Why do white people do this?
Father 'killed his son, 13, after the boy found and mocked compromising photos of him eating feces from a diaper he was wearing and posing in women's clothes with makeup on'
Why do white people do this?
Father 'killed his son, 13, after the boy found and mocked compromising photos of him eating feces from a diaper he was wearing and posing in women's clothes with makeup on'
Doing gods work
Fucking degenerate piece of shit killing a warrior against the darkness. May the shit eater rot in hell.
>dur white people
i think you mean sick people. every race has them
Sounds like he made the right call. Would contribute to gofundme
anyone got the pics?
I think you need to re-read the story. The son found photos of the dad in women's clothes, eating feces. Son makes fun of dad, dad kills son.
also sage
whites have times more...you mfers are sick
>why do white people do this
You’re retarded. The action of 1 mentally ill person isn’t representive of all whites. Seriously what kind of autistic retarded logic is that
Poor dad. I feel for the guy. Nobody wants to have to do that to their son. I hope the judge is fair.
L-luke Skywalker?
That face when I realize the DAD was the degenerate instead of the way I read it the first time. Sorry based dead kid. Would contribute to funeral gofundme
the kid fuck up and show his power levels
>yeah I killed him
>worth it
lol wtf I hate the dad now
He looks familiar
>55-year-old Mark Redwine
Boomers Again!
SJWs will applaud dad for standing up to homophobic alt right white male
I would do the same
Then he went from there up to Bethel. As he was going up on the road, there were young lads; they came forth from the city, scoffed at him and said to him, Go up, baldhead, go up, baldhead! When he turned around behind him and saw them, he maledicted them in the Name of Yahweh. Then two she-bears came forth from the wildwood and mangled forty-two boys of them.
You retards, the kid FOUND and MOCKED the father for his compromising photos.
Why are you nigger?
I take that back, i remembered i got the story wrong the first time when i heard it, habbened again kek
Yeah that father needs to get killed and the boy was actually our goy
>anyone got the pics
Never change Sup Forums
Nigger, please.
why are your people so degenerate damn man eating shit and wearing women clothes damn man just damn
this is what happens when you let homosexuals have kids
He was a Boomer. They are just terrible people...
he kill his son for telling and you somehow want to turn this one me...you are just as fucke up as the shit eater
OPs fault for fucking up the subject
>Why do white white people do this?
Uh because it taste good
He was giving poopoopeepee offering to kek for blessings
Why do you all wear pants down to your knees and eat fried chicken all day?
You did a really poor job wording the title of this thread, OP. My first read through, I thought that the father killed the son after seeing the photos of him eating his own shit. That would have been a much more interesting situation than what the article actually was.
Meanwhile you niggers actually look like shit
>whites have "times" more... you mfers sick
Nigga please White's are probably the most sane people on the planet per-capita.
stop trying to change the narrative a little kid is dead because his man eats shit and wear women clothes
Who did he inherit those fucked up genes from, though?
he isn't changing the narrative tyrone
>Why do white people do this
Why do nigger do this? pic related
your post is farther evidences that you enjoy eating shit too
Papa you are dressed like a baby eating the poopoo haha and you dress like mummy haha haha daddy why you eat the poopoo haha
Read again, the father is the faggot. He is probably a furry too.
it would be no different. a dad has more right than the kid but neither is supposed to pay for the sins of the other. how could you mock your own dad like that and imply youre a shit eater too? why kill the kid? jews
>Avoiding the question
Okay. Maybe you can answer why African will eat shit out of the asshole of a bovine. Or how about why they wrap tires around their fellow African and light them ablaze?
I thought the same.
>wow dad you're a gross fag lol
>farther evidences
Good two less faggots around and more food for me.
lol dad why are you dressed like a cuck? this nigga eatin doodoo
>you mfers are sick
>he kill his son for telling and you somehow
want to turn this one me
Par for the course.
reddit tier reading comprehension
Kid had a rock solid trollface.jpg
>not all whites
>but all muzzies
>all blacks
Get back to eating shit or fucking animals ghostie.
Tnnraw news would like to have a word with you. Niggers drown babies and rape people all the time.
Yes, a degenerate lineage has been effectively deleted from the gene pool. What's your point?
>Tries to insult whites
>Point gets skillfully turned on him
>Uz a raycis
If I found my son wearing women's clothes and eating literal shit you bet your ass I would at the very least give him a beating to remember.
sounds like something a lot of people that post here would do
C'mon you know they can't plan ahead.
Maybe he molested the boy and is lying about his motive.
>ironically exposing pols hypocrisy
learn to read
Read it again, the boy found the dad's weird fetish pics and the dad killed the boy
do you realize how frighteningly common infanticide is in the black community?
This nigger cannot even type.
High tier degeneracy.
How can someone has such a corrupted mind at 13? The father is scum as well.
>removing faulty genes from your blood line
it's called nature at work.
life is basicly capable to deceminate or alter or adapt itself to be able to continue to exist if it is in danger by : overpopulation, enviroment, too much of the same sex unable to reproduce correctly,the removal of faulty genes and sickness.
god has nothing to do with this, this is primal state at life in it's purest and honest form
>Or how about why they wrap tires around their fellow African and light them ablaze
Then eat them, which some would argue is eating shit
I can just imagine the kid showing up with that grin on his face to the dinner table "Hey dad, why are u eating cereal? wouldn't u rather be eatin' fukin POOPIES from your DIAPY?! HAHAHAHAHAHA OOOOOH NOOO!!!!!!!!!!"
If milk is the white mans drink
Shit is the white mans food
the internet
Toxic Nigger let loose on the internet. Vile putrid foul smelling ape stole a computer and is infecting all threads with his stupid inane nigger babble.
Pay no attention to it.
BBC: Ignorant Nigger Edition
Is covering this case I think? Who the fuck knows
>this is primal state OF* life in it's purest and honest form
typo sorry
all the cool news about usa comes from england
Well, the only good thing is that nothing of that degenerate's spawn survived as a result to pass the infection down.
The kid died a martyr in the fight against degeneracy. I can only hope the father suicides because even gangbangers wouldn't touch that kind of EbolAIDS in prison. Or at least, he's beaten to death in a jail cell shortly after being put in.
fucking lol
How is this political?
>How can someone has such a corrupted mind at 13?
Welcome to Sup Forums
Oh, wait, it was all the father. I hope he rots in hell. Poor kid, he should have sent the evidence to his mother, she'd use it on courts and he'd never have to see that fucking man again.
my father attempts to kill me each time I call him a faggot or a transvestite, I usually end up beaten up but he always fails to finish the job to which I am sadden
When this happened people here wanted the kid to be made the patron saint of sick bantz. He died a hero. F
Keked so hard
>media in america has a constant narrative portraying whites as horrible people
>nigger crimes get slid under the rug
>it's Sup Forumss hypocrisy
If you eat feces you deserve to be euthanized
Man... what the fuck...
I thought it was Ted Kaczynski at first glance.
Read it again you fucking idiot
You are right.
Its sad, but we should really just patronize them and treat them as children. Its the only way to deal with the issue.
>Yes, mr black spaceman, sir. You are infinitely powerful and you were a spaceman thousands of years before us whites.
>You can have anything you want!
>Mommy loves you
top laf
>photos of him eating feces from a diaper
WTF is wrong with people?
>She and Redwine appeared on Dr Phil in 2013 blaming each other for the death
Here it is. Didn't find the yt link but this is the episode
>wouldn't u rather be eatin' fukin POOPIES from your DIAPY?!
and rince it down with some peepees from your weewee
>leaf make chuckle
Thanks (kinda) homie
Mentioned media
I cant belive how many of you pol niggers insist youre superior to us women in the mind when you read this shit and laugh at the dead kid instead of ree at the degenerate father.
He would have wanted it that way. Show us your boipusy.
At least the father had provocation to murder. Women just murder their children for no reason at all.
Besides, many comments here are from people who didn't get what happened