*mauls a child in your path*

*mauls a child in your path*
>yo whiteboi heard you talking shit about my breed

What do Sup Forums?

kick it in the head a lot while it's eating the child

That's a cool looking pit. Kinda looks like a panther

why would someone put a collar on a black Jaguar?

Looked it up. That's not even a pit. Cane Corso

*feeds you a chocolate bar*
Nothing personnel, doggo.



Mastiff breeds and pit bull breeds are nigger tier dogs

Evil demon dog

Was going to say it's a cross. In any case, beautiful dog.

nigger dogs, the only reason they aren't outlawed is because roasties love them.

t.can't tell the difference between a corso and a pit

Feed it to muh chupacabra.

>*mauls a child in your path*
looks like a nice pupper to me, I'd pat him on the head and give him a cookie, anyone who cn't handle a dog is most likely a nigger

>Be beta
>So beta your wife's son decides to get a dog
>Pics toughest breed because wife's son has no male figure in life
>Dog is alpha
>Wife sleeps with dog in your bed while you sleep on couch
>Fucks your wife while pulling bitting her neck
>She cums
>Wife's son walks in
>Dog not finished
>Mails wife's son to death
>Kills him because you can't fight and can't curl 20 pounds
>Dog euthanized
>Bitch about dogs on a Chilean rock stacking image board because you can't even show dominance over a dog
>No control in your life
>wife divorces you for your boss at toys r us
If you can't manage a dog properly you should be necked

>Cane Corso
That thing looks like a fucking panther good lord man

I'd definitely do a 360 and walk away

Shoulder my pistol.

Poor thing. Fuck mexicans.

Not possible, based on your response I know you are a autistic white kid, no self respecting nig would claim ability to whoop a "pit" (dumb niggers have no clue about the history of the breed)

That said, go away kid, you have no place on this board

>thing looks like a fucking panther good lord man
having killer dogs is great but training them is a necessity. I have 3 100lb retrievers and 2 mutts around 75 lbs, they will attack like a pack of wolves if I tell them, but by default they will just lick you to death

I carry a 4" blade pocket knife with me everywhere.

So, cut the arteries in its neck. Should be dead in a few seconds. I'll probably sacrifice an arm.



like master, like dog.

The other turtle is her cuck husband.

that's a sexy dog

Depends on if it's a black kid or a proper child.

that's a big dog

for you

Double tap

Draw sidearm and remove my 2nd pitbull from this earth.

>be mexican
>see horrifically disfigured retard dog
>"dios mio la chupacabra!"

>Double tap
I'm no big nigger dog supporter, be these dogs were bred for a reason, and that was defense. The problem is fucking idiots that let these killing machines near kids, they are for home protection. That said they are shit hunting dogs as well.
>pic my current favorite hunting hound

Shove my hand into the Dogs anus

>Shove my hand into the Dogs anus

having a dog like that for a pet is like thinking you can have a mountain lion as a pet.

White boi deserved it.

Pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world

Think of it.

>All niggers own one
>Very aggressive
>Constant propaganda trying to convince people they are not aggressive
>Constantly put up for adoption/not wanted

that's a great idea and now it's my first resort


>now I ain't gonna ask again so tell where the white women are at
>proceeds to get into lunging position
>salivates while looking at your throat

Introduce it to my CAUCASIAN OVCHARKA

>picks you up like a rag doll and swings you until your neck breaks


>having a dog like that for a pet is like thinking you can have a mountain lion as a pet
no user, the danger is to other people, you need to train it with an alpha hand. My Dogs (5 of them) will kill on command but util the command is given they won't do shit (unless some nigger broke into my house). As I said in a previous post I'm no fan of nigger dogs but I think it is mainly retarded owners

>That thing looks like a fucking panther good lord man
Well here we have a dog bread to kill wolves

Ovcharkas are fucking amazing

now that is a sexy dog! fuck the cunt that cropped his ears though damn that collars gay af

>Walking down the street with the equivalent of a small bear on a leash
carry on

Now that the dust has finally settled and we know pitbulls are the negroïd of the dog races, what's the caucasoïdest dog one can have ?
Which breeds are we taking along to defend the borders of our ethnostate

*shoots with conceal carry and help the kid if they’re white*

The turtle will be getting therapy for this in 2095.


>what's the caucasoïdest dog one can have ?
Boxers, retrievers maybe

all other dogs, obviously

A wolfhound

I will fucking blast every pit that even so much as snarls at me. Fuck you nigger dogs you will all get the fucking bullet.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

>Rhodesian Ridgeback
My one dogger in pic related is half Ridgeback, a purebred one is almost hard as hell to find in Cuckistan. Doggo in pic is just as effective as an anti-nigger tool I'm sure though

Underrated post

Do they hate negroes?

Border collie.

>Do they hate negroes?
Those puppers will kill anything, I knew a dude that had one (~190 lbs) and it was always on a hair-trigger. A very nice dog if you got to know him but they are very territorial, you don't fuck with those dogs
>unrelated pic of two of my dogs

Can I fuck with your dogs?

Trudeau please

I had to fight two of those fuckers once. I'm 110 pounds and these dogs were JACKED, like they had been in prison working out. Next thing I knew, I was on my back with a slobbery fucking maw bearing down on my face and throat.
Adrenaline's a hell of a drug. I wound up chokeslamming them both and they turned into fucking puppies. Punched one, too. Heart actually felt really jittery and uncomfortable for a good 30 minutes and I had goosebumps like crazy.
Not adopting one. As much as I want to be compassionate, I've already almost been eaten once. Not letting that thing sleep with me. Fuck that.

yea these dogs are fucking huge but have better manners.

Pitbulls are not good pets

>I'm 110 pounds
you just give a kick right in the head a growl while doing it, almost any dog will back down regardless of breed, as long as you are not on their property/territory in which case certain dog lose it

This tbqh
Best dog breed is best

Looks like a nigger dog to me.

>nigger dog

Yes, mine treed one that jumped my fence..he was there for 3 hrs until i got home and called the cops. He was crying when they carted him off.


Every dog that attacks someone is a pit, duh.

Cover nignog in barbecue sauce

You have to admire this no matter what you think about the breed.

This doesn't work on shitbulls when you desperately need it to. I've seen videos where mobs of people kick them and they don't loosen up. A handgun is the best way to deal with one.

Pitbulls have such handsome bone structure, i really like how massive their chests are, the pittbull you posted almost looks like a black panter, i definitely want a pitbull companionship.

fuck me.

I won't let one anywhere near my wife or kids. Oddly enough I'll still pet my friends roommates shitbull but deep down I love dogs. I'll use the glock 20 in a heartbeat though.

wH*te boiii

Thats not pitbull is it?
Looks more like a black Argentino (lol)

No. You kick its hips since they are brittle and will break easily.

Release the demonic dogs known as Croatian shepard.

>slightly smaller and pitch black version of the German shepard
>when I say pitch black I mean the kind of black that devours light and souls
>more vicious than a wolf
>a dog breed that survived 3 major new era wars and communism

Great Pyrenees have the right blend of power, protectiveness, and family friendly. I had a great pyr/ Newfoundland mix. I threw him a viking funeral.

>welcome to prison whiteboi

>i'm yo new cell mate

Just invite another black dog over.
They always kill each other so it would just work itself out.

Shepard breeds.

"I want a bear but I also want a dog"

Say no more

Hips or poke the eyes, keep mouth shit, defend your neck/throat.
Dont even try to turn and run, stand your ground and pray to jesus.

t. had the joy of being attacked by a malinos in france once.

That is the most fucking beautiful dog I have ever seen in my whole entire fucking life
>btw pittys aren't niggerdogs

One of my dogs is a chesapeake bay retriever and is completely psycho, he is one of my home defense hounds, I don't understand these idiots that let 70+lb animals just rome around. I took this guy because his owner was an abusive faggot but when I have people over etc I lock him away, he will tear someones hand off if they look at him wrong
>pic as a puppy from 2013

>chesapeake bay retriever
Retriever are generally psycho. In my experience.
They easily break mentaly and become fucked up and since every retard family gets a retriever and 80% send him to the kennel after a year they tend to be fucked up.

No pictures bc at work but I have an irish wolfhound/malinos mix.
Best mix you could wish for. 37kg btw.

Pitbulls are the alpha breed of dogs, you can't be a beta bitch if you want to train one properly. Pitbulls play mind games to test how far they can step over the line, again pitbulls are alpha dogs for alpha males. Soyboys should stick to their golden retrievers.

If you ever see this.
Grab the pittbull by his back legs and raise him as high as you can in the air, spin him around once you're at it I never tried that variation
Then and only then will he open his jaw.
You could kill that fucker and you'd stil have trouble removing him.
*pro tip*

Just like it worked with niggers, oh wait your country became le 56% instead.

Imagine being so insecure youve gotta get a dog with a bigger biceps than you and hang a gold chain on it.
Imagine that...

screamed the strange man while he helicoptered pitbull and child around.