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It was nevrr yours, dirty Indian. Shut up and die in your polio blanket
If the Americans had not taken it, the Spanish would have killed you and taken it anyway. The Americans were the best thing that could happen to the American Indians.
And taking my Grandmother's reservation land right out from under her and throwing my family off the reservation was the best thing to ever happen to my family. Reservations are human cesspools of drugs, booze and degeneracy.
Go back to Siberia
If you'll back us up in getting Europe back from the non-whites flooding in, sure.
We can't we owe it to the descendants of African Slaves to give them land so they can have a separate state without the influence and racism of White people. Also we need to make sure that refugees have a place they can go in order to live without having to worry about being killed in a war. You need to be more patient and understanding of under-represented and disadvantaged people.
Ya'all didn't do anything with the land. Now that White people made something of it, you want it back. Nope! Your ancestors sold the land for guns, booze blankets and a few head of cattle every year.
I know because that's what the chief of my band did.
Sup Forums will do mental gymnastics to be for this but not the OP
>Ya'all didn't do anything with the land
not our fault you were not strong enough to protect it
survival of the fittest
You are getting your land back due to the illegal exploits of the BLM and are being adopted as Goyim slaves just as the WASPs were several hundred years ago.
Just wait. But keep in mind when the World unites ((((their))))) slaves will also meet the rope and the lead.
Want my advice, adopt Latino culture or prove yourself without ((their)) aid and the United Human Race will spare you.
BASED Geronimo.
White Americans:
>Muh ancestors and europe and the mooslims and immigants and muh history of muh peoples durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>We Dindu nuffin wrong cos land is like there to rape cos we white and you iz siberians and you not have concept of ownership so we take or else Spanish take so we now good guys and your primitive anyway but we only survive if you show us how but we are bestest now take blanket and say bye bye.
The ABSOLUTE STATE of hypocrisy.
America non-white majority in our lifetime literally. Damn right.
If I had the power, I would stop my country's support of Israel and let you overrun the kikes.
Your people forced my people to smoke tobacco
Now drink your alky
Ps whites were first in america but got killed by natives
My post went right over your head
Why don't you give your billions of dollars in casino revenue to your fellow injuns instead of funding prostitution and drug running.
You had PLENTY of time, inferior mortal. Your race is as dust to the wind, thrown up by the roadside by our powerful vehicles which are fueled by the very LIFE BLOOD of your land. DISGUSTING worm people
Now drink more firewater on the reservation.
You should see the "Natives" up here. Full legal right to claim land out form under development and industrial companies to extort money out of them to go about their business. Then they go back to huffing gas and whatever illegal activity they want on their reserves with corrupt reserve-police protecting them.
For 20,000 years, you didn't do shit. You were a stone age society living in upside down stick baskets. Even the Mexicans learned to stack rocks.
You had plenty of time before the whites came, and you didn't do shit. And all the whites had to do was offer you boose and you traded it all away . Stop bitching that you were someone. White people were the best thing to ever happen to you.
No it didn't.
I like having my land.
I don't like the jews having Israel.
I don't want Israel.
You can have Israel.
I mean, you guys never actually owned this land. Yea, you lived ON the this land but never owned it. Native Americans were living in tribes at the time. They lived in small, completely separate groups and had no concept of owning land.
It's funny because I'm just as much Canadian Indian as I am American Indian.
Seriously, who wants your fucked up Starlight tours, where your cops take an Indian out to the middle of nowhere on a sub zero freezing night, strip him, and leave him to freeze to death? Fuck how you people still treat Indians.
Native Americans got swindled, bamboozled, shanghaied, You're dumb ass "Indians" got ripped off!! Next time fight or better not harder. Who am i kidding your lineage is almost extinct. It's so watered down a pure blooded Native American is rare. You're a freaking unicorn!
>You should see the "Natives" up here
I thought you people didn't believe in land ownership.
I know.
The Whites were laughing that they bought Long Island for a box of beads.
The Indians were laughing because it belonged to another tribe.
this land is my land
this land is your land
this land was made for you and me
Indians are brown Savage's go back to Mexico you filthy head scalper
It's shit now. We don't want it back, brother.
Commie songs are not a sound basis for a form of government and property ownership.
Come and Take it you bead trading whiskey swilling subhumans. Go fuckoff back to your casinos ya drunk faggot.
You sold the land. For beads you dumb drunk motherfucker. Go sit in the corner with the black assholes hated so much by their neighbors they were sold to Europeans as "slaves".
>Why don't you give your billions of dollars in casino revenue to your fellow injuns instead of funding prostitution and drug running.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here...
He wouldn't stop me from pissing on your burial grounds you fucking loser.
They're not allowed to give all the casino profits to the tribal members. They have to spend some on "community improvements" for their reservations
Once my tribe learned that you can get federal approval for a casino by giving the Clinton's a $300,000 donation, it was fat city!
>It was nevrr yours, dirty Indian
It was, the same way the jews think they own Israel.
If you had just dug up the gold yourselves instead of being stubborn, you would still own your land. You fucked up, someone sooner or later was going to kill for all of that money just sitting there, there was no room for pragmatism. I'm not saying it was just or anything like that but people have killed others for much less.
I thought you didn't believe in owning land?
also, the land would just go to waste anyway
and where would you get you're money for alcohol if we all left?
Only if you promise to fuck like rabbits, and crank out some more QT's. Just go full spartan and toss the defective males into the canyon they're pretty freaking useless anyhow.
i think the guy is a kike saying that we will defend the US as white land to Injuns and then turn around and attack kikes for taking Palestine. But it's not hypocritical at all to take your side, that's what he's missing.
Fight harder next time, faggots.
Pardon the Plain's headdress in the video. Dancer looks to be from a Southeastern tribe. I'm a Cherokee/Choctaw/Chicasaw/German/Fag.. We badasses fags!
we didnt even kill them. germs did.
Just not badass enough to embed the video.
>We can't we owe it to the descendants of African Slaves to give them land
Have you ever heard of Monrovia? It's part of modern day Liberia? It was a Black American settlement in Africa named after James Monroe? Ex Slaves...I think the first thing they did was institute slavery...
>Sup Forums will do mental gymnastics to be for this but not the OP
You're wrong, let's be fair the one thing Obama was doing right was shitting on Israel.
Indians didn't believe in property ownership,
>This is a sad LARP made by as poorly educated child of a single parent home
I'm am an indian outlaw
half cherokee and choctaw
my baby's a chippawa
she's one of a kind...
Alright then naked feather niggers, give back the beads and muskets for which you traded your precious land
>pick up the trask
Have no idea why this 'city' on the Mississippi vanished. Could have been a major flood that sent everyone out. Looks to be a trade center. Used to live in the area where this is located. The 'clocks' are pretty cool with how they are setup.