/biz/ tax evasion

boards.Sup Forums.org/biz/thread/5719363/

So /biz/ are using lesser-known "cash out" services to avoid paying taxes on BTC.

How do we stop them?

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fuck the IRS

kys kike

It just means they’re smart traders

taxation is theft desu


you really have to ask?

Let them think they are smart and earn prison sentences. The clamp down on crypto is only in it's infancy and will get progressively stricter as time moves on.

I turned a 70 dollar joke investment into 30k so far. I'm happy to pay taxes on it to stay on the right side of the law. All these greedy people will deserve everything they get.

The thing is that I use this as well.
The IRS doesn’t give a fuck about $1k or $500 cashouts.
It’s the crypto millionaires they’re worried about

you're a good man
while I agree that 500 or 1000 isn't much, it's still a taxable amount of money.

Hey it's the IRS again!
Why are you bothering Sup Forums with the /biz/ crypto bullshit?


I just think it's stupid that making huge amounts of cash with imaginary internet money is a reason to avoid taxes

I owe the state nothing!

eat my dick


Find a way to doxx them privately.. then report the to IRS for a reward on anything collected. Cha-ching! Legal cash.

You would be correct. You have to understand you're dealing with incredibly entitled people though. As it stands crypto is a giant ponzi scheme. There is no real use for the block chain after a decade outside of criminality and trying to cheat the state and others out of money.

They cannot wrap their twisted minds around the fact that they owe the state by virtue of the fact that the state secures their ability to even pursue their endeavors. If the world operated the way they think it should there would not even be power to keep their computers on much less engage in what they are doing.

It's going to be a good day when people start to pay an actual price for being scum bags.

Let's take a look at how bitflur does cash outs.

People want to believe that they can escape taxes through these methods.

>Sell Bitcoin for Bluebird American Express

>Sell Bitcoin for Serve American Express

>Sell Bitcoin for PayPal

>Sell Bitcoin for Google Wallet

>Sell Bitcoin for Amazon Gift Codes

All of those institutions are beholden to the state. All the state has to do is tell any of these institutions that it wants the consumer data for any transactions made that are related to those services. This will give the state probable cause to audit those individuals. Once tax evasion is established it's prison sentences and massive fines for people that thought they were smart.

Truth is they probably will. This is a lot of fairly small transactions. Like somebody sends another person a gift based on Amazon wish list and also collecting some BTC at the same time.

>They cannot wrap their twisted minds around the fact that they owe the state by virtue of the fact that the state secures their ability to even pursue their endeavors.
You have such a naive view of the US government if you actually think it protects us from anything except foreign invasion. Although I don't think our nuclear arsenal costs trillions of dollars to maintain each year.