Are Californians the worst group of people alive today? And why do they insist on spilling into Oregon, Colorado and Washington like a puss-filled blister that's just popped?
Are Californians the worst group of people alive today? And why do they insist on spilling into Oregon...
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These faggots have completely ruined Denver and Boulder
please pray for earthquake
I grew up in Boulder. It's changed so much it's unbelievable. I miss stealth wealth, when people were slightly wealthy because they had PhDs, not because they made a quick mil on some retarded app and bought a McLaren. Fuck.
lmao californians aren't people
The weather isn't worth the bullshit here
I'm from Aurora. Yeah, there was a lot of shit back then (80s and 90s), but there were also actual working class people. Now, when I go back to visit, the whole Denver area is like California; you're either rich or you're dead broke.
I'm in California. Thinking about moving to Oregon for their craft beer scene.
>tfw a gun store employee in commiefornia
End your life nobody wants you. Stay in your containment state
I live in Northern California (no, not Sacramento or San Francisco. More north)
My family is waiting for California to declare independence so Northern (real Northern) California can declare statehood & become the state of Jefferson. We're all white conservatives up here who own guns, live in rural areas & arent pussies
Here, here. Fucking Californians ruin everything they touch, and right now they're molesting Colorado like no tomorrow. It's sad.
Why can't you people just stay the fuck in your own state? You fucked it up, then flee the consequences and go to other states. Then, you push for all the same policies that fucked your state up! I watched Colorado turn from the best fucking state in the US to fucking Cali East. You fuckers just flooded in starting in the nineties. I'd rather have twice as many fucking Mexicans than fucking Californians.
top kek
Yep, exactly. I've found areas like Aurora have become even shittier because it's where all the poorfags got pushed to.
This x1000, because Californians bring with them the bottom of the barrel beaners as well.
Found the uppity retards. How does it feel getting so angry at bait? That's your life. Must be greeeeeat.
Life was great before a bunch of lefty faggots shit all over my home.
If you faggots insist on moving to Colorado, you have to move to a blue district and vote red, and do some fucking redpilling
It's not bait if it's something people are unironically saying and doing on a regular basis.
Californian here.
Moving to Portland in a couple months.
Gonna get me some tax free guns. Anyone selling 1903A3's up there? Also gonna get me an AUG.
Go ahead, key my car, It's a used Hondawith 100k+ on the meter.
Jersey rivals it. Try going anywhere down South, even SWestern mountains, trying to get away from them. You can't.
Yes holy fucking shit this. Let me put it in a greentext
> Work in NYC at an advertisement firm
> Used to the usual PC bullshit from co workers and clients
>Corporate decides to transplant over some of the people from the Cali branch since quite a few people were being moved to the new Orlando office.
>Enter the Cali fucks in my department. Lets call them Flowerchild, Lumberjew, Thing 1 and Thing 2.
>Complain on day one of having no ideas, ask if i knew any good dealers
>Call my weed man, ask him to bring over the good shit since these guys are used to smoking alot.
>Basically complain how his stuff is not like what they have in Cali in front of him
>Thing 1 calls a friend and they get something from their guy
Theres more stories if anyone is interested but god damn those fucks are annoying. They never tell it like it is and alway try to play it off friendly when they backstab you later
>Here, here.
It's funny how you guys talk so much shit and manage to fuck up something so simple.
go on
Classic. They are always so blown away by the concept that shit might be better outside of Cali
SoCal here. Please nuke us. Thanks.
Unless you plan to vote red, stay in Cali
Yes because they're ruining Texas by fleeing here after ruining their shitty gay ass state and following the jobs here.
>be californian
>be literally majority hispanic
Second that. I'm fine with Californians so long as they're conservative white people. Fuck everyone else.
Vote red, yeah?
I am very angry.
Very very angry about Californians.
Fucking Californians are everywhere in middle Tennessee now. I have Cali neighbors on two sides of my house now. They bitch about Trump. They bitch about confederate flags. They want to tear down confederate statues. They do weed and it stinks. They hate guns. A lot of them have no kids and push dogs around in baby strollers in below freezing weather. They buy 5 bedroom houses in my neighborhood to put all the kids they don't have in. They vote for democrats. They vote for more social programs and taxes. They are into weird new age shit. They are passive aggressive and put passive aggressive notes on your mailbox.They have excess money from moving to Tennessee because California is so fucking expensive because of all the taxes and social programs. They use the money to hire 12 spics to turn their whole yards into weird terraformed gardens. They also use the money to buy houses in cheaper neighborhoods and rent them to niggers. They also complain about the lack of niggers and spics. They look for bulls on craigslist, and not the animal kind. They hate animals that aren't yappy little faggot dogs or coyotes. "YOU SHOT THE INNOCENT COYOTE WHY... MUH WILDLIFE" They don't understand that suburban coyotes are bad and kill small yappy faggot dogs, chickens, and potentially childen. Although they might not mind if they killed children. Children cost sooo much money like OMG. They also bitch about Tennesseans all the time when they think you aren't listening. "In Cali we had X. Why doesn't Tennessee have Y, ITS CURRENT YEAR? I miss Z. Tennesseans are kind of bigoted sometimes. I'm glad your not like other "southerners". Of course I'm the REAL southerner, not these bigots. I've always liked country music. Ain't nothin' like fresh cornbread and sweet tea, YALL YEEHHAWW"
Faggots don't even know that "YEHAW" is a Texas thing, not a Tennessee thing.
RIP west coast and colorado
I hate San Diego hipsters
t. San Diegan
can someone redpill me on this? (new england here)
how are there noticeably so many californians moving to other states in the west?
and why are they still libtards? (i would of thought most of the californians would have been conservative for white flight reasons)
californian fucked up their state. then they blame trump or on the problems their voting habits caused. they don't just move out of the state because it's a shithole though. the real reason is california is choking their economy to death with taxes, companies are giving a big "fuck you" to moonbeam brown and moving out of the state to other business friendly areas (for instance, austin texas). shitty ass liberals move with the businesses and start turning their newly settled area into another liberal shithole. toyota moved out years ago. now nestle is jumping shit. it's turning into the next detroit and all everyone ever says is "muh 5th largest economy"
but you all know this story.
Exactly how Californians are in my experience. Always bitching about how the state their in isn't California, while at the same time bitching about California. I hate them so much.
>tfw steadily increasing income gap due to the shitty socioeconomic status quo of this shithole country.
>Blame it on “californians.”
It’s not Californians that are gentrifying Oregon Washington and Colorado, it’s your fellow people. You’re not as rich as you think.
White flight Californians are fucking parasites and destroy everything in their path while condescending the entire community they move to. Been waiting 30+ years for the "big one" to hit those fuckers to stop the poison before it keeps spreading.
Do you really want the state that provides more to the country than any other state to fail?
>"YOU SHOT THE INNOCENT COYOTE WHY... MUH WILDLIFE" They don't understand that suburban coyotes are bad and kill small yappy faggot dogs, chickens, and potentially childen. Although they might not mind if they killed children. Children cost sooo much money like OMG. They also bitch about Tennesseans all the time when they think you aren't listening. "In Cali we had X. Why doesn't Tennessee have Y, ITS CURRENT YEAR? I miss Z. Tennesseans are kind of bigoted sometimes. I'm glad your not like other "southerners". Of course I'm the REAL southerner, not these bigots. I've always liked country music. Ain't nothin' like fresh cornbread and sweet tea, YALL YEEHHAWW"
I'm a CaliFag and that's exactly what they're like. Thanks for reminding me why I've wanted to leave this shithole since high school. I still got a good laugh out of that post. If only you guys knew how bad it is here.
They don't want to admit that they're retards that fucked everything up. Like I said in a previous post, it's hard to explain the level of denial and delusion these inbreds live in. I have yet to be able to find someone who can even discuss things without chimping out the moment their shitty views are challenged in any sort of way. They need to be put down Old Yeller style.
t 10 year old kid
No it's literally people rolling into town with Cali plates, buying a house, and pushing for various laws. I see it happen in real time nigger, you don't have a damn clue.
I wonder if Californians realize literally every other state hates them. Even Oregon FUCKING OREGON hates Californians.
what did you want them to do? sniff your schwag, smile while holding back a laugh, and say no thanks?
I'm a corn farming racecar driving farmer driver from the mediocre state of Indiana. We hate Calfornia.
these kids blame their states failing on ca after watching ca fail
nobody cares Gary
it's the economy, stupid.
Fuck you, you're probably from Michigan. Whelp, back to the corn mines I go.
>Calis complaining about not enough niggers there.