You might not like it, you must thank this show for saving industry from fujoshits

You might not like it, you must thank this show for saving industry from fujoshits.

but you must*

>Furfag shit

Please don't use Kemono Friends to shitpost.

What if I like fujoshit shows and Kemono Friends?

Fujoshits are better than furfags.

Stop creating threads for shitposting purposes only.

>"Gay on Ice is a big hit! You see!!"
>gets shat on by something that came out of nowhere

Shit like Kemono Friends is the same as fujoshit, just aimed at boys instead of girls. The anime industry has been aimed at manchildren for too long. It's time for a breath of fresh air, and that breath is not Kemono Friends.


what is don't like is tsuchinoko, because she's a shit

Kemono friend sold less than 10% of what Fujos on Ice did


The future does not belong to those who slander kemono friends

I thought Looney Tunes did that?

>mentioning that it sold less
>not mentioning that it only sold less on the first week because there weren't enough copies so they're waiting for restock

fake news

>it's a KF is a yuri anime shitposting episode
yuri elements; not yuri focus

Who are you quoting?

Kemono Friends is one of the few times I enjoyed being on Sup Forums, looking at fanart, and discussing dumb things about the show more than actually watching the show.

>Kemono Fags brag about how they had to restock 100 times
>still complain when it sells less than 6k

How did it do compared to Looney Tunes?

How does that make any sense at all? Just because people buy one thing it doesn't mean they can't buy another thing.
Although it really did help with one thing, which is exposing how many newfags we have on Sup Forums currently. It's kind of amazing and depressing at the same time how many of them don't recognize the 10% rule.

But fujoshit like Kiss Him Not Me is literally kino.

Supporting CG?

>CG animus are shit! SHIIIIITTTT!!!!
>furfag the worst
>exactly the opposite of above
Bravo, KF!

Just because a show gets unexpectedly popular is no reason to shitpost and pit it against unrelated fanbases you also dislike for the same reason.

Thank you

Also sageru

CG anime such as Tesa, gdgd, SeHa or Minarai Diva are one of the most unique and original anime of last decade.

was it any good?

It's a show for everybody

>shit animation
>shit voice acting
>someone associated with the anime says "don't lewd, it's a kids show" on 2chan
>fan art lewds and memes that are a million times better done than the show animation flood the internet
>introduce more characters every episode for maximum lewding and memeing value
>show explodes in popularity
>is hailed as a masterpiece

The animation could be worse and the voice acting was great , nice opinion though

It seems the new trend among denialfas is making up their own timeline

Thank you, and it's on my backlog actually. It also saved me from the shitty studiofags. But I heard that people said it wouldn't be that fun if you didn't wait for it every week and follow those threads, a bit sad.

Wow, this "moderation" is out of control, even these cunts are apparently on the bandwagon for this show.

Nice thread desu

breddy good imo

So just bait then?


The only thing it did was increase the fujoshit with that male version of it.