slate at birth.
>Can't trust atheists as a whole as we'd become a commie hell-hole
I'm with you 100%. The vast majority of Atheists are socialist scum. They're not atheists at all - they worship the state instead.
And here we have a septic fan boy showing off how deep he can take one of his e celebs dicks down his throat.
I don't know. I'm shitposting on an vietnamese flute carving board in expectation that reality exists.
Show your flag faggot.
>we can show that we're 99.99999 percent right that we're not a brain in a vat and that god doesn't exist
You really can't though.