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Marijuana is objectively superior to alcohol.
I fucking hate how I have to degenerate my body with alcohol until I take the piss test for my job interview
daily reminder that only autists think weed is degenerate
Satan's right for once, the Bible warns specifically against alcohol but has no problem with weed and other plant based halucinigens other than the general "stay sober, be alert" message.
Obviously both are sinful for that reason, but alcohol is definitely more strongly warned against.
drinking has been a european tradition for centuries because it seperates the hard cunts from the soft cunts, obviously you lot are a bunch of soft cunts
Marijuana gives you a superior buzz kiddo
It takes the edge off just the same, without any risk of stumbling or bumbling around like an idiot.
why did you reply to me?
Because he's a stupid drunk.
Like the Bible says booze is a mocker, it makes you do dumb shit.
as i said, soft cunt
you're a fucking degenerate, having no issue with weed but thinking that alcohol is the devils tap water, go fuck yourself, all my ancestors drunk and i turned out just fine, obviously your ancestors didnt drink enough cause you turned out a fucking faggot
Jesus turned water into wine.
Many times when the Bible refers to wine it's talking about fruit juice. Drinking a small amount of wine to avoid shitting your guts out drinking dirty water is fine, but the Bible is very clear on alcohol and it's effects and since Jesus was without sin, he never drank to excess.
That's because can-nabis comes from can-aan. The jews who wrote your stupid book used to use it in their canaanite religious orgies.
of course the kike worshipper wants to stop everyone taking part in a time honoured european tradition, your jewish god wouldnt have it any other way
>drinking has been a european tradition for centuries
Well then, I suppose Eurape's contemporary self-destruction is nothing new after all.
you dont HAVE to you hedonistic, control-less, willpower-less lazy sack of shit. Post a recent pic of your body, i want to laugh at the jostling layers of fat under your tshirt
>when the Bible refers to wine it's talking about fruit juice
>They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
There's nothing wrong with getting high after a long day's work.
It's only degenerate if you give it to kids.
I swear that's the most bottom of the barrel argument against loving truth and I see it all over Sup Forums.
God doesn't love the Jews. They're the anti-christ, the synagogue of satan, Jesus called them the children of the devil.
your jewish god has been worse for europe than weed or alcohol could ever be, and have some fucking respect for your ancestors, cant say im surprised a christcuck doesnt care about their traditions though
>be no among winebibbers
>oh yeah Jesus drank all the time, let's get shitfaced!
>Satan's right for once
Can’t wait for the fbi raid
i guess allthat shit about gods chosen people must be made up then
Me too
CNN is disgusting
Who'd have thunk the Jews would lie?
He who have not he son the same has not the father, so the Jews rejected the god of Abraham when they rejected Christ.
Upon Christ's death, the Covenant between Abraham and God passed on to all people through the free gift of salvation...and kikes have been salty ever since.
I really don't care anymore, let them live in their drug addled kike run hellscape. The country and their minds are irredeemable.
Yeah, it is.
I think you're leaving out an important detail: How Jesus was killed by the kikes who despised him.
Go read the New Testament, you might learn something of value there.
I think it should be legal but fuck if I don't hate the "stoner culture".
Who cares.
>cant say im surprised a christcuck doesnt care about their traditions though
>a christcuck
user, don't slander me.
Same. It's not the drug, it's the fucking stupid culture around it that makes people degenerates.
The big cities are going to turn to shit in the next 50 years.
Never take the black pill Sup Forums Normal white people exist outside major cities and they hate city folk, especially white liberals.
The problem is they don't stay in their fucking cities. The whole country is lost because the people who vote to destroy the places they live just get up and move when they get tired with dealing with the consequences.
Fun fact about weed.
It turns people into zombies.
I prefer coffee / cocaine.
There is a reason ex crack smokers are often self made millionaires or billionaires and wealthy weed smokers are just riding a shitty dude weed meme that generates money from other weed smoking idiots.
marijuana is the drug of the mediocre.
>I fucking hate how I have to degenerate my body with alcohol
>he smokes weed
>he has to drink when not smoking weed
>he can't into sobriety
Like I'd trust Satan's opinion
Ride the Tiger, niggers
TRTC, 100k shares. Most long. watch how much i make after selling 1/3 this week.
It was like fruit juice in that it's alcoholic content was low
Fermentation was used to preserve and protect people from disease
It was the exact same with mead and ale in Europe, it was just safer to drink than water in cities
Today's drinks have higher alcoholic content, but obviously if you drink enough you'll end up drunk, just had to drink more
daily reminder that weed makes your testicles not work so good
Weed in California is full of pesticides and fungicides.
OH NO the harmless drug that's less powerful than coffee is getting consumed. What should we do!?
Look up what wine was like in the time of the Romans to blow your little noggin
Jesus didn't forsee the crazy high alcohol content wines we can produce today just like the founding fathers couldn't forsee automatic weapons
All of these media outlets and corporate America who owns them know that legalization is inevitable. If you want to know why anything happens, follow the fucking money.
In the times of the romans they made their wine with unsafe metals and turned retarded as a result.
Coffee is weaker than smoking, dumbass
Unless you meant pure caffine, then I guess you are right?
>Jesus was a retard who went about the countryside poisoning the poor
You better fucking take that back before I have to come over there bud
Their water was filled with lead as well
>hey guys lets go take a puff of that wacky reefer yo nigga
>nah man it's got no bad properties homie it's not like it fucks up your balls or it makes you super docile and non-productive padre
The founding fathers literally owned repeating rifles, and they could imagine quite a long way in advance
Whatever. I'd rather pot be normalized than half the other shit liberal Hollywood elites want to push.
This is supposed to be a nation of laws, and while I’m for legalization at the federal level, I’m not for California’s soft secession shit. It’s time for a crackdown.
You wanna say that again with your hand on the Bible and our lord and saviour Jesus Christ (amen) watching down upon us from His father's kingdom?
They were chosen to bring christ into the world. Then they killed him. Now they are no longer chosen. You get it?
>repeating rifles are on the same level as an assault rifle
>repeating rifles in the early 1800s that weren't massive pieces of shit
>implying autist don't smoke weed
>the founding fathers couldn't foresee that technology that advanced in their lifetime would advance further in the future
drinking became a european tradition because the fucking water was too dirty to drink you cunt
mexicans drink coke instead of their tap water because it isn't dirty
this really gets my goat.
Traudick helped Hillary sell neuclear materials to our "enemy" the bad Russians. You enmassed 90% of your population within 100mi of our northern border in preparation for invasion? And you want our guns? You nuts? Did you know English army came to Lexington and Concord to CONFISCATE our guns and cannons right? I don't think you canuks want a war with US.
PS Canadian beer sucks
Hey that guy's a faggot and he's gay, please don't insult our beer. Just because you can't drink till 2 years later doesn't mean you can take out you frustration on our top notch high quality fine Canadian brew.
It's time to end degeneracy and promote Nazgoth.
What do you think the future will be in 200 years? Hell, 100 even?
They couldn't predict that fucking far, and you have to be naive to think anyone could, yes even the founding fathers couldn't.
I was just making a reference to the movie Canadian Bacon. I know he's a fag. Just trolling him
There is nothing wrong with weed. Sounds like OP cant handle it. Or he's been brainwashed. Probably both
If anything they'd have overpredicted the advancement. In the 60s we thought we'd have flying cars. They probably thought there'd be rapid fire long intercontinental guided shell artillery cannons by the 1900s.
I can see right through your posturing because I have the only Weapon any man will ever need in my side: the WORD of the LORD. I don't fear you or your guns, they are only good for killing amongst yourselves, THINNING YOUR OWN RANKS. Beer like wine is nothing but Satan's temptation and of your think you can lift finger to me whole drinking your swill and waving your toys around you well be laughing out the other side of your face and I will have the last laugh.
>tfw no big titty goth gf
Canadian beer sucks is fighting words in Canada, well gun control is a fighting words down in the states
*drinks 50 shots of vodka and drives into oncoming traffic*
The only Canadians who don't like guns are the Canadians who can't drink real beer so they drink craft microbrew samplers.
Holy shit that get
oh yeah they used it just like we use water today, there wasn't any influence to it's use based on the mental effects it has, makes perfect sense, it's not like it played a key role in many of their ceremonial customs.
Mexicans are already dirty. Drinking dirty water wouldn't make them any dirtier you fucking dolt.
>*drinks 50 shots of vodka and then smokes weed and then drives into oncoming traffic*
I had to hear all the look at me I'm smoking weed stuff on the news last night.
>the WORD of the LORD
Mohammed is dead
Mohamed was a pedophile
>be 2 days ago
>on Sup Forums
>anons having a 'heroin' thread
>''you don't like shooting up before you go cruise on the highway or get sit by the beach user?''
>''It makes everything KINO''
That little experience made me stop giving the slightest fuck about weed smokers. Weed didn't kill 65,000 (literally) white people in a single year like opiates.
as a good wageslave, I make sure to never smoke weed.
#1: Weed literally kills your brain cells.
#2: Weed is highly addictive. You will need more as you adapt to your intake and then eventually, you will be smoking 20 joints in a day.
#3: There is no such thing as a functioning stoner.
#4: It permanently alters your brain to be unable to regulate itself emotionally after just 1 year of usage.
#5: No drug culture is more full of lies and peer pressure than weed.
#6: If you ever quit or try, you will want another joint for the rest of your life.
Weed is just as dangerous as any mood altering drug and/or pain killer. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't let anyone make the conversation about whataboutism. Don't do drugs.
I could give a fuck less about legalization, but do you care to source your arguments?
Wow, what a horrible comparison.
This is 100% true. Anyone who has any stoner friends can attest to this.
You can find many informational things about pot addiction. The addiction rate is 9%. For comparison, addiction to alcohol is 15%.
>20 joints a day
>#6: If you ever quit or try, you will want another joint for the rest of your life.
I stopped smoking years ago and don't even think about it, you're an idiot
>Weed literally kills your brain cells
THC forms a protective shield around neurons. You are literally retarded.
>Weed is highly addictive. You will need more as you adapt to your intake and then eventually, you will be smoking 20 joints in a day.
>There is no such thing as a functioning stoner.
>It permanently alters your brain to be unable to regulate itself emotionally after just 1 year of usage.
Citation needed.
You sound completly uneducated and brainwashed by anti-drug propoganda.
inb4 this was bait
I can see why most of the autistic faggots don't like weed since you have to have friends to get any.
>ex crack smokers are often self made millionaires or billionaires
Stoners aren't people.
I'd rather we push for /nazemo/
>Life sucks so bad he NEEDS drugs
Christianity is fucking garbage foreign Middle Eastern Jewish imported religion