Dear California,
You made your state a fucking dump now fucking stay there. GTFO of Arizona you clueless liberal shit brians. Go back and enjoy the swamp you created.
Best regards,
All states near commiefornia
Dear California,
You made your state a fucking dump now fucking stay there. GTFO of Arizona you clueless liberal shit brians. Go back and enjoy the swamp you created.
Best regards,
All states near commiefornia
why don't you actually say this to the californians in real life rather than post this on a right leaning board with people who agree and vote like you?
shut up dry desert shithole, cali is the best
>wanting to step foot in that shithole arizona
don't worry, i wouldn't go near your desert of filth
Im from California and I now live in East Gilbert. Im not liberal by any means but the hot weather fucking sucks both here and in CA. I really just want to live in Colorado desu
Arizona truly is the best state.
I flip them off when I drive. Does that count?
I do all the time. I call them "cuckafornia rapefugees."
California can secede if they want. I'll allow it. Good fuckin' riddance.
Fuck off we're full.
We do.
>t. Arizonan
AZ fag reporting in. Fuck gay Commiefornia
>you created
it was the federal government that flooded california with illegals. Californians voted against this consistently
It was the red state evangelical retards from the south and the midwest behind this policy
>insults 'Commiefornia'
>has communist star on state flag
Top lel m8 you already lost it won’t be long until your state turns blue. Sheriff Joe being ousted, McCain splitting the republicans, flooded with illegals. The writing is on the wall. Tick tock.
Thats cool and all but was is not cool is californias moving here and telling people Arizona needs to be more California. If you like it so much then go back.
Once this wall with mexico is done we need one with California
Thats a copper star m8. We actually have natural resource that we know how to use leaf, unlike you and your sticky tree juice.
You should count yourself lucky that we are shifting your demographic towards progress, you rural and suburban retards.
Better state flag.
Fuck off we're full.
show flag
Arizona sucks ball.
t. Californian
Az fag here. Fucking love this state except for the dps faggots who patrol our highways
It's for copper you dumb fucking moron. I bet you think the US flag has "50 communist stars on it" too
Day of the rake when?!
safety corridor lmao
Moving to AZ later this year. More Californians move to Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado, and Texas every day
Deal with it :)
arizona is a shithole.
> wondering why shit tier people go to your state still.
have a nice day arizonafag
colorado is a shithole but with snow.
Fuck off cunt. We're full.
No one wants to live there but nasty ass white people. Fuck cuckarado
oh look, another cali hate thread.
fuck off, arizona - no one ever takes your shit state seriously.
kys, faggot.