Let’s piss off JewKike Rowling and make Harry Potter a racist meme
Isn't Daniel Radcliffe a mischling?
Who cares?
Just spam photo of emma watsons up skirt photo when shes exiting the car with swaztika over vagene
I would give my life to sleep on that ass
You're a grand wizard Harry!
Good one!
Eat a dick, I'm trying to go this year w/o fapping user
No, Tomomi Motozawa.
O-Oh, user-
>.< I think I had too many b-BRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAP
bean burritos
Let’s just make the memes...and then have a laugh after we’re done saving the white race.
Bad idea.. Sperm left in your balls gets old and you need to dump them to get fresh fertile sperm. Also, sex organs are a "use it or lose it" type thing. You have to exercise it like every other part of your body.
>Clearly wearing a British uniform
>Calling him a nazi
imagine being as stupid as OP
Fuck off.
If you want to succeed at this and really get under her skin you need to stick to the racism that Rowling subconsciously committed herself
A good example is the pointy nosed goblins controlling the banks
Screencaps like work are good too
Do more with less Sup Forums and you will earn grand keks
Don't do this, I imagined myself being stupid one time and now it's permanent.
Uh, user, w-who is this insanely gorgeous woman?
how do I resist yellow fever when white women have been corrupted Sup Forums? the pull to this bugwoman is too strong
While hilarious, these memes will just trigger her retarded lefty fans into believing they really are fighting against Voldemort and his army of Nazis. Instead we should push ideas like Gryffindor is based off Nationalist ideologies.
Don’t know, but I know she’s Korean.
Are you the user who posted lots of jap Loli?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
Harry Potter and the New Order of Europe
Harry Potter and the Final Solution
To hell with white women. Build the hapa empire!
No. I’m the user who posts all the chinese hate threads.
This is one of Sup Forums's greatest and latest meme ideas.
This will get the normies attention and make leftards butthurt like none other
We're going to do to Harry what we did to Pepe.
Thanks, man. Let’s do it!
I thought so. She has that look. And of course it's that look I'm completely smitten with.
way ahead of you. i apologize for the low resolution but that day i made this long ago i couldnt find a image of the box art of any harry potter films that was in high rez on google images. damn thing was practically a thumbnail
You'd better move your ass faster. None of the east asian countries have a birth rate higher than 1.6 and they are all gradually destroied by foreign dicks.
Average gook over here in gookland.
Average gooks.
imagine being canadian
the one on the right is a decent enough gook if I could convince her not to shave I'd be all over her
Rowling is very anti white male
She must have sold her soul
You don't find them cute?
I do. I find both good-looking, especially the one on the right. But I’m just letting you know that not all gooks look like my selected photos.
Now that is actually a good idea op.
Oh of course. I'm not deluding myself. Still makes great fap fodder though.
how fucking gay are you?
If pepe can be a symbol of hate, Harry Potter also can.
Top kek OP
Checked. We’ll ruin it just like the trash dove.
I agree with this. The gringotts goblins are ripe for this.
Aren't you that american gookaboo user living in Worst Korea?
Harry Potter you are in Slitherin house no mudbloods allowed
That's leftypol tier. Trash memes will get us no where.
I’m no gookaboo because I don’t racemix.
>fap fodder
If you weren't a faggot you'd make them bang material but unfortunately you're a faggot, faggot.
Jk loves the muzziys just saying
>not the one where she's younger.
Remake the story so that Voldermort is the good pure aryan guy
The floor of the Gringotts bank in film 1 has a star of David. Just fyi
KEK that guy on the right looks exactly like him.
I wouldn't bother. However I would pick through her work and find shit that "progressives" would have an issue with, and then ghost write Buzzfeed and Salom articles discussing her "problematic" themes. Hopefully some of it catches on and you stir up the Tumblrettes to jump on her ass. To me fucking her with the same stick she's wielding on others is a deliscious irony.
That already is the real story.
it is him...Daniel 'Harry potter' Radcliffe...in another movie he made.
Voldemort: The Greatest Story Never Told
Any rightwing in that terrorist breeding ground of Canaduh, should move south to the state's and let the leftists get the rope up there.
What about these guy's attacking screaming alla who a car
In a home depot truck
Harem Potter and the prisoner of Afghanistan.
Apparently any military uniform on a white man is Nazi. Are we getting to the point that people can't even tell a British uniform form a German one? Has WW2 fallen into the realm of vague myth?
I couldn't even if i try. He been had to bump his own threads with click bait photos. He hasn't contributed shit to his own stupid idea and all everyone wants to talk about is the said assess in his click bait images. This is a failed fucking thread. Just like his failed fucking country
that's what I wanted to see
Avada Kadavra OP
Too bad there wasn't more development of them.
Compare do star trek DS9, ferengi seemed like jews at first, but then you see changelings are the real jews, the elite ones.
>being this retarded
M8. Cmon
It's gotta be a solid idea, look at all the shills posting distractions on this thread so far
I'd be out the fucking window in one swift motion if I went to be with right, and woke up next to left.
Rin Kajika.
I’m American, dumbass. And I’m recruiting new images.
tomomi motozawa
I like it.
Left wingers tend to politicise everything. It would be refreshing to throw their own piss into their faces and watch them cry "acid!"
Please proceed. Be wary though these cunts already patrol here as it is.
Who has that cap of her twitter spewage and the twitter reply ranting about how shes like the ministry for magic when they wouldn't accept that voldemort was back?
more leftie fans consider themselves slytherin than gryffindor
nice image
and porn jew is here also
these filenames tho.....totally not a ctr thread