Would you do it Sup Forums?

Would you do it Sup Forums?

It's a dude.

Polish girls are all 14.

too gay for me



>not interested in marriage or children

No she's insane

No, I don't like my women college educated.

any woman that is 30+ and single is not worth your time

dude no and it's a trans. no kids = all the rest is lies

>doesn't want kids

d r o p p e d like black newborns should be dropped onto concrete from a sufficiently fatal height

>part native so not even white
Hell no

sounds like an old tranny

pass on the AIDS

Open bob and share vagene bitch lasagna


Would fuck her like a nigger for a social experiment, then dump.


>Done riding the cock carousel

>well traveled
just like the short trail to her pussy I take it

these women sound like such utter cunts

> Seeking life partner
> Not interested in marriage or children
What is the point then?
Even if I didn't want children, why would I not just hire young whores until the day I died?

> 60+ countries
This is around 1/3 of the countries in the world. I doubt that. She was probably taking black cock in Africa when she was young
> Work several fulfilling careers / Artist, musician, writer
This, plus the 60+ countries, means she either has rich parents or she is neck deep in debt. Either way, she is useless and likes spending money that she hasnt earned.
> Vegetarian
> Want accomplished individuals
Meaning she wants a sugar daddy to pay for her bills - she probably doesn't have rich parents, so following the logic pointed above she is neck deep in debt
She will want to fuck jamal behind your back
> femme apperance
What does that even mean?
> no picture
Probably fat or ugly

Would not touch with a 10 ft pole


she got tired of fucking around and probably has a 100+ dick count. Everything is good though, some beta faggot will take care of her.

Women who don't have children, cannot develop a sense of morality or maturity.

Men learn this through working a career. Women learn this through being a mother.


>60+ countries