Environmental pressures on Race and IQ

What makes you believe that the intelligence required to overcome a winter in Europe is greater than the intelligence required to survive a dry season in subsaharan Africa? What scientific proof do you have?

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>What makes you believe

Blacks are stupid, whites are smart. This had to happen somehow.

You didn’t address the question, and there is still no absolute evidence to prove racial IQ differences especially because they’re based on this theory which no one seems able to prove.

Non, however there is a great deal to say about the connection between group behavior, K and r reproductive patterns and native climate. As in there are different evolutanary pressures everywhere. However, it is easily demonstrated that different populations have different IQ, and Africa is near the bottom of that ladder. American blacks, although scoring lower than American whites in IQ still do significantly better than black Africans.

And before anyone sutisticly screetch "racist", east asians, some of which live in the tropical zone, score generally higher on IQ than whites.

Just read the bell curve.

>What scientific proof do you have?

Why would there be a different level of intelligence required in each scenario? Both only require the bare minimum of thought since its basic survival.

you don't seem to be able to think and use your brain like a normal person. what, you can't tell a person is retarded by looking at them for 10 seconds? that makes you autistic/disabled.

what we call 'intelligence' today, is actually just a rebranding of imagination. which you lack.

Ok then enlighten me because it seems there is little to no evidence in support of this theory from anywhere in the scientific community and I certainly can’t find a ‘race realist’ to explain it, that’s weird isn’t it?

His argument was literally "I don't like them, so they must be inferior". He actually said that, because he was conceited as hell. Charles Murray has also been disproven with his own statistical evidence by James Flynn and his colleagues: there is no evidence of hereditary racial differences in intelligence, only statistical averages, which are not empirical proof. Even Steven Pinker has said that there is no reason a prior to assume such differences exist, because human genetic diversity is mostly genetic drift with a few a few modern evolutionary adaptations, like lactose tolerance. But ignoring that what genes supposedly cause racial IQ differences?

>no evidence
Its observable. Doesn't matter where you look all over the planet from south africa to the U.S.A. niggers are consistently less intelligent on average than any other race regardless of the environment.

You don't have to be able to prove something 100% certain for it to be a fact. Some things are just obvious.

>Can’t tell a person is retarded by looking at them
You’re right this person is retarded therefore all black people are retarded.

you're looking at this backwards, probably intentionally.

The theory about winter forcing higher iq in whites is just speculation. We're trying to come up with explanations for why blacks are generally dumber.

But it doesn't need to be there. Blacks are dumber, and we don't know if it has to do with not dealing with winter, or because of the fauna of the land, or whatever. But in the end it doesn't matter.

Brains are CPUs cold environment run CPUs better, it even explains Meds vs Nordics.

>consistently less intelligent
Well certainly not in my experience and like I said I have yet to seee scientific/biological proof weird right?

Grow up faggot

>Brains are like CPUs
Yes but how is the evolution of a Humans comparable in any logical way to the development of a CPU?

If you haven't seen evidence of it then you haven't looked for it or possibly have intentionally avoided it because it makes you uncomfortable.

Instead of demanding proof from your opposition why not provide some backing up your own claims?

Well if you could provide absolute scientific proof then maybe an actual discussion could occur.

The hypothesis is that in an environment with harsh seasons that you need to plan in advance for, there are more selective pressures on cognitive abilities like long term planning that result in a more intelligent phenotype

You lose a lot of heat through your head because the brain generates it and it has to not overheat. This thershold is lower closer to the equator and higher away from there.

How do? Any evidence I’ve seen in favor from the scientific community has been very biased or wasn’t fact checked.

Ah, but the spin of the Earth should have elongated the equatorial skull.

*How do you know*

This isn't even true for a good chunk of Europe though. Places like Greece and southern Italy have pretty kind climates year round and both birthed great ancient civilisations.

> it seems there is little to no evidence in support of this theory from anywhere in the scientific community

You're a liar. We're going to kill people like you.

Are you asking for evidence that harsh winters require more long term planning to survive? Because I think the evidence for that should be pretty obvious
>hunts animal for meat
>doesn't save/preserve extra meat
>winter comes, not enough animals to hunt, no vegetation to forage

How is it biased? How isn't it fact checked?

Stop. Being. Retarded.

That wasn’t the only driving force. Anyway, here is what we know. Blacks have lower IQs, over a whole standard deviation lower (15 IQ points) en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_intelligence

And they even have smaller brain sizes
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_size (scroll to race)

These are facts all backed by scientific studies. There’s many hypothesises as to why this is the case. The climates are probably the biggest factor. Although all other races have neatherthal DNA except for Africans. Neatherthals were smarter than homosapiens, but because they were basically loners and homosapiens were more aggressive they were outbred. Another hypothesis is because Africa had a higher infant mortality rate it actually took longer for them on average to produce 2 offspring. Meaning over 10,000’s of years they have significantly fewer ancestors as a consequence

>absolute scientific proof
That impossible demand seems to be all the skeptic community has left to use in debates and no amount of proof is considered "absolute" enough for them.

Its like saying that because you can't provide absolute scientific proof that you don't have a pint of cum in your ass right now you are a faggot. What's that? You can't prove that to me beyond a reasonable doubt? Weird huh, faggot?

lmfao fukin this m8

The book is called "The Bell Curve". The thesis of the book is literally things are different and fall in a range. IQ is one factor that is examined as support to the thesis.

So according to your theory eskimos should have an incredibly high IQ?
The Polynesians were the finest navigators on the planet, finding their way accurately over huge expanses of largely landless ocean.
I don't know what that is if not intelligence? If this true can you provide evidence from the scientific community supporting this? There are many things that are logical but that doesn't mean they're scientific or true.

Best post, 'Europeans had to plan more' is some shitty Sup Forums prax that isn't even always true. There probably does exist some genetic gap between Blacks and Whites IQ's (the size of which nobody knows for sure) but there is no actual proven hypothesis for the evolutionary origin of this gap.

Doesn't really mean much when black people have poorer environments the world over

If this is true what genes cause this IQ difference?

What kind of retard wants to live in a tundra? If anything, the desert should produce more geniuses, because of the lack of natural resources forces tribes to band together, an slates cognition towards conservation and counting.

But all this environmental connection with intellect is bull shit, because you find exceptions everywhere that contradict and nullify its premise.

Eskimos have the biggest brains of all humans cold+carnivorism just like Neanderthals.

Honestly nobody is sure. You can find many many of the same Genes in Asians as they too had to deal with similar climate. The best answer we have is that our environment made us this way. Another idea is our ancestral species. White people have more in common with the Neanderthal and we are the byproduct of a hybrid species called Crono Magus. Its a pretty deep hole to dive down.

Gene Networks M1 and M3

Ok so if your theory is true why do Eskimos not have a corresponding IQ?

Arctic people have an IQ of 91

Eskimos didn't have much of a temperate environment. Shifting seasons would lead to constant weeding out weak traits atop learning rationing.

Ok and how do these genes cause IQ differences? Is there any evidence these are more prevalent in Europeans than non-Europeans?

Being relegated to an environment that never changes like the Africans meant that they never needed to change. They had to be more innovative due to their harsh environment. (this is why they have a higher IQ than the nogs) Still though, preforming the same tasks day after day year after year for thousands of years causes a people to stagnate on an evolutionary level.

Imagine living in a society where the average IQ is 59. A literal country of retards, Jesus.

And if you prepare for winter properly you tend to have alot of leasure time.

“Rather than do their own IQ studies, the authors average and adjust existing studies and use other methods to create estimates.”

“In some cases, the IQ of a country is estimated by averaging the IQs of countries that are not actually neighbors of the country in question. For example, Kyrgyzstan's IQ is estimated by averaging the IQs of Iran and Turkey, neither of which is close to Kyrgyzstan”

Surely there is science to back this?

One also has to realize they had access to rivers and fish as well. Although they weren't oceanic, they still had access to nutrients that could boost intellect over time too.

Compare apples with apples, they are hunter gatherers and the smartest ones, they are aboriginals who live on the pole.

See how evolution works in general, most evolution is adaptive mutation to an environment, much like how the Snowshoe Rabbit or Polar Bear came into being

Ok so what genetic evidence exists to suggest racial IQ differences?

Animals, plants, some level of water and shade will always be present regardless of conditions in a warm climate; in a cold climate, vegetation will not grow during the cold season, most of the animals will hibernate, and if you do not gather enough fuel and build sufficient shelter before hand, you will freeze to death.

>intelligence required to survive a dry season in subsaharan Africa
>find shade/mud
>don't get eaten as usual

Yes, though you would never see a scientific article draw the same conclusions. The scientific community is haunted by the same ills that plague our society. The worst of which being political correctness. Revealing that non whites are biologically inferior would upset non whites and damage the Lefts narrative. It would also upset the Jews plan.

Which is exactly what they did in one of your sources as Well:
Serious question, since its obvious that you are 100% unwilling to entertain the notion that environmental factors affect I.Q. and seem dead set on nit picking all the evidence being shown to you why bother making this thread at all? Do you enjoy the mental gymnastics of demanding an infinite amount of evidence and convincing yourself that because somebody can't meet your unreasonable standard of "absolute scientific proof" means your own ideas factual?

Because all of these exist. They are getting water somewhere.
On the other hand, every animal that lives in a cold climate either flees or has to stock up on food and hide during winter. I haven't seen a bird or squirrel in weeks.
I am holed up inside my house for the past 3 days because it's too fucking cold outside and I don't want to deal with it.
In africa, I would just need some jug of water and I would be fine

Interesting conclusion very telling but not really a surprise that a 'racial realist' would think this.

Ok so what genetic information exists to prove these differences or is this the typical non-science?

Yes, im being a realist. I could just say that they are simply different, but that would be disingenuous. Now will you accept the evidence given to you by us or will you continue your mental gymnastics?

>100% unwilling to entertain the notion
I came to this thread with an open mind and a question whose answer is integral to the basic factual integrity of the 'Alt-rights' argument that they are superior and frankly I have seen no evidence that lives up to scientific standards.I find it hilarious and very telling you call this "mental gymnastics"

when humans moved north, they interbred with neanderthals which had been living in frigid climates for hundreds and thousands of years. there is also evidence that humans learned from neanderthals how to survive in the cold climate.

its not that intelligence is defined through different environmental hardships, its that "intelligence" has no definition, and behavior only exists that we can observe to see if its self-sabotaging.

self sabotaging behavior is considered the opposite of intelligence.

therefore, to judge intelligence we must look for self sabotaging behavior, and also the opposite.

intelligence is subjective and therefore un-scientific in nature.

>I have seen no evidence
The ability to plan and solve complex problems is essential to surviving cold climates, read

also to expand on that...

any population that does something atypical of its stereotype that benefits the population is considered a progressive move. progressive moves are what are commonly attributed to "intelligence".
when african tribes moved north and interbred with neanderthals, this was considered a progressive move.
to not change is not progressive, and to self sabotage is considered regressive.

thats the basis of intelligence.

How would you define superior? It's extremely biased towards Europeans isn't it?

>I came to this thread with an open mind
No you didn't,don't tell such an obvious lie and expect to be respected.

This post and most of your other ones reminds me of one of those conversations toddlers like to have Where just ask "why?" Over and over again no matter what you say.
>"don't walk so close to the pool"
>because you'll get hurt if you fall in
>because you can't breath under water
>because your lungs need oxygen or you'll die
You have disproved racial realism as much as my nephew disproved that humans can't live like mermaids.

That's speculation not science

you're ignoring me because you lack the ability to discuss things civilly with me.

What does that matter? You don’t need to find the specific genes to infer traits. Even people who genetically modify plants and animals don’t always find the specific genes that cause crops to grow faster and larger. No one in the field of genetics demands you find the exact genes in any biological organism to prove that select for a specific trait. You’re holding the alt-right to a ridiculous standard. There’s probably a combination of 1,000’s of genes that make up IQ


not only are there thousands of genes, but epigenetics works too in conjunction with the environment. genes are not a single "x sequence does x thing" like coding, its more "x thing produces a protein that fits into y thing to make x thing interact with z thing when w thing is happening in v environment"

Surviving in harsh conditions that vary by season needs the ability to plan ahead and cooperate in organized groups. Niggers didn't need it, they just migrated to better areas. The statistics are proof

It's the scientific method but you're a racial realist so why concern yourself with such a primitive concept?

Two replies to one post, the simplest example of not being able to plan ahead.
Gas your self

>Harsh conditions
So you don't think the Sahara desert with a average temperature of 110 degrees fits the bill?

Europe has better land for agriculture = better brain development b/c nutrients. African land is shit for farming b/c weather and animals that eat other animals and seeds= lower iq b/c less nutrients

>my personal experience is scientific proof because I want it to be

trout and tea plz go, you are too dumb for science and you av embarrassed yourself on the pooblic spayze

>people in colder regions need higher intelligence to survive than those in warm regions
That's called a hypothesis, user.

You can find tons of studies that iq is heritable, and black people can typically run faster due to their genetics. Putting two and two together you can conclude that genetics is a factor of the lower average iq of black people.

No one lives in the desert, don't be stupid. They are just passing by. Also, the Sahara desert in relatively new

>What makes you believe that the intelligence required to overcome a winter in Europe is greater than the intelligence required to survive a dry season in subsaharan Africa?
>dry season in subsaharan Africa
in the Cenozoic? Are you fucking retarded by any chance. Have you ever heard of something called "Ice-age" (pic related, special attention to the Miocene where we "first" appeared)
>what scientific proof do you have
That comes after experimentation, which comes after sample / data gathering. We are barely in the hypothesis phase, you dumb retard, but it seems to be a good explanation based on empirical evidence.

Interesting so on the one hand you say that resources are abundant in Africa and in Europe and they have to produce their own infrastructure to survive. On the other hand it is claimed by race realists Africans lacked the agriculture to develop brain size.

>What scientific proof do you have?

On a hot day, survival is predicated on very blunt, numbing behavior - you sweat, you stay motionless, you jump into water. It limits what you can do, but you can be hot anywhere with nothing and still survive.

In the cold, if you sweat, you MUST dry off or you freeze to death. Going to the bathroom requires constantly observing your body for an urge, then maintaining that urge as you shiver outside. Constantly movement is rewarded, and you have to keep your warm clothes around you right so that you maintain pockets of hot air. Keeping these clothes clean and washing yourself requires careful planning.

Why do you think whites and Asians stink less and have straight hair? Curly, fine hair gets matted into dreadlocks - straight, thick hair doesn't.

>Let me just move the goal posts till your proof isn't good enough

If your standard for "absolute scientific proof" is that the questions "why" or "how" can no longer be asked then you must not believe any science at all from gravity to evolution.

Just because I can't make you comprehend how magnets work that doesn't change the fact that they do.

Just look out the window ideiot. Africa is tropical and lots of fruit. That's why the negroid race works so well on plantations. Now that they are kicked off, they sell fruit on the side of the road. ITS IN THERE BLOOD. Whites were made to rule. Blacks were made to serve. How are you so stupid not to see the evidence all around you?

See pic-related for what happens to any (((scientist))) who dares touch on race.
Many of them have straight-up admitted that it is not a subject they are willing to investigate.

when an area is hot, you just move somewhere else. hence why africa was mostly nomadic and still is. you move somewhere warm during the winter, and move somewhere cold during the summer.

in the indus valley, it was temperate so hence farming started and permanent settlements popped up which lead to genetic isolation and evolution through culture and genes.

one key point though... thats almost never touched upon...

in africa, evolution is mostly carried out via survival of the fittest, the most basic forms of what we call evolution. ie; the weak die and the strong survive...

while when you get a population thats genetically isolated and into farming etc, evolution is more culturally driven. so instead of the weak dying due to being unable to survive, its simply proactive mate-choosing. which is something thats rarely brought up.

long story short... white people chose to make themselves their ideal, while africans let nature do it for them.

Yes and it needs to be tested and proven before it becomes fact and there isn't much biological information (if any) to prove it.

what proof do you want

craniometric studies on this air tight, whites and asians have significantly more brain volume than Africans, so much so that stephen j gould had to falsify data against this

alt hype does a good lecture on this, check out "making the world flat"

there's a lot of biological information to support that settlement requires more people and individualized jobs than nomadic cultures, and that art thrives more in settlement/farming cultures. oh and retaining of collective information thrives more in non-nomadic cultures.

staying on surface level "im right and you're wrong when using these specific words that are nonspecific" is getting boring to read.

you're also still ignoring me.

And it could be tested if it weren't for ethics laws and political correctness, what is you side trying to hide, user?

Just consider the fact that Africans never developed proper housing. Why ? They didn't need it. A mud shack is enough to cover from the sun

Take it from James Watson, Nobel prizewinner and race realist.

and nomadic lifestyle lead to them not really needing to plan a long term goal for an area. you could just trash it and leave.

bc niggers don't build shit

Whites having intelligence and SSAs not.

The just so story of how it came to be isn't very interesting and has no effect on the real, observable phenomenon it was invented to explain.

Don't have a reaction image but
>mfw my Steam Avatar is being used in the OP on a Sup Forums thread