bake news?
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if trump just legalized weed even liberals would come around
nuthin wrong here keep it movin you jive turkey
How long until the feds crack down on all the states blatantly ignoring the Controlled Substances Act?
Will we finally be able to redpill liberals and get them to support states rights?
you sound soooooo white hahahahahaha
Sessions will eventually do his thing. Fuck CNN is always so degenerate on New Years
I take that as a compliment, better than being a nigger.
Have a bump. That stuff was crazy
enjoy your glass of soymilk
I don't smoke anymore but I think its only a matter of time before weed ia legal in all 50.
pandora's box has been opened. all the states that have legalized it will never give up the giant piles of money they are raking in from taxing weed.
Pot usually keeps these idiots from voting on election day. Legalize it dood.
He'd do more than Barry for the black community. Would be insane landslide 2020.
You not lactose intolerant?
I hate everything including your pale white ass
There is no reason to have marijuana be illegal, it just gives the state more control over people.
>CNN reporter take shot
>has martini
>3 glasses of champagne
Weed is fucking nothing.
Fuck CNN but I'd watch them if they changed their name to Vice. I love how faggots want to keep muh guns but want to tell idiots not to poison themselves, because that makes sense. I love cannabis and hate stoners
This was a desperate PR move by cnn to appeal to milleniells and degenerates and Come across as hip and definitely not part of the deep state
The feds have no authority to do so if the drugs aren't involved in interstate commerce. The old FDR-era precedents extending the Commerce Clause to cover purely in-state commerce are basically dead with Gorsuch on the court.
Marijuana is linked with liberal views and general apathy
It is a drug used for mind control of the masses
it makes dumb whites retarded, and turns smart whites dumb
Marijuana is a teacher that works with whatever you are learning, if all you are learning is degenerate MTV type culture then yes, however if you apply marijuana to other topics it can become a good and useful tool.
You're a fucking idiot for parroting this garbage, what's your excuse since you're obviously not using weed
Jewish media promoting degeneracy. What else is new?
Weed is for niggers, nigger.
Yeah, like totally, dude
Thank you that is a compliment of the highest regard.
Weed is a good bubble breaker. It gives you the opportunity to 'break' your conditioning, your routine; and to view things in more of an objective way.
But if you aren't careful, it can become your routine. It's kinda like that line in Fight Club about the things you own owning you.
Almost. The drug itself doesn't cause liberal veiws but it is a staple of nigger and degenerate culture which would imply such things. It merely enhances experiences and makes it hard to focus on one thing but it does allow your mind to make lots of connections it wouldn't ordinarily make. When stoners say "it expands your mind bro" they aren't wrong. It quite literally takes the jumbled thought in your mind and links them to one another
You seriously underestimate how much activist Supreme Courts have bastardized the commerce clause. I forget the cases, maybe some other user could help me out. But the USSC has basically argued before that the federal government can regulate intrastate commerce if it has a substantial impact on interstate commerce. There's not necessarily a requirement that the goods cross state lines for the feds to try to stick their grubby little fingers in them.
>Blaming a plant when you should be blaming your burger education system
La bestia cochina...
Here's a link that maybe explains it better than I ever could.