Who is the one person Sup Forums hates the most?

>Who is the one person Sup Forums hates the most?


Adolf Hitler for dooming the white race, killing millions of pure white people, failing to kill the Jews, and leaving the white race in a forever cucked guilt ideology that has doomed fascism.

By far it is this man. None stand in his way. I would pay good money to be the rope man when his day comes. No tree though. Just put a knee in his back and pull really hard while yelling "ya think you're hot shit don'cha!one1" at him.

I hate Trump.

>Half Kike
>Half Nigger
>Abhorrent music
>Promotes degeneracy
>In bed with huge corporations like CocaCola
>Sensitive gangster meme
>White girls love him and dildo their virgin cunts to his stupid retard face
>"wE dA bEs MuSiC"

op because is a fag

we the best music is dj khaled and i hate dj khaled he is also retarded

Soros for sure

Woodrow Wilson