When did you realize palpatine was /ourguy/
>grew up a blue pilled youth rooting for the jedi
>cried after Mace Windu was killed after he was so close to killing palpatine and ending it all
When did you realize palpatine was /ourguy/
>grew up a blue pilled youth rooting for the jedi
>cried after Mace Windu was killed after he was so close to killing palpatine and ending it all
>become redpilled
>realize palpatine was based asf
>assumed power over a disorderly and corrupt republic
>brought about order and progress to the universe
>brought about unparalleled scientific advancement
>exterminated the fanatical zealots of an ancient religion
remind you of anyone?
Nah faggot, Naga Sadow is our guy. Fuck Sheev and all his kikery. The dark jedi have always corrupted the sith and with the rule of two.
Wait, there were people who liked the Jedi more than Vader and Palpatine?
>(((Sheev))) manipulates both sides into a pointless war to serve his own objectives.
>Uses propaganda, fear, and war to increase state power until the people blindly sign away their freedoms.
>Worships an obscure religious sect based on deceit.
>Our goy.
Man, you really missed the point of the prequels didn't you.
I hate ugly old farts who abuse their power!
The dark side characters had a childish "Reehehehehehehe im BAD xD" layer in star wars. But all in all i approve how they were anti-diversity
>The dark side characters had a childish "Reehehehehehehe im BAD xD" layer in star wars. But all in all i approve how they were anti-diversity
You missed the point of what Sheev was actually accomplishing faggot
Hes litteraly the good guy in the films.
But because film is used to portray lies, by giving him makeup and labelling him "evil" they sell the embodiment of cultural marxism """Luke Skywalker""" as the ultimate good goy.
I mean for fucks sake look basically says "if you kill your enemies they win" at one point.
I am God.
I think you missed the point.
>the Jedi were innefectual elitists in an actual ivory tower
>refused to provide leadership to an unstable and failing republic whose beuracracy had long since stopped working
> were completely detached from the human experience inacapable of love or passion uncaring in the site of suffering.
The jedi were worthless and cared only about maintaining the status quo.
What did he accomplish?
Seriously we hate globalists but we're supposed to have a hard on for a dude who puppet masters the entire galaxy?
Yes, and the Republic was a corrupt bureaucracy that was doomed to failure and deserved to die.
However it should have fractured into independent systems that could have served their local population's interests.
Just because the Jedi and Republic were fucked up doesn't mean that whatever replaced them was justifiable.
In the EU hes actually both a hero and a villain.
A hero because he knows an Extragalatic Invasion by a race much worse then the worst Sith Lord is coming and that the galaxy must militarize to defend against it. He also did not order the destruction of Alderaan.
A villain because his long term goal is the creation of some sort of dark side Theocracy with himself as an Immortal Super Dark Side Galatic God-King.
Anakin/Vader was going to be used as sort of a spell component.
literally WHO just posted this?
Your digits have betrayed you Soros....there is only KEK
EU is the only real canon, fuck the mouse.
Papalogs is /oursith/
actually OP palpatine was a sith from the start pretty much. he trained under darth plagueis or some shit. he killed him and became the boss and that faggot didnt stay dead and neither did shev at least in the old way things went down which is no longer cannon. his connections to the jedi are through politics
>subverted and betrayed everyone and everything
>literally looks like soros
i don't think so
the arrest of palpatine/turn of vader is hands down the best and most entertaining moment in the entire star wars film series
Reminder: Sheev did literally nothing wrong.
Lmao soros wasnt even born when palpatine was created by george lucas you fucking amermitu