Can you explain why this is wrong if everyone consents and they use protection? Short of pregnancy, there's nothing wrong. Most teens want to fuck their parents anyway
What's wrong with incest?
>being a good girl for Daddy
If there is no pregnancy and it is consensual there is nothing inherently wrong with incest, but those two reasons are pretty hard to overcome in most societies.
>be 23 y/o
>live with parents
>mom goes "brush your hair you cant go out with your hair sticking up like that"
>she does it literally every time
>want to say "fuck you leave me alone my hair is none of your business" because i never comb my hair i dont care about combing my hair
>if i did say "no" and tried to disobey , she would instantly take away my computer because its her house and she can or say if you dont like it you need to leave i make the rules
only a witch would abuse their power like this
thats the story of my life pretty much
Your story gave me blue balls and cancer.
wtf I thought this was going to be hot
lmao fuck off dude.
She's just negging you. Tell her you're a bad boy who needs a spanking
> didn't pay for computer
It's not your computer, user.
Nothing wrong when she consents
And a little extra pocket money never hurt anybody
It's fornication for one. But ultimately right or wrong can't be proved. Like if I asked *what would be wrong with me walking up behind you and smashing you in the head with a hammer 50 times and then jamming a screwdriver in your eye socket*. You couldn't prove that was wrong either.
Look up child grooming
Go back to your trailer park, OP
I fucked a girl who looked remarkably similar to this a few nights ago. Makes me sad that I will probably never see her again:(
>Most teens want to fuck their parents anyway
Appeal to (lol) popularity. Not an argument.
as a wyte male i find many of the females in my family attractive and/or built. but i have never thought of any of them in a sexual way other than to warn them about too much cleavage or skirt too short
A good father teaches his daughter of sex and what men want from it.
>23 y/o
>live with parents
Move the fuck out like an adult and all of your problems will be solved, homo.
Father/daughter is the purest form of love. Girl's father made her and raises her, and loves her more tahn anyone else could, it is only right for him to express his love for with sex.
>Pocket money
The word you were looking for is "allowance"
I guess you're too autistic to see that your mother loves you more than her own life eh?
>daughter sits on fathers lap
Fuck off you rat kike. You dirty oven dodging bastards have sexualized everything in our society to the point where a daughter can't sit in her father's lap without you kike motherfuckers saying their is some kind of incestual relationship. May God send you all back to hell, you children of satan.