Why are their mouths always open now?
Why are their mouths always open now?
Cock, its subliminal.
They're trying to be funny by exaggerating how excited they are. Why does this bother you autismos so much?
They're acting like women with high estrogen levels, being over dramatic & excited at every little turn in their cookie cutter world
I don't get it, I never smile in my pictures, straight face no matter what.
Demon possession.
It's for click bait. Seriously, read anything on ad psychology. They're just soyboys so they look gay af doing it.
Look in those eyes, do they look happy to you?
Holy fuck it hurts my soul to see these fucking photos
They don't work for nintendo
Exaggerated excitement to cover the fact that they are empty and unhappy. The childish things they enjoyed as a kid now have lost their spark/zest. They don’t want to grow up but they know deep down that’s not how an adult is supposed to act.
Anybody think it is a side effect of pysch meds?
does owning a VR headset make you a nu-male?
I'm asking for a friend
Nah. It's a subconscious submission signal in primates.
wut? But its showing teeth, wouldn't that be threatening signal?
shouldn't you be in bed by now kid?
Becaus the human race Is FUCKeD and this is a reminder it’s autistic not to care kid
They have lockjaw from negroid penises.
That's because you are autistic.
It's a meme as far as I can tell. It's repeated but no one seems to want to flesh it out so I don't take it seriously (pretty good MO for here).
lizards have their maffs opened when threatened
I mean it is looks like they are presenting their throat for cock like a female presents its ass. Don't submissive dogs open their mouth like a yawn?
No, they really don't when you look at them.
I don't get guys who are this overjoyed at getting a $200 piece of hardware or a $6 box of cereal.
Is there any single reason to get the nintendo switch?
easier to suck cock like that
Nothing is more cringe than basement dwelling neets being armchair psychologists and citing some made up evolutionist theory to explain what they don't understand.
Faux excitement
They're always ready to prep the bull like the cucks that they are.
they think they're making this face :D
Im not a soyboy for having a gaming system in the house. Now i do see your point these guys all open mouthed and like 30 years old are definitely soy boysm probably living with parents working part time at best. But hell ive got a nintendo wii and a ps2 i bought from pawn shops. Ill not have a ps4 with the vr goggles till i can get it for maybe 70 bucks. In like 12 years or so. And at that time my son and i will enjoy the hell out of it. But there will be strict rules on the gaming. No more than an hour or two, about as long as it takes to watch a movie, and only on weekends or holidays... now if we are having a game night were we play through until dawn or resident evil 7 on a special holiday or something then i might fudge the 2 hour limit for that one day only.
Gaming can be a problem. But its not the fault of the game. These wimpy little soy boys would find a way to be wimpy little soy boys one way or another. In the 70s they smoked pot and did drugs all day or got drunk and played dungeons and dragons while they guzzled down soda and scarfed up cheetos.
open your mouth more bitch, maybe the pain will go away
Another sign of a soyboy is pajamas. I havent owned panamas since I was 14 I sleep in boxers and thats it, the true white mans sleep wear is boxers only
There is not a single good reason, plenty of stupid reasons
soyboy detected
My question is: how do you guys see these soyboys? Are you friends with soyboys on jewbook or something? Just as bad
Here's the most updated version.
Good question
They're all waiting for a BBC to fill their mouths.
Are you new to the internet?
Actually, this is.
I add them as I find them.
>sleeping with boxywoxys on
real men sleep naked next to their wife who is also naked.
Im 19 I dont have a wife because im busy on tinder raping women
Sleeping in any clothing is uncomfortable and unnecessary.
Smiling is a sign in the simian world one is submissive and doesn't bite, the same principles apply.
god speed
Hey screw you im a chad and i love my pajama pants. Pajamas cannot be part of the soy boy criteria. Its all about how much pot you smoke, vidya you play, beer you drink. Its hoe many potato chips and candy you eat. Its wether or not you live with parents, or have a wife and kids. Its wether or not your in the service. Its how much or hoe little you pump weights. Its wether or not your a vegetarian(your a soyboy if your a veggie). If yoir liberal your a soyboy. But... if you eat soy you can still be a manly man so long as you lift alot, are in the service, are conservative, and have a wife and kid. And feel free to wear pajamas so long as you meet the manly man criteria.
They want some of that cosmoline
nothing is more cringe than your mouth being open for cock in every pic faggot
Mario Odyessy is pretty fun. Not sure if its worth buying the console though.
They have lockjaw, it's a serious medical condition, don't be mean.
Aside from being an effeminate facial expression, it's also part of a fake-it-to-make-it happiness strategy.
>Jakers is very much excite about new toy, new parents, idk how u do it ?
Jesus, he's got like a gram loaded in that bowl.
because thats a neo geo pocket color in limited edition , patrician shit mang
love /vr/
It really is faking happiness. When you see a truly happy man he doesn't have to smile like an idiot for you to know he's happy.
..What? No he doesn't. Even if he does, are you implying that a gram is a lot?
>you should only be smoking a spec of weed once a week
And about 50 grams of sugar floating in soy milk.
arr rook the same: white edition