What is this kikery

Grabbed some groceries tonight at Kroger, and I noticed some chocolate coins. They're fucking covered in hebrew and shit. Like, is this some weird anti-Christmas nonsense the Jews push? Are they training their kikelets to hoard gold or something?

Someone pls explain

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They gamble with them on Hanukah

You bought them. You tell us.

that's gelt, you moron. it's Hanukkah shit

Just chocolate shekels, user. I'm sure we've all seen chocolate USD coins before.

You've never seen those before? They're gelt for Hanukkah.

Fuck you Jew, I see your matza balls
You wanted the Jew candy

Ancient Hanukkah gelt. Unfortunately not edible.

Now you sound like Antifa. I bet if you look hard enough, you can probably found chocolate baby cocks in that same section.

don't worry about it OP, it's just to teach chosen kids how to be greedy, you know, the basics.

jews literally eat gold during this time of year

I wanted to take a better photo and I wasn't gonna open it up in the store and put it back. It was only $0.49.
I have but not the Jew stuff
So they stole it from the Dutch to rip off their own people?

Where's your gefilte fish and Manischewitz?

How about a nice brisket?

I had some brisket tonight, in fact. It vas vonderful.

I haven't ever had gefilte fish and wtf is Mani-whatever?

Manischewitz is a Jew food company. I was referring to Manischewitz wine. It's cheap stuff made from Concord grapes and it gives you a headache.


Oh I've had that. Yeah it's gross.

Holy shit you found the jewgold. Bury that shit before they smell you out.

They un-ironically Jew each other out of real Shekles during the Holidays?

>noticed some chocolate coins
>Someone pls explain
Probably some kid left his/her chocolate coins in there by accident, don't overthink it dude.

>not shopping at the superior (((Stein Mart)))
it's like you don't even want to be a good goy

>havarti cheese
You basically have a Jewish daily ration kit there, minus the bagel and cream cheese, so I'm going to assume you're a LARPing kike and laugh at your people for being so greedy, your childrens' candy is even shaped like money.

I have some chocolate coins I got from Trader Joes.
You basically get like 40 random coins from around the world.

I got 4 shekels in my bag.

What does havarti cheese have to do with Jews?

It is pretty tasty though.

It stinks, just like them and their golems.

It was a whole bin of them.
Yeah I don't.
How do you know what jewish food is like if you're not a jew?

This. Jew kids have been playing dreidel with these for decades, nothing new or alarming

There's an Ethiopian wine called Axumit that tastes like Manischewitz but is less harsh and doesn't give me a headache. But I don't mind the Concord grape taste. It's good.

Just ate one of the coins. It was nasty. Fucking Jews used my curiosity to jew me out of 49ยข
San Antonio Cardinale is a sweet red wine that tastes just like Welch's Concord Grape juice.