If whites are so good at building societies...

If whites are so good at building societies, then why are Middle Eastern countries which are genetically closest to Europeans so fucking bad

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Middle eastern folks have a average population IQ of 85, not enough intelligent people to go beyond a mud hut society.

why do they have a low iq though? They are genetically very similar to Europeans and Jews

No bs inbreeding argument


but turkey, a country which from the stats has a lot of inbreeding has an iq of 90, higher and equal to a lot of European countries

How is inbreeding a BS argument? It is literally the reason.

Everyone in this box is white. Some southern europeans and finns and russians are too mixed to be considered white

turkey has more inbreeding than some European countries but has a higher iq

I am sure if the ME got developed as Europe the iq would be very similar all round

how are Sardinians not white lol

Pick one Schlomo

Because i wanted a square. If i stretched it horizontally to include sardinians i would have to stretch it vertically which means jews would be included

Because southern Europeans and northern Europeans are two different species. It's only a slight of hand r1a/r1b genetics trick the scientist played to make you think we're all the same.

nice to know you dumbasses who think about race all day cant get a precise definition going

>4:30AM britbong

How about you draw a square or circle around who you think it white. No rectangles or ovals

The European countries that have contributed most - Germany, france, italy - have IQs above 100. Even 90 is too low. Regions of the US that have historically had high levels of inbreeding are also economically depressed. People call middle easterners shitskins, but they are the same race as europeans. "White" is a meaningless term. It's a color not a race. We are all Caucasian. The only thing dividing us is inbreeding and religious extremism.

the term "white" is a social construct.
I don't get why you guys don't use the term european

Literally some light brown guy in india can think he is white, and be the same as a blonde Nordic guy In sweden

This. 1,000 years of cousin marriages will fuck up a population really bad. You can thank Islam and it condoning incest marriages for that

What does white even mean? Using colors to describe a race only serves to divide us.

can you cite that in the quran please

they live in areas with very few natural resources

their iq of the arab in the west is around 92 ,and all the countries with less than 97 fails dramatically

Never said it was explicitly in the Quran, ahmed


“Due to the actions of Prophet Muhammad and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, marriage between cousins is explicitly allowed and even encouraged in Islam”

Race is determined by genetics. i like having an objective way of deciding who is european and who isn't. Most people who are european are white but there are some people that are too mixed to be counted as members of the european in group

and look at to greks and ask jews they are in the same position ,that grafic is bulshit to determine some parametres

His slam

This^ and Islam

Deus Vult

Yes but you're doing the same thing. Even European isn't broad enough. Middle easterners and north Africans are the same race as Europeans . That doesn't mean an iranian is the same as a swede. French and Italians are different as well. We can be different but still of the same race.

Seems like it is allowed. Something I learnt I guess. Seems like they don't give a shit about it, I stand corrected

how is white not a social construct.
Just go with all the native ethnicities in Europe for the definition of European then.

Balts are the whitest

Meant to post non-meme one

Because they are inbred and shitskins.

you know just posting random pictures doesn't achieve anything

But mixed with what? Members of the same race you don't like? That's you're own personal hangup. South Italians are as Caucasian as Norwegians. They are different in ways that have benefited our peoples, ie true diversity, but they are brothers nonetheless.

Only protestants are white, not fucking middle easterns

how can the germans have so much middle east ancestry ???

White refers to the core group of europeans who are of wholly or very near wholly european descent. If you want to be consistent and objective then you need to go by dna.

>any of those countries
>above 100 IQ ad 2018

says who?
you guys are just proving white is a social construct and there is no definition

There's been fucking conflict in the Middle East for hundreds of years, why do you think it's so bad there?

Pushing aside the fact that most places have had conflict in the past hundreds of years.
Do you think that middle easterners could build societies as good as Europe's? Or are they genetically incapable to do so

Protestantism barely even exists anymore

The real one here.

Yes, they can build great societies, just as long as they stop trying to slit one another's throats.

>If whites are so good at building societies, then why are Middle Eastern countries which are genetically closest to Europeans so fucking bad

Bad compared to who exactly?
Don't say Chinks because the Chinese would still be running around wearing silk robes and smoking opium while pretending that kung fu is real if it weren't for the White man coming along.


Just because they're "genetically related" it doesn't mean both will be equally successful. ]There are many factors. First is degree of genetic relation. Europeans are barely related to sandniggers. Second is environment. Sandniggers live in deserts, with very little food and water, so their culture "evolved" to a culture of raiding, deception, and slavery. When they cuck each other like that, progress towards something similar that Europeans have attained will either be slowed down or just stop completely. You see this cucking each other today. Stupid Muds killing each other because they happen to believe on something slightly different. Jews couldn't survive on their own, so they become parasites. Other sandniggers are just content on their raiding, slaving, deceitful ways that they never tried to work towards what Europeans have built until just recently (maybe a few centuries). Very few have hit a certain apex, but they stopped and became like niggers where any progress stopped; some even devolved to be like niggers. Europeans learned to save, to build things/developed techniques that made their lives better in environments where there's a small window to hoard supplies, cooperate (albeit some, like the Vikings, act like dirty sandniggers/niggers from time to time stealing shit). Third is genetics. Sandniggers, despite having a vast territory/range, they choose to inbreed. Inbreeding mutates genes in a way that after centuries of it, it will fundamentally change genetics, often for the worse. This is why Middle Eastern dunecoons are just slightly above nigger IQ.

Seems like West Asians (me included) are pretty similar to Europeans in the grand scheme of things haha

better img

This is what I've been saying. We are the same race. That's why it is other factors - religion and inbreeding - that have separated us.

I agree.
If middle easterners were Christian they would be considered white


Holy shit you people are dumb, we diverged from our most recent common ancestors with Semitic peoples well over 12,000 yrs ago, and our DNA has almost no overlap (Save Haplogroup J, but it has a distinctly indo European set of subclades not found in the Middle East, and are very very different from the kind found in Semites). They're nothing like us, they're like our bastard cousin, and have been fucked by inbreeding and miscegnination.

Also, depends on the country. Iran is at least partially white (the few million ethnic Persians are, at least), hence higher IQs than say, Syria. Not to mention the Middle East is diverse as fuck, where places like Iran and Afghanistan have massive indo European ("white" for all you burgers out there) communities, while places like Syria, Palestine, Yemen are Semitic. Turkey is a misceginator's fucking wet dream, no one there is the same race or not a mongrel.

Also, for all you retarded fuckers saying North African shitskin is the same race as middle eastern shitskin, you're wrong. Berbers and shit usually have haplogroup L, Semites have a Semitic set of J subclades (plus whatever their maternal lineages are)

>They're nothing like us, they're like our bastard cousin
If you are going to sit here and lie that we aren't genetically very similar then you are wrong.
>Iran is at least partially white (the few million ethnic Persians are, at least),
This is extremely stupid. Iranians are much closer to other Middle Easterners than they are to most Europeans

>hence higher IQs
Iran has a lower IQ than fucking YEMEN haha

>Syria, Palestine, Yemen are Semitic

>Turkey is a misceginator's fucking wet dream, no one there is the same race or not a mongrel
seems better defined than a lot of European countries

People of the same race can have differences. There are only 3 races. So what are middle easterners if not caucasoid?

You realize "Iranian" isn't a fucking ethnicity, right dipshit? There are Persians, Arabs, turkics, and a fuckton of mongrels, but people with distinctly indo European paternal lineages still exist (Persians). We literally share haplogroup J (we have a distinct version of it, it diverged from our last common ancestor millennia ago and mutated independently) and in some rare cases, haplogroup E1b1, but our version is different, it's a different subclade you scientifically illiterate fuck. In a mixed bag of a country like Iran, no shit a good bit of the people there are going to have genentic affiliation to people who they're related to, Arabs invaded the fucking country. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, you just looked at a picture one time and thought you knew population genetics all of the fucking sudden.

You don't know your Cavilli sforza, either. yes, Semites are our closest relatives, genetically, but they're not the same fucking race, idiot. Burgers like you who read one article on Wikipedia and think you know science make me wanna kill myself.

And yes, Iran, which has what, 80,000,000 people, has a few million "whites", who likely bring up their IQ score, but that doesn't change the fact that there are also millions of arabs and turkrapes there that bring the score down, as they outnumber the few million ethnic Persians who aren't mongrels.

Islam and inbreeding.

>turkey has more inbreeding than some European countries but has a higher iq
[citation needed]

>got as developed as Europe
They were back in 600s, then the inbreeding took place.
Since Zoroastrianism/Hellenism/Christianity was replaced nothing in the Middle East has been able to revive Eastern Civilization.

Why aren't they the same race then big boi?

Anyone can look at maps of haplogroups just like I can look at maps of genetic clusters. You are not special :/

Why would the "white" Iranians have a higher IQ. Many countries in the the middle east have iq comparable to European countries and some are higher

Also, saying that there are only three races is retarded. There are indo Europeans, Semites, berbers (who sometimes have overlap with Semites), sub Saharan Africans, East Asians, Turkics (who you could honestly lump in with East Asians), Austro asiatics, and redskins (and a shitton of subgroups)

wtf is this square bullshit, post a proper PCA

Top kek

Middle niggers are so bad because many of them have some nigger genes, are lazy, low IQ, inbred, Islam fanatics. Arab genes are inferior, pre-Arab invasion middle easterner were intelligent.

Because genetics aren't the sole predictor of success. Gee, why is it so hard for black and white thinking Autismos on Sup Forums to grasp this?

>pre arab invasion

do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? arab is not a race, it is a culture and language.

>amerimutt education

Yea, the non Arab, Jewish subclades of E1b and J seem to be superior, hence why the Middle East/Levant was better pre Arab invasions.

Also left out non indo European caucasoids, my bad to all the Azeris and Georgians out there

this is all pseudo science

>If whites are good how come nonwhite mena shitskins who are aliens are shit?
How come east asians are different to abos and polynesians?

Arabs are people, specifically Bedouins

How are Jews different than arabs?

you tell me why

Dont blame us for some other type of shit skin camel lovers

idiot you can't use boxes

Middle easterners are not white.


A) Arabs are an ethnicity (ethnicity being subgroup of a race), belonging to the Semitic race, alongside Jews and Assyrians (and some smaller groups). They came from the Arabian peninsula

B) they're different from other Semites in that their versions of haplogroups j and E1b mutated differently, and diverged from their original clades, J and E1b.

Jews are a gang, a mafia cult for imperialism and crime not a nation or distinct people, they are just Arabs in identity crisis following modern ideas of nationhood that isnt an arbituary grouping and cult.

Good goy...let your daughter breed with those caucasians.

Why do you keep posting your ugly moor face? are you mentally ill?

T. Caucas

I look more like this actor.
You haven't answered my questions.

Fixed that for you
if you aren't 45 to 50% white you aren't white

There is a difference between white and Caucasian. All whites are Caucasian while not all Caucasians are white.


Success is the outcome of several variables, where racial and biological aspects are just the point of departure. You have to see it in relation to religion and culture too. Europe has had more wars than the rest of the world combined, only the last few hundred years. War means progress. You need bloodshed to see real development. Vid related.


But the Middle East always had the most advanced civilizations for most of human history. The Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, the Phoenician Empire, the many other Mesopotamian Empires, etc.

Civilization as we know it began in the Middle East. Empires as we know them began in the Middle East as well. Even under Islam, the Middle Easterners had the largest and most advanced empire the world had ever seen during it's Golden Age.

So where did the Middle East go wrong? Well Muslims were basically nearly wiped out by the Mongols AND the Black Death epidemic. Before Baghdad, the capital of the caliphate, was destroyed, it had the most libraries in the world and the widest array of knowledge available to scientists and philosophers. All of it burned down by the Mongols.

Your argument is extremely ignorant of the history of the area. Europe, the Middle East, India and China have all had their Golden Ages where they were the apex of civilization, today we live in an epoch where Europe reigns supreme (something we didn't see since Western Rome fell). Study history to find out.

Title of a Sup Forums post is supposed to get to the point :/

So do you think that Middle Easterners are not genetically inferior and are capable of rising again then

The middle East is the beginning of the narrative you were taught. There were older civilizations with oral tradition and complex societies in the north sea as well as China. Stop being a mind slave.

Do you know how Middle East was before islam? Fucking ignorant brainlets

so closes the thread

By that logic, why was China, one of the greatest civilization to exist with a rich history full of philosophy and scientific inventions, so fucking backward and primitive compared to Europe for the last 400 years?

Again, I'd like to say "Mongols" since the Chinese were also destroyed by the Mongols, but it's simply because the Chinese had their time and it passed.

There is no "genetically inferior" in our case here. Middle Easterners, Europeans, and Asians all have the potential to come up with great civilizations, as we've seen in the past. It's just that like empires rise and fall, so too do civilizations. I'm sure some Muslim 1000 years ago was thinking to himself "Why are the Europeans so backward when they're so closely related genetically to us?".

Or even take it back 1850 years ago with a Mesopotamian asking himself "Why are Europeans so fucking bad at building societies when they're closely related to us?".

So yeah, Middle Easterners definitely have the potential to rise again, but they're gonna have to give up Islamism and adopt certain European cultural elements, just as the East Asians have. But when America is dropping hundreds of thousands of bombs on you, killing millions of your people, destabilizing your countries, inciting civil wars and protecting the ruling elites that control the oil-wells, it's pretty hard to rise up again.

It's not a narrative you retard. The Mesopotamians were the first to develop what we call a "society" today, everything from roads, to tax systems, to merchant hubs, to education centers were invented there and then. The alphabet was invented in the Middle East, so was the wheel, and so were most of the inventions that brought civilization to humanity.

way more jews

allowed but not encouraged

ThisAnd before that they took nigger-slave-women and interbred with them while castrating the black men.

>Saudi Arabia
>Literally among the highest standards of living in the world
It's almost like being invaded, having your government destroyed, and being sanctioned for decades does something to fuck up a country. Weird...
>Inb4 muh oil
So all the bad can be attributed to race and culture, but all the good must be attributed to environmental circumstances. How intellectual of you, Sup Forums.

>the Netherlands
You disgusting heretics are the problem of this country.

They've been on the bottom for like 600 years at this point. If white people collectively decided to exterminate all Muslims, even without nukes it would be done in less than two months. Muslims never had that kind of power.

>muh can't into civilization

Fuck up stupid shitskin

>Muh non-argument
Stay mad you butt blasted abbo

Because they look like fucking Arabs and technically they are, they almost 100 percent middle eastern neolithic farmer.

Sardinians don't cluster together though, there would be more sense including Jews then them.

>pic clearly shows that arabs aren't even close to being related to whites
Did you even look at the shit you posted?

Sure doesn't seem like it in the west.