These cunts piss me off and I can't pinpoint why. Is it the moral fagging? The fact they can't form their own arguments? Where the fuck do they come from? Socialists that have realised the cultural change in the tides? They are degenerate nerdy fuck wombles that aren't fooling anyone. They're like cod players teamed up with faggots that play magic the gathering grew up went to university and found a fanbase in sargon of cuckad. Can we finally denounce this?
What do you hate most about 'Sargonites'?
Skeptics: a community of Youtubers who believe in science, for example the theory of evolution, and oppose creationism. Except for humans, who were indeed created equal.
They're pseudointellectual charlatans who aren't discussing a fucking thing of any meaning to anyone
They're right wing soy boys.
Autistic, good-goy reddit scum/centrist idiots.
Sargon looks and acts like a smug-noxious ashkenazi jew.
"classical liberals" who are actually just alt-babies who aspire to be as pseudo-edgy and pseudo-intellectual as their university drop-out failure of a cult leader
The Skeptic community is done.
Kraut has left.
Andy has accepted race realism
Aydin is /ourgirl/ becoming Alt-Right
Doxx Holiday is a complete joke
Armoured Gregory got fucked by Logicked
When Sargon gets wrecked by JF, that'll be the nail in the coffin.
Their pseudism, their arrogance, and ironically enough, their close mindedness. They don't argue or debate in good faith and refuse to learn anything other than pure liberal 'centrist' non-sense. They're cult like, and I'm glad the Kraut and Tea thing has happened. I'm glad that their circlejerk turned out to be a scam. I'm glad they're falling apart and losing traction.
They're the biggest collectivists on the internet, despite all their shrieks about how everybody else is a collectivist.
This as well. What's their purpose? To save Western civilization? Don't make me fucking laugh. As if Western civilization was created by a bunch of overweight, atomized """individuals""" who do nothing but try to suck off the wallets of teenage brainlets or worse adult brainlets
How many times does that fat fuck need to be obliterated and humiliated in debate before it sticks? It's unreal. The facade was weak to begin with but any remnant of a shred of credibility was absolutely and totally incinerated by Diana Davison.
They have uninformed opinions and they tend to be SJWs of the right waiting to happen.
Plus if they were half as smart as a rock they'd be suspicious of anyone using a Babylonian as an avatar.
They're just edgy leftists
remember when that faggot was on joe rogans podcast?
>but joe! she picked on me FIRST!
for atleast 30 minutes
holy shit hes a whiny bitch. devote your life to somthing other then arguing with people on the internet.
honestly - sargon is actually a nice dude. but one thing (and i see a lot of Brits do that) is that he sometimes believes his own lies just for the sake of keeping his worldview and confidence together. he then obviously rationalizes them and only ever sees what fits his own view and consequently denies everything else - even worse he just loudly propagate it as truth. i don't know if Brits are the most autistic of whites - it may very well be. but they also draw pride out of self-lies which makes it seem arrogant from time to time. trust your intuition and instincts (it made you great in the first place)! just my humble opinion. same goes for vee by the way. that's why he seems annyoing to a lot of people - i guess.
Go take your nice guy badge and shove it up your ass. The world is filled with "nice" guys but it's also going to shit because people are going against the truth and reality since those things aren't "nice." Fuck your type Kraut, I'm glad Germany has become the shit hole it is due to the naivety of your kind.
the brutality of your statement doesn't trigger me. nice try.
His insistence that Trump is dumb.
It reminds me I'm wasting my life listening to a retard hobbled by the Dunnig-Kruger effect.
I'm glad the genetic trauma from marauding canadian invaders sticking bayonets into german foreheads has hardened you Hans
This. I'm a bible thumper but I don't pick and choose what is science n what is not.
This post sounds like it was written by a 12 year old with autism trying to sound important/knowledgable.
Plebbit really has contaminated this board with a major case of the stupid.
genetic trauma - oy vey
>Not realizing Trump is a zionist stooge.
Germans are by far the most Autistic. All of German Idealism was just artists arguing with each other about tiny largely unimportant details about logic and the nature of reality.
Not meant as an insult, I am 75% German Euromutt myself.
>plebbit spacing
>overt shilling
>wrong year
Why the fuck are you all going after this dude?
Go after the dickhead Krauts. There's plenty of them. This guy is cool.
That they try to look at things "critically" without rralizing that criticism is a weapon of the jews that was invented in cultural marxism to deconstruct white identity.
He sounds like he's smart with his accent which is why cucks n idiots follow his dumb ass off a cliff.
It's mostly Americans who think having a Brit accents makes you automatically smart.
They are incredibly dishonest with their arguments against RR and act just like the SJWs they pretend to hate. Go ahead and tell them that evolution doesn't stop at the head and watch them chimp out.
Fuck off e celeb loser.
Das a real early fail main
Another one of these threads.
You faggots gather here like a group of women ready to talk shit about Susan's new boyfriend, you reek of jealousy.
Why isn't a single one of you going after him?
I've seen at least 3 posts from you faggots claiming Sarogn ''believes his own lies'', then why aren't you calling him out?
What is stopping any of you from debating him like many have done before and show him his lies to his face?
In fact, many of you have actually tried too go after him and he has destroyed you in both, videos and comments, what makes you think any of you bunch of randoms can actually pull something that hasn't been thrown at him before? What makes you think you won't get completely destroyed?
When did this board become a gathering of manlets and faggots constantly posting about their loved/hated ecelebs?
Stay in your seats pretending to be intellectuals and hating on the fat fuck all you want, you are just a bunch of cucks
Let me put some more pepper on that one
Faggots talking shit on Sargon are scared to go after him
>The fact they can't form their own arguments?
t. autist who hates sargon because he provides arguments the alt-right cant answer beyond "well I FEEL a certain way so..."
The fact that they are liars. Pic related, their bullshit like muh horseshoe theory collapses with a little bit of scrutiny.
shut up Vee, ffs
>polgbt is nu-pol
only the gay jew server. our server is better
They're fucking pseudo intellectuals, every question is a smug "gotcha" question, they often don't make any good arguments, it is all just edgy teen bullshit. Yeah, fuck them.Their ideology is fucking cringe worthy unrealistic bullshit anyway.
Carl is not in any way, shape or form a leftist, except perhaps if your point of reference is thevery extreme of the far-right.
Confirmed Sup Forums won't go after Sargon not even when taunted, didn't think you'd all be so helplessly scared of the fat fuck.
lmfao bunch of shit talking cucks
>hey, fuck you guys, me and my wife's kids are both big Sargon fans!
This board is complete cancer now.
>Yes I am too scared to go after him
Okie dokie
These skeptics and rationalists don't understand the ethics of the secular ideologies conceived during the Enlightenment had to conform with the ethics of Christianity out of necessity, and their values are still being influenced by the specter of Christianity.
Minus the edge.
King of Pseuds. Sargie relishes his position in the sceptic community as the defacto leader/figure-head and wants to keep all the perks that come with the respect people lavish upon him whilst also rejecting all responsibility that such a person is expected accept is our societies.
>Is it the moral fagging?
It's the hypocrisy of the moral-fagging given what I wrote above. Moral-fagging is especially grating when it's coming from the blustering inflated ego of a fat, lazy narcissist.
>The fact they can't form their own arguments?
Sargon likes to pontificate, except that every time he does so he demonstrates that he is completely clueless about everything from epistemology to his own lack of self-awareness. It's the dissonance between his over-bearing smugness and his obvious incompetence that makes him so grating. He isn't well read or intelligent enough to pull off Christopher Hitchens' swagger.
you will notice it is mostly shit skinned flags that support Sargon further proof that minorities will always advocate their interests over whites.