I’m a transgender woman. Am I a descendant of Sodom and Gomorrah? Am I just an agent of Satan? What’s my role in the end times prophecy? Am I a sign?
I’m a transgender woman. Am I a descendant of Sodom and Gomorrah? Am I just an agent of Satan...
you're a man
this honestly is the only truth you need
I reject that truth. I live my truth.
Reject it all you want. You're still a man.
A) You're a product of an emasculating society.
B) You see that women have it much easier than men, and you're tired of the responsibility that manhood entails.
C) You're brainwashed by a constant flow of television advertisements and reality tv
D) You lack attention in your life
E) All of the above
Taking hormones having a doctor turn your penis into a vagoo. Is not truth it’s enabling the lie you tell yourself. I often fantasize that I’m a space ship zooming around boundless space. Just because I dream it doesn’t make it so.
> boop
No one judge you, but a psychiatrist can help you.
>I am a transgender woman
No, you are a mentally ill man.
>I’m a transgender woman.
You will always be a man in God's eye.
>Am I a descendant of Sodom and Gomorrah?
You are a sinner like all men.
>Am I just an agent of Satan?
Everyone who rejects Jesus Christ is a lost soul who needs to repent and seek the kingdom.
>What’s my role in the end times prophecy?
To repent and call upon the Lord for salvation before you end up in Hell.
>Am I a sign?
No, you're self centered.
I actually don't deny any of this.
You should ask Christ. No man can answer that nor can they judge you. I love your soul. I sin no less than you and I make you one promise. If you ask, he will show you everything. Have patience and most of all, shut up and listen.
You are a beloved child of God. Period. God loves you and wants to get to know you. Pray to Him. Get to know Him.
See you at the Divine Liturgy, sibling.
very interesting
Of course I won't do any of that. Also I don't reject Jesus Christ.
You're just mentally ill and have been convinced you are normal. Gender dysphoria is serious.
Which means you're nothing special and no one gives a fuck.
>You are a beloved child of God. Period. God loves you and wants to get to know you.
God above you're a weak willed cunt
Law to the proud, grace to the humble.
You are a mentally ill man. Stay the hell out of women's restrooms and away from kids.
You are basically a sideshow circus attraction.
hrt is curing my gender dysphoria.
You're a bait thread maler with a meme flag.
you're mentally ill
I have to go to the women's room. Men tell me to leave the men's room and go there.
>You're a man you stupid kike.
>Go suck faggot cocks.
>Fuck your shit.
>Transexualism is for mentally ill asspies.
you mentally ill. thats all
I know. I have gender dysphoria, bipolar disorder, GAD, and PTSD.
Doubling down is not curing anything. Gender identity is a meme.
That's not what your prime minister says.
>Women with children don't want you in there restrooms.
>Men don't want you in theirs either.
Good job at alienating yourself.
OP, go fuck yourself. Go get a lobotomy and never return to Sup Forums.
You have a mineral deficiency
even lesbians hate you kys.
Who cares what cultural marxists say? They want the destruction of the western civilization as we know it.
>Am I a descendant of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Give God a little credit. Those places were wiped clean of human life. So no. You're not part of some backwards lineage. You need help.
You're a shitty LARPer. Fuck off.
you are a mentally ill man
As a true son of God I still love you.
and I'm not trying to be mean but reality is the here and now, seek professional help instead of getting yourself an irreversible operation that not only damages yourself but doesn't fix the problem you have.
I believe I am part of some backwards lineage. I give God credit on wiping them out but maybe he missed a few and I am their descendant. I do not need help. I am getting help.
Lesbians hate me? Is that why they all want my feminine boi penis?
First post bp
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-Aldous Huxley
>my truth
That's the problem.
>he is a child of God
No, he isn't, he's a reprobate.
Reprobates are NOT the children of God.
ONLY "as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." (Jn 1:12-13) ie. only those who have accepted Christ, converted from their evil, and been born again of God in baptism, only those can be considered as possibly the children of God.
All gommorrheans are not, and cannot, be the children of God unless they abandon their evil and convert away from the path of damnation.
everyone talks about you and how much of a mentally ill retard you are behind your back. you fell for a jewish meme, get over it.
Proverbs 21:2 " Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts."
lurking mtf here & this.
never had so many women hit on me, send me nudes, grope me, buy me drinks etc
You are nothing nobody cares go back to Sup Forums if you want attention
>I'm a transgender woman
No, you aren't. You are a man. Tumblr may go along with your delusions but we will not.
You think I don't know that? Dumb kiwi I swear.
You're part of the backwards lineage of Adam, the sons of which are all cursed with death and concupiscience, a corruption that makes all of us capable of the most degenerate and perverse delusions and evil. This is what causes you to fall into your horrible perversion. As long as you continue being a slave to the flesh you will be a reprobate that will be cast into hell.
Naw, you just talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
just hormones or sex change op?
>I’m a transgender woman.
>Am I a descendant of Sodom and Gomorrah?
no. they were nuked
>Am I just an agent of Satan?
>What’s my role in the end times prophecy?
none. the NT end times refer to the events of 70 AD
>Am I a sign?
no. you are an OP
>I’m a transgender woman. Am I a descendant of Sodom and Gomorrah? Am I just an agent of Satan? What’s my role in the end times prophecy? Am I a sign?
its this kind of delusion that makes you trans... you cant just be a bit fem (or butch), you have to be radically "different" - so trans
now you cant just be trans, youre so special that youre a "descendant of Sodom" maybe even an "agent of Satan"
regardless, you are clearly play a key role in the universe
rather than just being the sad, mentally diseased fuck that you are
DNA doesn't lie and DNA states you're a man. Turn to Jesus Christ, admit what you're doing is wrong(sin) to God, repent(turn away from) your sin, and accept the blood of Jesus Christ as payment for your sins and you will be forgiven and you will be saved.
If you choose not to, you reject Christ and will eventually be eternally separated from God. God is all that is good. We can only accept Christ when we are in the flesh. Once we die, it will be too late.
Pretending is not real.
I can claim that I am a midget Bigfoot riding a unicorn. Am I?
Yeah, it’s a sign you have shit for brains. Fuck off
You are just a faggot who made too many compromises in life
you are a mentally ill faggot making b8 threads on Sup Forums, kys. sage
You were fooled into chopping off your ding dong. You will be eradicated by association if end times occurs.
>I’m a transgender woman
Look between your legs and said your a woman, right ? lol
>transgender woman
Nice job being mindfucked into choping off your dick by jews. LOL, what a dumb ass..
Fucking Yahtzee
you don't honestly believe any lesbian would let you into Womyn only spaces?
You're dumber than I could have possibly imagined.
You're a sign of a society that has failed it's people because you have been propped up by thought patterns and constructs that rule your beliefs, your emotions, and your behavior.
You are a sign that America is corrupted. You are redeemable though, but not the system that propagates this disorder.
The rule of law, in general, requires it be done through fear and suppression. Anything that is ever suppressed eventually comes back out. You are an expression of some suppression in a deviant way because the suppression of said concept was expressed through you. Such an expression is propped up and sustained by your environment because of their corruption. Your expression is one of corruption. Your origin is long forgotten to you. You float on a sea of lies and miss the small glistening sparks of truth.
I am not religious, I have none, though religion as it was in the past was a good way to keep you pleb ok, you were conditioned to be like this. I believe in free will of the individual, never the free will of the mass. We were raised for this, the mass was raised for this. To accept it, to normalize it, to wish it via various unconscious means, notably in pornography.
We need a lawful emperor who takes care of his pleb, who protects them of themselves in their own interest.
Understanding human psychology comes from a, observing pain and loss, gain and joy, b being an exception.
Hence the reason why great leaders are often raised during chaotic periods. They can observe why it fails and correct it eventually. Growing in comfort makes you blind to what a human is.
He rejects you at this point. You are reprobate. Enjoy hell.
Man's laws are false, God's laws are perfect, any rational thing man creates is like a locust trying to figure out what the internet is.
Satan is destine to run like a coward at the sight of God with his tail between his legs. He is never in power and will never be in power, everything is set forth to turn out the way it is since before the world was form.
Why are you talking to us, us humans!? If you want a perfect answer, then shouldn't you be asking God himself. He's there, he's listening, he's waiting for you to do so. Just do it.
Youre a mentally ill aids ridden man. I hope you get killed by a muslim at a gay pride parade you filthy degenerate.
I have been to girls only nightclubs, with my lesbian girlfriend, because lesbianism is a sexuality.
TERF is a political political ideology.
There is no political movement that represents me specifically. I am an individual, as you are. Banding people's entire selves based on one common factor is a lazy way to think.
Fuck you, fuck feminism, I have a good life, I'm about to get my hair did, go dancing, and do some shibari in lingerie with my sexy lesbian girlfriend.
later fag.
How does it feel to be a man now? Does the add-on penis even get hard???
Sodom and Gomorrah was bad not because of homosexuality, this happens everywhere. It was bad because they made laws against people acting morally. If you believe that people can't live morally because it might hurt you, then you deserve what happened to those sorry sons of bitches got.
You are a man desu
the hormones you take will make you sterile, removing your genes from the pool
they will also alter your brain chemistry leading to your eventual suicide
you will never post another shitty thread on here ever again
Triggered hard just like a bitch
No. Jesus and Satan are myths. Man created the Gods of religions.
show us your flag then demofag
Wow, that's really profound.
Satan and god are about as real as santa and the easter bunny man. Thats the red pill for ya. I dont know if youve cut your penis off or injected estrogen. But if you have id just say your a maimed male with a mental illness. Estrogen does not equal female. Im a male and i produce estrogen and so does every other human being. Putting more in your body only fucks up natures perfection and maintaining your hormonal balance. All you do when you inject estrogen is increase your chance of heart attack and stroke by 100 fold, and also increase your chances of having weak bones and blod clots and obesity. Your energy levels will likely decrease, and you will likely become moodier and more unstable. You will be less capable of focusing on the task at hand making you useless and unmarketable in the workplace as male hormones like DHT cause a man to be able to focus on his job and be calm and strong during times of stress. Society has been demasculating ridiculously. People are blocking DHT now to prevent baldness... i mean WTF!? So ya.. youve basically just fucked yourself up. You let the quack psychologists, media, and liberal culture force the blue pill down your throat.
I don't think awareness for transgenders is in their favor at all.
>meet transfag
>kind of think he's an odd person in a "what kind of a man wants to be a woman?" way
>still be friendly with him
>accept that these people live among us
>at this point I have found out about the disgusting gaping hole the post-op trannies have that they have to dilate daily or else they'll heal and they wouldn't have a hole that other degenerates put their dicks in
>know about the disgusting goop that gathers in their holes that they have to scoop out
>literally think these people are walking perversions and nothing more, absolute degeneracy with no redeeming qualities about them
>close to vomiting when I sense a transfag near me
why are there so many christ cucks on pol?
Because only religion can save us now and making a new religion in this age would be too challenging.
>I’m a transgender woman
you're just confused and you should have just accepted whatever set of gonads you were born with
just stay away from kids
You could be a sign or precursor of the coming return to wholeness of the heavenly Adam / Christ.