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Fuck OP, I love this le 56 country. Time to cut the crust off this shit sandwich.
That's right.
They have to go back. They all have to go back.
I'm from Texas, I can deal with the Tejanos. I can't stand these fucking stupid beaners from Commiefornia. FUCK THESE LOW IQ COCKROACHES.
Keep em out
I am from East Boston man, trust me, we have our fair share of illegal shitskins. It's now an MS-13 hotbed.
Guys, stop hating all the beaners. They are actually the solution to the Niggers.
Now, if you want to hate the illegal immigrant beaners, im with you there, but, check this out:
If we get more beaner cops, then when they shoot the entitled and riled up BLM niggers rioting in the street, they won't get called white supremacists, so then the police will be able to actually do their job
i'd prefer the niggers to you guys
What fucking backwards politics is that?
Go home lefty
when blumpf said build the wall he meant wall street you god damn idiots
It's not your fault, it's ours for not finding a medicine that cures retardation yet.
Yeah they are fucking scum my dude, sad that they have pushed North.
Tejanos are actually based, they are like cowboys. They have ancestors who fought along with Texans for the independence against the Mexicans. They hate Mexicans more than the normie white guys.
Eat shit faggot. Niggers abort or kill their babies, beaners have 50. Beaners commit just as much crime, they are fucking smelly worthless low IQ scum that votes left like the welfare turds they are.
While 4 in 10 Texans are African American or Latino, 7 in 10 Texas prisoners are African American or Latino.
Get a load of this normie beaner scum. Calling people retarded huh, breddy original. Stick to twatter and 9gag faggot.
Your the one taking all the vaccines
7 more years faggot
>you have to pick between beaners and niggers
>im so smart guys
How about I pick fucking neither and then kill you, pal?
Top kek. Nothing is happening, faggot. I know "your" language better than you know it and probably creampied more white women than you to an order of five or six. Keep crying, bitch nigga.
Please leave
>when ur 11 year old son is more presidential than u
whether you like it or not you are hear forever, I suggest to run as fast as you can while you still have a chance
Nuke Mexico!
We should of took Mexico when we had their capital.
I dont think so cracker.
All these fucking beaners on 4 channel
El amerimutt making a new thread about an "enemy" that could have never been if he only stopped living a hedonistic lifestyle as his semitic masters order him to do so, and actually fighted against the real issues at hand.
Fellow texan here. Gas every spic or gtfo
You know that George Zimmerman was claimed to be a White man, right?
>mfw more than 80% of illegals aren't crossing the border physically and so the wall is a waste.
Government efficiency at its finest
I mean shit, I think whites may be a little better than the rest genetically, but, if it's us against the world, i don't think we have a shot. If we have to work together with the beaners, but that means we can wipe out the niggers and the sand niggers, well, thats worth it to me. I don't like them much either, but, I'd rather lazy smelly people to criminals, welfare rats, and suicide bombers.
I'm not saying you need to pick one.
The niggers are objectively worse though. i looked up the welfare stats. 13% of whites are on welfare. For Beaners, its 20%. for blacks, its almost 50%.
If i can work together with the beaners, to get rid of a common enemy, and maybe civilize them a little further in the process, what's the issue? As i said before, enforce our laws, kick the illegals the fuck out. But, instead of risking white lives to bring the niggers to heel, we use the beaners. Hell, if we can get a subset of the beaner population to adopt a "law and order"
stance, we might even get them to turn on eachother. The ones here legally could help us get out the illegals. I then think that we ought to start limiting immigration from that country, and every other country, so we can stop deflating wages by importing so much cheap labor.
Get fucked beaners!
The only wall fatass Trump will see is in Leavenworth, fucktard.