If you lived under Sharia law, wouldn't you protest.
Why is Sup Forums against the Iran protests?
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Because it's caused by Israel.
I don't like protests even if they are against sharia law. Protesting is for lefties.
Have you ever considered that maybe people are sick of living under Sharia law? Blaming it on Israel/CIA without any evidence is no better than "MUH RUSSIA"
Nah, fuck Israel you fucking kikes, have you ever thought peopel are sick of you faggot ass kikes?
>using made up nigger talking points
>unironically #BLM
>Sup Forums will defend this
Lel, I thought the jews were behind #BLM? But now that BASED Iran supports it, you will too?
Base Khamenei
Because Iran is one of the nations with State Sponsored internet propaganda.
The biggest sources for it are Russia, Iran, China, Israel, North Korea, Turkey, and the UK.
There is a good chance you are talking to Iranian or Turkish military who want to blame Israel.
And then at the same time listen to arguments form Israeli military trying to tell you otherwise.
But that's Sup Forums
You're sounding as desperate as the DNC, blaming Israel instead of Russia
you mean like in Saudi Arabia our ally?
and this isn't why they are protesting
it's about economics
We join in with Iran and demanding the US look in the mirror before judging
I don't know if some outside force is at work. But what if they were? Iran got screwed in the 70's. There is no doubt about it. And they ended up with the crap system they now have as a result.
What if there were people trying to undo that damage? Why shouldn't they?
People in Saudi Arabia should protest Sharia law too.
I mean the 50's
Don't know why I wrote 70's
An islamic iran acts as a counter weight to israel. A (((western democratic))) iran just becomes another zog
Because something, something Based Assad, something, something sunni muslims are different, something we must join with “good” muslims. /sg/ really ruined this board. They literally subverted the hatred of kikes for some into a love for muslim hoards and the rest are pakis. Talk about takiyya.
A couple of weeks ago Sup Forums would have been with the protesters, it's just the holidays and a lot of kids are off from school, infact if you look on the average Iran thread you'll find most people don't know what the fuck Iran has been doing for the past decade but because they hate "DUH JEWS" the government gets a free pass.
It's kind of disconcerting that actual people with cognitive skills can be so dense, much like the people that still unironically support Trump and think he's still going to "build that wall". Just because someone does something you find to be nice doesn't excuse the stuff more recently that you find to be nasty, for example if people started protesting in the USA for cheaper food and the government started killing people through use of force, there's be fucking uproar, but if it's in Iran "HYUK HYUK sandniggers killing sandniggers nothin' t'wurry 'bout HYUK" the double think is real.
Fucking thing glows of CIA niggers.
Iran is jew controlled opposition to scare the other sand niggers into line. The silence and lies of the kike media proves this.
shhhhh they'll hear you
on the bright side, this makes it really easy to spot the fake controlled faggots
/pol doesn't care about non-white happenings
>the day Sup Forums became a pro-Israel board
This place is fucking dead
Iranian here.
Some of you Sup Forumsacks are retarded beyond imagination.
Foreign countries benefiting from a regime change is one thing, them causing it is completely different.
The issue is quite simple: Iran is ruled by an Islamic Dictatorship and people are becoming poorer daily. Revolution is inevitable.
You shills are just so blatant and obvious you reek of second day temp hire
t. reddit
BASED IRAN are the good guys amirite /sg/?
lol fuck off. there is literally no reason to believe this is anything more than kikes and their zog-puppets doing exactly what they've wanted to do. they want iran to turn into another libya/syria.
Iranians can do what they want. It's not an American concern. In other words, Sup Forums doesn't care. But we WILL call out shills who are obviously pushing for some kind of western "intervention."
he is unironically right that we have to fix our own country before anything else. its just that the way we fix our country is sending the niggers to africa and the jews to israel.
There are many reasons. Costs of living and poverty are going up, cruel punishments for anyone that speaks against the supreme leader or islam
>I know more about your country and your people than you
Do humanity a favor and just kill yourself.
You, and that nigger loving government can go fuck yourselves
Iran's leader literally does the classic numale "I'm not christian but jesus said something about helping the oppressed" line
niggers in america are poor too. doesn't mean i support their demands for more gibs.
>i fall for the same narrative repeatedly
holy shit idk if its more insulting to call you a leaf or a shitskin. you are that stupid.
Well when the day comes, Godspeed user.
Also, I hope the God emperor backs the right side
>>i fall for the same narrative repeatedly
wtf is wrong with you? I lived in Iran for 21 years. All my relatives and friends and everyone they know are against the regime. They are in the streets fighting, getting arrested, killed, and retards like you tell me that it's because HURR DURRR ISRAEL IS DOING THIS LOL xDDDDDD
You are a waste of breath. It's like debating with a monkey. Believe whatever the fuck you want.
Thanks user. I escaped the country 10 years ago. It was torture living there. Dictatorship is shitty, but ISLAMIC dictatorship is hell.
I don't care what happens in that place of the world anymore. Let them murder each other and make sure to keep them out of our countries.
Idgaf if people in Iran think they will be better off under the globalist jew.
Yeah, that sounds just like the left and their Russian hackers narrative. Way to prove his point, spaz.
Thanks for doing our work for us, Khamenei.
Time for (((regime change)))
Kek cuck
Cause the zionists literally want Iran to turn into syria.
yea and i bet you are going to want my tax dollars to pay for your shit revolution cos the big bad basij are beating your dumb millennial asses to death in the streets. and then you are gonna want me to go invade and die for israel while regime-changing iran for you so you can turn into the middle east version of sweden. go fuck yourself you stupid kike-puppet.
honestly idk if its depressing on relieving that being dumb fucking shabbos goyim isn't just an american thing.
>Iran is ruled by an Islamic Dictatorship and people are becoming poorer daily. Revolution is inevitable.
The past track records show that revolution in the middle east means that one somewhat stable dicatotorship is getting replaced with a less stable dictatorship that doubles down on the muslim shit, resulting in daily terror attacks. Attacks that spill over into western countries via 'refugees'.
This is the tactic used to overthrow Egypt, Libya, Ukraine and most of the South/Middle American countries back in the day. This is Jew controlled CIA all the way. If your brain can't comprehend this, then back to anime with you.
Ok I'm denying that ((((they)))) will try to benefit from a regime change. That's for sure. I'm just saying people rising up against the government is not fueled by foreign forces. Poverty has been on a constant rise. I don't know what's so hard to understand about people not wanting a dictatorship to rule them.
>tl;dr the revolution is happening because ppl are fed up, but of course (((they))) will try to benefit from regime change.
Then maybe Ayatollah should stop his shitty nuclear program (choked the economy off from sanctions) and ease off the fundamentalist judicial system. There is no need for a violent revolution
>lived under Sharia law
You dumb faggot, Iranians are Shia not Sunni. kys
Shit, I can't imagine. Also, since you're in Canada now, i would recommend supporting independent or US annexation movements in said providence, I really don't think Canada is gonna last on its own.
>thinking you've found a consensus in 2018 Sup Forums
Kill yourself
There are countless acts of bravery like this: twitter.com
^ You can't imagine what this means: Standing in front of the police and shouting "Death to Khamenei".
The penalty for insulting Khamenei is literally death by law. People have been executed in Iran for just making fun of him.
When you say shit like "protests are happening because Zionists are making it happen!!! xDDDD" it's an insult to these brave people.
It's the end of the Islamic Dictatorship.
You sound like one of the queers talking about how evil Assad was in Syria and how brave the "moderate" rebels were.
Too much blood on their hands. It's time for them to go.
Wait, so the Iranian regime isn't evil?
>Why is Sup Forums against the Iran protests?
General cynicism. If the media tells us we should support a protest, experience has taught us to be suspicious.
I don't think many of us actually sympathize with the Iranian government (at least I hope not); but we are curious about what sort of influence the Mossad, CIA, and Saudis have in this situation as well as what agenda the western media have in supporting it.
The possibility of the spooks and the deep state pushing for meddling along the lines of what we did to Syria and Libya also concerns us.
Who cares? Not our problem.
That is all fine and such, but I still don't know why I should care. If the people overthrow the government, fine. We will have to broker new diplomatic contracts and probably are able to lift the economic sanctions.
What will likely happen is that the iranians won't be able to overthrow the government and it will become a shitshow like in syria, with bleeding heart liberals demanding that we become involved again, resulting in more refugees comming to europe and more time and money wasted. And it isn't even guaranteed that the new government won't be a military dictatorship. Middle eastern countries gravitate to this shit for some reason.
Again, not against it. Do as you please in your contires, but don't demand the west to get involved.
Because Sup Forums lives in a cocoon in which politics won't ever matter, because the only president that makes them feel good within their dumb fantasy supports a war with Iran. Sup Forums won't accept Trump is jew as fuck.
Can Iranians do it without it becoming a U.S./Israel war on Iran?
I don't get it. Who said that you should care?
I'm just commenting here because a bunch of you guys are saying the protests are happening because ISRAEL!
That's just retarded.
Trump isn't going to war with Iran just because he said the Iranian people have the right to protest
only a small brain damaged segment supports the Islamic Republic over the Persian People.. ignore them and they will wear themselves out with their idiocy.
>There are countless acts of bravery
>It's the end of the Islamic Dictatorship.
>Too much blood on their hands. It's time for them to go.
holy shit you must be a kike shill. we heard all this same bullshit in the lead-up to syria/libya and you guys still haven't changed the fucking narrative. i bet in a week we are going to here about the government gassing the innocent protesters too. not falling for it shlomo. my cuckservative government will play a long but i sure as fuck dont have to.
Protest all you want, but don't expect help from us. We're doing America First now.
They're a draconian Islamic theocracy, that imposes shariah law, controls free speech and attempts to use their position as a religious center as a geo political tool to control the middle east.
So basically they're Saudi Arabia except the terrorists they fund only kill Israelis.
Just ignore the "the jews are behind it" crowd on Sup Forums. If people here find their shit having an unusual consistence they will blame the jew for food poisoning them.
Yo Leaf, what do you think of the Saudi royals? Why aren't you calling for their heads too?
>people rising up against the government is not fueled by foreign forces
Almost all revolutions going as far back as the american revolutionary war, if not even further, have had foreign backing.
Coming from goatfuckers who have an ardent hatred of blacks even more than whites according to various Islamic Scholars.
Except the iranian economy has never been stronger.
I'll admit I'm more than a little worried it will devolve into the standard middle east shitshow but optimistic given that Iran actually was shaping into a modern nation before the CIA fucked it all up back in the day.
Ok edginess aside, I'm genuinely curious:
>we heard all this same bullshit
>not falling for it shlomo
What part of what I'm saying is not true? Are protests not happening? Are people not getting killed? Did my cousin also lie to me about being jail for 2 months after getting arrested in 2009 Green Movement protests in Tehran?
Also: Is the Iranian government not evil?
talking to me?
Again, not denying that foreign forces don't/won't play a role and try to benefit from it. But to deny that the people are fed up with a dictatorship is just stupid. These 2 are not mutually exclusive. What is it about this that you guys don't understand?
Jews can benefit from a regime change WHILE the regime change is also demanded by the people because they are literally living under a fucked up dictatorship. Can these 2 not be true at the same time?
And i hope they cleanse the country of you liberal faggots.
Remember the Great Game never ends, and it stretches even beyond Afghanistan
>Except the iranian economy has never been stronger.
you've tasted canada's freedom
shouldn't you go back to iran to help them win the revolution ?
I'm starting to believe there is an active "Muslim Defense Force" operating on the internet, as if muslims aren't all exactly the same. There's no difference with the jewish race, they're all the same. /sg/ keeps sitting there with their "based assad" and "based muslims" that are going to overthrow the jews, what am I reading? They are one and the same.
No one is denying people are fed up. We are saying these fed up simpletons are being used as pawns for the purpose of geopolitical gain for Israel, and in the long run, these protesters are going to be F U C K E D when Iran becomes East Judea/Israel Part 2 Electric Boogaloo.
No. Fuck Iran. Nationalism is for the brainless. I don't like their culture and religion. I'm a filmmaker with a white (Canadian) girlfliend, contributing to society here and paying my fair-share of taxes. I'm pretty happy where I am, living in a village in Canada away from the masses.
Ok, this I can agree with. Mind you, same thing happened in the previous revolution just 50 yrs ago. They thought that they are doing something good by overthrowing the Shah, but ((((((they))))) brought in Khomeini and created the Islamic Republic of Iran.
I guess Iranians don't like to learn their lessons to avoid repeating history.
Its an objective fact.
Lol so your a rootless artfag traitor. Of course you hate the regime. Kill yourself faggot.
Remember the Arab Spring? Those were funded by the globalists elites. The same thing is happening in Iran. The same method that was once used to topple and murder Gaddafi. God I hope this protests fail.
>Its an objective fact.
>objective fact
Iran's current regime is controlled by Jews, much like ISIS and other "terror" organizations. Iran acts as a sword and a shield for Israel. A sword in the sense that Israel can use Iran to further their agenda by harboring and supplying terrorists. A shield in the sense that Israel can use Iran to distract from their own transgressions.
Bud i dont think you have a firm grasp of economics.
DISAGREE n ur a kike plant!!1!
overthrown islam to instal neoliberalism sounds awful to be honest
Holy fuck Zoroastrian uprising fucking NOW
Except it follows the mossad/cia pattern to a T. Pay attention.
>controlled by Jews
>threaten nuclear Holocaust on Israel
There is a reason Netanyahu and the globalists are smiling, user.
they have and are put in jail later beheaded
the US media never shows those protests
>If you lived under Sharia law, wouldn't you protest.
I'm not merely against the protesters - I'm against all iranians. The more that die the better. I'd rather that these protesters suffer just like those who protested Assass in that I want them to succeed just well enough that there's a decade-long civil war.
Seems kind of racist on the part of the MSM to assume that Iranians are too stupid to figure out how to protest and break shit.